Crypto fans here?

Crypto currency that I know is when you pay over the odds for some mdma and once you take it you can’t move. Sorry that’s crippled currency :rofl::v: jokes :v:

So I won an NFT on crypto dot com… using their supercharger (liquidity pool?) Is there anything I need to know before selling it lol. I got it listed for 5g but im seeing offers in the 400$ range. Hell id be happy with 20

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Lol I ended up listing it for 522$ … sold over night, wtf


Well now your a little richer lol


Do you guys think NFT’s will eventually be sold on personal websites instead of having to use the current ones?

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28 posts were split to a new topic: OG bank exchange

i bought bitcoin at 900$ in 2017

the first time i read about bitcoin the price are 7$/15$


I still think there’s gonna be another crypto rug coming. Saving my cash for btc $5k.

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The stories of people going through garbage piles trying to find old hard drives…lol :joy::joy::rofl:


Agreed. Not exactly a crypto rug-pull though, so much as the Fed not budging an inch despite people getting overexcited at the prospect of liquidity being available again. They’ve stopped raising by 750bp every month, yes, but 500bp a month is still extreme tightening and they intend to continue until inflation is under control. If they can’t bring USD inflation under control without causing another global recession, the dollar bubble will pop and the US hegemony that’s been the status quo since WW2 will fail; it’s only a matter of time. If they bring inflation under control, the status quo continues until something worse comes along to pop that bubble.

One thing to remember through all this, if you’re investing in crypto and actually want to keep your investment yours: not your keys, not your crypto. Don’t just trust Sam Bankman-Fried or the next smooth-talking con man to keep your money safe for you while you invest in this revolutionary new technology that’s allowing people to be their own bank. Use the technology to actually be your own bank. :stuck_out_tongue:


Around when bitcoin first started in like 2008, I bought bitcoins just as a novelty to spend them at the first place in san francisco that accepted bitcoins. I bought 2 slices of pizza.

I can’t remember exactly how the transaction worked, but I used a Pocket PC, which should give you an idea of how early this was.

I decided that buying pizza with digital currency was just a pain in the ass, and I have never considered any kind of involvement with crypto currency since. Interesting as a tech curiosity, not something I would want to use as currency or investment. The restaurant did not accept bitcoin for long before abandoning that idea.

Pocket PC’s were awesome though, they should make a comeback. That was a very powerful tool.

I wish that smartphone tech had continued to develop along the lines of computers. Instead we got computers that were dumbed down to have similar interfaces to smart phones, starting with windows 8. It doesn’t look like that trend will reverse any time soon.


I hold a few different coins , I let them all sit besides eth and btc those i regularly sell at the peaks and buy back at the Low the others are more comical wishful thinking like the thousands of doge I got when it was like a third of a cent and millions of shibu lol


It is… if you have access to a halfway-stable currency, responsibly-managed banks, and don’t have anyone trying to send you currency cross-borders with cumulative transfer/conversion fees of 40% or so, there’s very little reason to care about Bitcoin as a day-to-day currency. The thing is, something like 80% of the world doesn’t have access to those things. They’re reserved for people in the dollar bubble. In theory we want them for the rest of the world too, but only if Liz Warren is firmly in control of when, how and who gets to use them. Since I don’t think she’s gonna unclench any time soon, I’m continuing to HODL while I see how things shake out. My cost basis is $0 at this point, so worst case I lose the house’s money. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah, fair enough. That’s where I see potential for good in this technology.


Yeah you would think Shibu Inu was just a Doge coin clone, but it’s not!!




This thread didn’t die did it? I’m still a huge fan of crypto!!! :grin::wink:


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Making money for the customers…:grin:

Anyone want to talk about web3 exchanges?

Second greatest thing since sliced bread :bread:!!


Anyone know the Shibarium project? Bought some $dogpad for their launchpad. Just wondering if anyone else holding shib or in on any other shibarium projects?

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For sure… good grab on dogpad… if it’s anything like $BONE it should take off…

I’ve been holding onto about 5mil $shib since early last year… did have 20 but had to sell when it ate all those 0s last year and take a vacation…

I hold for extra fun money lol usually isn’t alot.

However, with the shibarium launch I’d hope to see things spike back up again… last week was a fun little rally and shib has lost most of its gains since, but it’s just the start… I’m not saying crypto winter is over yet, but I think the bulls are pushing back against the bears and gaining some ground.

Also keep in mind income tax time for the states so will probably be a month or so of decent buy cycles, so it’ll give some boost ahead of shibarium, I think.

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