Crypto fans here?

Btc still showing sign of bear market…lower lows and lower highs since Oct 2022. I’m thinking that little rally recently is the big dogs getting ready to pull the rug on hopeful retail again. I’ve got a little bit of cash sitting idle, waiting for the time to buy a whole bitcoin…lol.

Shib, doge and shitcoins are definitely fun to play with. Recently got a sniper bot from telegram…can set buy and sell limits, stop losses, etc, so makes capital preservation easy. Been flipping for pennies, but still in the green.

Hoping for the best for all of us hodlers!


I bought about 5000 doge at .03 another 2500 at .05 and .07… rode that to .78… when I tell you that I’ve never been so damn scared to lose money hahaha

750$ compound investment cashed out about 11k$, bought back in on a slight dip , then some asshat had to call it a hustle and have me losing 1500$ everytime he said doge… ended off cashing out a little under 3k because of stagger sells and sell limits

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Wow!!! Solid play, buddy!!! Risky averaging up, but the fomo and hype was hitting hard around then! …and selling at .78 …your timing was awesome! Did you sell at .78 on the way down or on the way up (before Elon on SNL)? That crash after his dogefather skit…ooof.
Amazing roi for you, man!!! Well played!!

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Up, then caught a dip at like .72 then the rise and fall and overall screaming at the TV and Binance app lol

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Shit…missed this part…lol…damn paperhands and fudders always ruining a good run…lol.

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If you’re not doing this, you’re not cryptoing properly.

Some of my best times was going green to red and then freaking out in the telegram rooms…lol…good times.

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You use binance and not a personal wallet? What’s the advantage of paying binance fees? (Besides automation)



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I have a personal wallet i hold my crypto in so I don’t use it.

And in terms of the binance fees, almost 0 anyway, especially for low value coins and transactions… only real hit comes from transferring coin to someone else from a binance wallet… give someone 16mil shib binance is gonna take like 5mil…

Otherwise, the only thing I do anymore is spend a little extra money into shib… I haven’t had the “stare at the lines til I’m sick” need in quite a while lol

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Hmm, can you trade on margin or do they offer prorated quotes on the exchange?

– I’m not sure about a prorated crypto exchange…


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I honestly have no idea… I’m sure the web based version has a bit more features than the app does…

More recently I’ve been studying forex and find it a bit more reasonable as an investment opportunity.

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Yea definitely…plus you can always trade on margin. (Westinghouse Classics – revised)


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I’ve been playing around with a free money account for a couple weeks and trying to figure it out… also have an app that has training videos and explains terms and such… very detailed and hooooours of videos.

When I get a little better at it with fake money version maybe I’ll try it out for real.

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The beauty is a lot of older investment banks have prorated bonds and commodities…they basically function as private exchanges at a discount.


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There used to be an app called green space or something… You could play with CO2 credits, NFTs, charitable work. VERY simple interface, nearly a game if it wasn’t so simple… Not sure what happened to it, but the idea is fantastic :heart_eyes:! Make a bottle cap collection! (We’ve got time)

– Can anyone say baud rate?

– “Bullet, or should I say wallet time !!” :fire:


What is a digital renewable asset?? :slightly_smiling_face:!!!



Looks like we’ve got another crash coming. Idiots pouring their money into hyped dog-coins on a whim because Elon posted a picture of a cute doggie usually means the top, if past is precedent.

I like how dumb articles say “oh it’s soaring!”

Doge has gained what like 2% in the last 24hrs… oh yea, that’s a soaring coin right there.


Looked like around 6% day-to-day last I checked. That’s a pretty extreme move for most markets, though crypto is obviously more exaggerated. The S&P is down a quarter of a point in the same time period and has been every day this week, so risk/reward should be skewed to the bears on a macro level. It’s not because crypto Twitter thinks they’ve managed to intimidate the Fed into going back to loose financial conditions, which seems like a bad bet to me. :man_shrugging: But yeah, reporters like to use highly dramatic words as clickbait. I wouldn’t have used the word soaring, but it’s up more than other sectors and it seems unwarranted given the macro/regulatory landscape. Gensler has all but flat-out said he’s gonna go after all the exchanges for unregistered securities and nobody seems to care.

That said, I’m not putting my money where my mouth is and selling my BTC. :wink: Even if I might be able to use wash sale rules and mitigate the taxes by buying lower, it’s a weird market and I could easily be wrong. I have been plenty of times before.

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Idk I bought a lot of doge at .03 then sold it at .68 and bought back at .15 , so far the dog coin has been good to me.
If it goes above or close to the previous high I will sell again and buy it back in the following correction :wink:
It’s still worth close to 3x what I originally paid and I’ve already made my original invest back so I say
doge to the moon.


So I’m sitting here thinking about finances and shit…and it struck me, ya know how I have mentioned using a coin to get “free” supplies…well random asks but it’s free we don’t want that you have to charge…well guess what dude? Why don’t I just use the coin, sell the stuff for free, and then write a bond for the value of said stuff and sell it on the market! Ya happy now :wink:? Plus I just doubled my money by selling the bond…I know I know the coin might not be worth too much … … :man_superhero:

Figured it should be said… :supervillain:

Can we call it the hat trick…:wink:… … Please? :wink:


:shark::shark::pray: “Now that’s a spicy meatball !”

