Current Sour Bubble

So I’m a long time fan of Sour Bubble. I had the pleasure to try what I honestly think is the best plant ever found through BOG seeds from a friend known as PK back on Icmag. This stuff was levels above anything I’ve ever had. The taste on this stuff was completely unique and bold. A flavor explosion that lingered for a good while after even. I’ve never had anything that even comes close to his SB in this category. The smell was spot on dank sour milk, but in the best way possible. Such an amazing plant. He selected this plant from Bx3 packs back in early 2010s.

So anyways… I got lucky the other day and scored a pack of SB through SHN. How does the current sb compare to the genetics back then? The sour lime pheno was always talked about. Is this still available to be found in the current stock?


I would think you will have to pop them and find out. I found a little Purple pheno in my BX3s which I am revegging now. Got my last 3 BX3 seeds growing, 3 from a BOG mixed pack a user here gave me that he got from BOG himself and than 10 F2s that were made by a member. These BX3s are much harder to find now.


Yeah man the bx3 is the holy grail in my opinion. You’re a lucky man :sunglasses:! I saw your project and as a fellow fan of BOG. Thank you :pray:. May his genetics live on forever. As they should.

I’m sure I’ll stumble upon some in the future. But until then I’m gonna stock up on as many as I can from BOGs son’s drops.


Yeah I was really lucky to find them in an auction. Was super disappointed the three males started throwing pistils but they did still seed the plants a bit. I am happy to have seeds from them even though the males hermied as they are true bx3s. If I get really lucky I will get 1 Male and 2 females from the last 3 BX3s. Fingers crossed.



May the universe bless you. And I have a feeling it will :sunglasses:. Best of luck to you, karma is on your side.


Hey CARE_giver :wave:
I’m happy to hear you jumped on the occasion. As tradition would have it, these packs went fast haha

I’m pretty sure this is the first time sour bubble is offered since our friend left us…
As Doug said - time will tell.

So far BOG son seem to hold his word and is working hard to bring us the goods.

I read your threads on the mag and I know how much you love sour bubble. :slightly_smiling_face:

… I still have some sour bubble bx3 f2s I made from an older pack. I can send you a few packs if you’re up for a hunt.

Good to hear you’re back man.



Aren’t we talking on icmag also :joy:? Yeah man it seems a lot more active here. Glad to have found it. Has that old icmag feel to it. Good people all around.

And of course, I’m always up for a hunt if it’s SB. Especially the bx3. One day I will find that prolific PK pheno. I’m working to get my set up going right now. So hopefully soon :sunglasses:.

I plan to make some Sour bubble S1 crosses when I do finally find the momma I like. The options now a days are insane. Still feel in my bones that the SbxSLH is a winner though.


I was very fortunate to pick these up from them like 6 months before he left us, these are my most prized seeds, there are still some BX 2/3 around….


Yup :laughing:

That pk cut was truly special, never had the pleasure but yknow…

Yes please! My next run will be 50 sour bubble and 50 cherry white. Ive been popping as many seeds as I can in my humble setup to find superior plants and cross them with SB.

Right now I’ve selected
1 lemon lifesaver
1 melon lifesaver
1 skunk from an old line
2 orange also from an old line
4 sour strawberry (unsure)
And I’m currently looking through various skunks and cheeses. :yum:

May I ask who’s slh you’re thinking about? Good Ole Franco cut?


That’s beautiful :heart:

Being from Canada they were a pain to buy, else I’d of bought way more haha


Not only do I love your screen name but am envious of your collection. allhail


Thanks man, I’ve been watching your Bog projects, your doing great things… :+1: keep it up! @DougDawson


Holy fuckin smokes man lol. He was making bx2/3 also before he left? Those are some serious snags :sunglasses::muscle:!

Do bog proud :beers:.


I went back and looked at my ic lol. You’re the one who tipped me off for the SHN bog restock. My man :raising_hand_man::pray:! And sounds exciting dude. Hoping you find some special parents :wink:.

And I’m not sure on which slh cut id go with. I’d have to run a few first. But for some reason I’ve always wanted to make this cross. Something urges me to do it lol. Low and behold a few years ago dmt ended up doing this cross and said it was their collectives best cross they tested. This is a massssive sour bubble thread if anyone is interested. All sorts of goodies in here.

Things are not as bleak as I once thought they were after his passing. What did I expect though? Of course the community would make sure we preserved bogs genetics.


I ordered 250 seeds and they sent me 147 freebies, totally blew me away, he was a generous kind hearted person, if there is such a thing as heaven, I know Jim is growing the best weed there.


397 bog seeds total with 147 freebies? Does it get any better than that lol? Wow :sweat_smile:.I would have lost my mind.

But yeah bog has been very generous to me in the past also. I was a walking advertisement for his products back on ic. So I’m sure that helped lol.

But yeah man I’m super happy for you. What timing right? Karma must be on your side :wink:.


I’ll be sharing some of these with certain members here in the not too distant future, to help do my part to pay Bogs generosity forward…karma.


That’s good to hear much love man :nerd_face::heart:.


Amazing @buckaroobonsai


Just a bump for this thread :sunglasses: