Cuts didnt open and some kind of mold after putting in rapid rooters

This is one I have not seen before, I received some cuts from a known and trusted source and they arrived in good shape I thought. The snips were wrapped with a paper towel around the roots of the cuts, they were in a bunch together, and as soon as they arrived they went into a glass of water/clonex solution same as the rapid rooters which is the normal way around here and always works. I was short on time and trimmed the leaves of each one individually and trimmed stem, dipped in clonex gel and into rooters. Times 5 and they all looked fine and the tip of the cuts was still closed like a flower but thats not uncommon for a few hours or so after they arrive in the mail.
Anyway I had to go to work and when I got home they still had not opened up in the clone dome with 90 plus percent humidity at around 77 F. I just figured they were still acclimating and by morning they would be open and looking normal.
Well by morning they had NOT opened up and looked a bit odd so I pulled out the tray and kind of carefully opened them up and they were not happy, looked like they had some dark material in the growth tips and withered. Id call it mold for lack of a better term or having dealt with it before. So back in the dome and Im trying to keep the humidity around 80% but its hard and its gone down to 60 before I caught it and closed dome back up and little spritz of water on cubes. I will add a pic in a few minutes but I have never had this experience before and Im pretty sure a couple at least are not going to make it and MAYBE on or two may bounce back, thats OK so long as I have one viable to grow out for another mom at this point.
Im scratching my head and I just hope this isnt a powdery mold situation but I kind of doubt the person who mailed them would knowingly send cuts from a plant with PM.


Pics and it’s not pretty. Two on end really look like they probably won’t make it. Tallest one looks most likely to recover and other two is a toss up. They look fine on arrival other than still like a rose bud that’s ready to open. No visible moldy looking yuk just not open. In less than 24 hours the brown stuff showed up and easily seen on leaves before I manually opened them up with a pencil shaped piece of plastic.
These pics about 36 hours or so after I manually opened the tips up.


i wanna see if they gonna make it


Unfortunately those are done and you will not see new growth

Mostly way too wet sprayed too often imho

Start over less water

I use rooters as well it happens to the best of us



I don’t think they’re gonna make it. I’ve had cuts look like that before and they never made it but ymmv… need a quicker ship time and/or maybe the heated dome was a bit too warm or something :man_shrugging:


This could be a few different things:
They didn’t get enough air in transit and suffered from that,
They have had too much moisture and those fragile tips were smothered (again, lack of air),
or you are giving them too much light and they got burnt.
Since only the tips are brown, I would assume #1 or #2 as too much light would have also burnt the larger leaves.


…You might get roots and some of the lower growth could come back but you will most likely be looking at a long slow recovery and might want to ask for replacements if that is a possibility.


Im going to give it a couple days and I have reached out to vendor which I have had 100% success with before, My temps, light levels and moisture is pretty much the way the majority of us do I think and no real major variations from my routines of cloning/starting cuts past practices.


This happened to me one time when shipping clones, what I found to help is to let them sit in the glass of water without a dome for longer. Let’s them dry out before putting them in the rooters. I let them perk right up in the water so I don’t need to go 100% humidity right away. Then I just monitor for a couple days then up the humidity. This seems to help.
Good luck


Yeah something got them, either from seller, or maybe old cloning gel.
I recently, got roots off some cut’s that has been sitting in 10/20 tray with a dome since early Feb. No signs of mold at all. Heck 2 of them blew roots after a full month of doing nothing for me.
If my rooters get old, I’ll give them a dunk into a H2O2 bath, squeeze excess liquid, dap of Foop gel, set heat mat to 80 f, spray inside dome clean fresh water, and wait.
I really hope the seller repalces them for you, as I really think it came from there, as it moved very fast IMHO, whatever it is. Damn the bad luck !! All the best to you!!

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That’s what I should have done but was in a hurry and had no idea this might happen. I’ve gotten cuts from this place a few times and always 100% good. I will know in a few days if I can coax one or two back and that’s all I need to save the strain for more cuts. Not growing this strain out for a couple months at least.