D9 Thai X DLA #5

Is there any information or pictures out there of this strain ? D9 Thai … D9 Thai x DLA5 by bodhi? Thank you everyone​:+1::+1:


…other than the links and info I sent you via private message?

Just use the search function, you will find a bunch of my pics and updates. I don’t think any others have grown that one out yet.


Your best bet may to start a thread for the testers for Bodhi seeds, you will get more responses that way. That one sounds like part of a tester run.

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It was not part of a tester run.

It was a limited pack acquired only via the Etsy shop a few yrs ago before the shop went offline. The shop also pushed out other DLA5 crosses, such as with panama, malawi and purple unicorn.

For real, I posted quite a few pics and grow updates, as well as a final, detailed report. Search for the strain and my name.


You might want to ask @Klyphman