Dank Sinatra F2 to F3 Open Pollination Co-op Seed Run(Incomplete)

I feel the pain of this rn. I started a bunch of tropical fruits in this weather and they somehow like it.


Sorry everyone for taking so long for an update. The last few weeks with all the heat spells has been a big of a nightmare for the poor DS plants. Even inside the tent in the garage it’s been pushing 90, and they’ve not been loving life. Luckily its finally been back to reasonable temps, and the plants have been slowly but surely pushing along. I just got them potted up into 2s with some freshly amended soil and stuck them in the greenie so I can water them gradually and make sure the soil is nicely saturated before I pop them back in the tent. Sorry for the greenie pic being dark, that 50% shade cloth makes good shots tough.

Also figured I should show another plant that’s much younger, to prove not everything is doing terrible lol. Here’s a 6-7 week old Neroli91 x Phone Home from seed in a 2 gal. Of course no pic around here is complete without ol Jack Herer the dog giving me the classic Heeler stink face :rofl:


It looks good to me man. The temps are the same here. Temps were good the week leading in but now in the last 2-days it’s easily over 100 early in the day. Testing those outdoor projects.


Just think of every years season as cooler than the next because it is.



Watch the film Interstellar. I think oh shit, that could be only 10+ years from now in the US. The massive duststorms, crops gone etc.

if only cannabis wasn’t so thirsty a plant. I’d toss seeds everywhere outside here. But they just dry up.


Yes temps are messing up my whole program now have another thing I gotta worry about. Hitting 92 and bugs love lot weather. Didn’t have all these problems when it was 75 degree.


Yeah I got a regular subscription of ladybugs from Natures Good Guys just for that😂

But this time of year I also rotate in a lot of Nuke Em and Insect Control foliar sprays to make sure everythings nice and clean of bugs. Its amazing what some citric acid and essential oils can do.


I’m gonna make some more of that one and done stuff works great and maybe add some lady bugs as well to take care of anything left behind.


Well everyone, some bad news to close out this thread sadly. Mother nature just wasnt on my side on this one I guess! After the transplant, the final 2 Dank Sinatras did okay for about a week, but both took a turn for the worse. The weather has been a lot more reasonable, but even the more mild temperatures and fresh soil werent enough to bring them back. I’m super bummed about it. But that’s life! On the the next project.

I’d still like to say a huge thanks to everyone for following along! I’ve got some other repro projects kicking off behind the scenes, so I should be posting some fun little updates on those soon!


Thanks for still giving it your best shot @BackyardBoogie420 .

Sometimes things don’t work out the way you want but you always end up getting is more XP for the next round!

Cheers growmie!



So sorry for your loss. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Thanks for tryin brotha! :call_me_hand:t4:


Appreciate you for trying @BackyardBoogie420 :pray:


We are but servants to mother nature and can only see so much in the Devine plan. Appreciate your invested time and effort on this journey.

As you said, On with the next Project!!!


The way she goes. Wasnt meant to be. Onto something new!