Dank Sinatra F2 to F3 Open Pollination Co-op Seed Run(Incomplete)

Nothing better than the real sun. I wonder what it means that they behave like that though :thinking:


Beautiful i love those fat leaves! She may be a pain to grow but i’ve read the end result will be worth it.


I never had any trouble with these f2s. I grow them outdoor. They were healthy vigorous broadleafs, I’m sure there is no problem with the stock. the only issue was that they were so dense they were susceptible to bud rot in heavy fall rains, but that’s environmental.


Tough problem :laughing:

Yeah I don’t mean something bad about the beans, more trying to understand what they say they want. For now, sun!


I’m thinking part of the issue was they were wanting more Mag! Not to nerd out too hard on my organic inputs, but here I go lol

So I normally use oyster shell flour as my “high Calcium Calmag” Since its around 3:1 cal to mag. I run lots of chems and diesels, and thats the perfect ratio for them(Ive also heard Notsodog talk about them eating tons of cal specifically). I usually like to keep some crab meal for a more equal ratio of calmag. However, my local hydro store only had gypsum when I last went, and nothing seems to mind except the DS plants lol. So I just top dressed a lil Epsom Salt, and that should hopefully clear it up for me.

I blame all the weed Ive been smoking lately. Too much kush makes me forget things I already know lol


I found here that it comes from Afghans.



Budderton also found slow veg. growth in his LA Affie mothered plants. I don’t recall the exact post.

(I’ve watched a lot of war movies and imo, it looks like Aghanistan often has carbon-poor soil. Much like a desert up in the volcanic mountains.)

Budderton’s LA Affie x Afghan HP cross is fairly close genetically to Dank Sinatra. Good info in his topic on on-going experimenting with pure Afghan plants:


Did I miss sign up for this?

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No sign up has been posted as of yet.


Follow along and enjoy the grow for now bro


Been following and want to sign up already hahaha happy growing and good luck my seat is still pulled up.


Mag sounds in line with the symptoms indeed.

Part of learning is re-learning things that has been forgotten :smiley:

So problem solved!


Very cool info! Seems to be totally in line with my experiences as well.

Yeah luckily theyre already turnin around after only a couple days lol

Heres a quick lil shot of em in my new little greenhouse, sitting next to a bunch of seeds from India. Only info I have on em is theyre from Bhadra. And surrounded by tomatillos and cucumbers at the moment. Theres a 50% shade cloth over all of them since the heats been coming in last few weeks.

The Dank Sinatras are still showing a little wonky-ness, but are already a lot more green and growing a couple inches a day. In another week or so Ill get them into some bigger pots, likely 5s Ive already got loaded with promix, just need to chop in some amendments and wet em.


Its been a couple weeks, and I figured I should do a quick and dirty little update. Not much has changed, and they plants are still slowly trucking along. The epsom salt top dress for sure cleared up those issues, and theyve been pretty happy overall. Showing a little heat stress since its been pushing 100 the last few days, but they seem to be fine under the shade cloth. I did do a supercrop on both of them. But other than that its just been daily watering and a top dress or 2. My plan is once this heat spell passes to get them into larger pots. But the last thing I want to do is stress them out more. Also sorry for the bad pictures, shakey hands + heat doesnt lead to the most stable shots :rofl: But Ill be sure to get some better ones here in a few days when I transplant them.


It’s been a roller coaster of a few weeks for this project, but I’m happy to say they’re actually surviving okay finally. Once that 105 degree heat hit, they almost melted outside in the greenie, even with the shade cloth. So in a panic I pulled them back inside in my veg tent, and it took about a week for them to recover. Luckily enough I’m seeing a lot of good new growth. Had to defol a bunch of larger leaves that were crispy and dying. At this point, we’re in it for the long haul. So the next move is to wait for it to cool a bit(pushing 100 again today), then Ill put them up into 2s. Snip a couple tops to toss into my dude chamber to sex, so I know what Im dealing with. At this point these 2 plants have been a mainstay in my grow. So Ill let them hang out as long as they feel they need😂


Looking clean. They are some bushy plants, liking the structure on them.


This co op couldn’t be in better hands brotha man. Can’t wait to see the progression


Pretty tough conditions. You’re in for the longest co-op contest, but it shows the dedication! :wink:


It isn’t even halfway through July.



We were 103 yesterday. Which is out of place for this region and this time of year!