Dark Heart Nursery introduces sterile pollen proof plants

Not sure if it’s already been posted but popped up on dark hearts social today, interesting stuff.


I heard Breeder Steve talking about this quest for sterile females a few years ago. Not sure how I feel about it.
On one hand it takes the ability to produce your own seed out of the hands of the home grower, thus setting up a dependency to the seed maker.
On the other hand, imagine a drug crop that can be grown next to a hemp Feild, or in an area filled with guys that don’t know to pull their males, and still finish as sensi.


Can always clone as long as doing photos. Granted thats why marijuana laws about plant numbers are fucking dumb, but still.


Ya that…don’t know what ‘grower’ would ever buy this…a millenial pollen chuckers dream? Disposable genetically trademarked sensi to protect us from hemp pollen? There’s a sucker born every minute…


All I see is a different tool just like autos. You wanna use the right tool for the job.

I know autos aren’t as good and I have to buy new seeds every time, but with streetlights next to my backyard and my sun going behind trees late in the growing season, I can’t run photos outdoors.

So I could see a sterile mom being useful in certain situations.


For sure. Perhaps in a prohibition area that allows hemp, a farmer could raise a drug crop in the middle of his hemp field. Perfect cover.:thinking:


I think there’d be a big market for personal grows. I’ve seen people in FB grow groups freak out about other people keeping males. “One spec of pollen can contaminate every plant in a 5 mile radius!” They’d sell for sure lol


Why you have to buy new seeds with autos?

Prob cause true autos don’t clone.(or keep flowering I should say) I heard someone saying they been cloning autos but very doubtful. A semi auto or auto that isn’t actually auto (needs to be forced to flower ) probably can be cloned though


But you can make seeds.


Time is money. And I don’t want 1000 beans of the same auto. I’d rather have a wide variety.

Plus I’m only running autos because I have to, not because I want to. If I had my preferred setup then i’d be doing big ass photos.

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Next they’ll have an sterile auto version. I can really see a new line of elite genetics only being offered soon in this sterile verson to “protect” breeder rights. Like you want the real clone only GDP everyones been looking for well here it is! Kind of a sad thing really…


Does polyploidy (triploidy in this case) have any other side effects (negative) beyond being sterile?

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Wont ever happen to me, I have more seeds than I will ever be able to pop.


Cool as this sounds it’s intent is clear. Seeds are money, they can’t stop people from growing, but they can ensure people don’t reproduce “their” genetics. It’s an ip grab.


Definitely worrying in my opinion… But I guess we seen it coming


It still amazes me that people are upset or surprised by these things with the new legal market. Did people seriously think that in a legal market it would be a free for all? Did people think that it would be the same ol same ol?
There was a reason cannabis seeds were insanely over priced in the black market. The breeders had zero recourse for when others stole and used their genetics. Now a person can spend time and resources creating a truly unique plant and can actually be the person to profit off their work.

Maybe now people will stop calling themselves breeders when all they are is pollen chuckers to the newest hype strain. I personally don’t see anything wrong with this and think it will finally take us back to real breeding and get away from the joke the seed game has become the past 30 years. Think about, pretty much everything today is just a mix of skunk, nl, Durban, og, chem, sour and a few others. Real breeding died in the 80s-early 90s when people didn’t have to search for good plants and instead could just order a bunch of decent seeds and pollen chuck away.


Dont see what that has to do with sterile plants or ability to run autos without buying seeds. Just personal preference, which is fine, but doesnt change that you dont have to buy auto seeds just like you dont have to buy photo once you get going. Dont see how making auto seeds is more time consuming than photos or taking clones. If ya plan it right. But always grow however ya want, or else whats the point?

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I wonder if these sterile clones have been reversed to test their own pollen? If were me i would of.

I agree with you, there’s an IP play to this most definitely; however, it’s also needed to realistically scale outdoor flower production in many of the intensive growing regions.

I’m not sure if the effect will be net positive or negative on the cannabis community in the end, but for scaling outdoor production, this is definitely a win and at very least an interesting and important innovation.