Dark Heart Nursery introduces sterile pollen proof plants

I think the value in this, is for large outdoor producers that grow in high-density growing regions.

Personally, I do not see this as a “consumer”/home grower product that most any individuals will care about, but something that will be used in B2B situations, with large scale outdoor producers being the customers, to protect their crop.


Triploid plants are a huge part of agriculture. They produce biomass without the chance of cross pollination or genetic contamination. It’s needed for large scale operations within close proximity to each other.
This was a large concern (pollen contamination) in the emerald triangle when California opened up. This is why they didn’t allow folks to grow hemp.
There is ups and downs to it in my eyes. But like the rest of the world gotta roll with the tides and stick to my own current.
As it goes for IP no single entity could ever own all genetics. So I’ve focused on my slice of the pie allowing what I view to be right, to continue. I can’t knock the hustle, but if I can’t change the game, gotta learn how to play by the rules with my own twists.
In the end, like with large agriculture, we have to accept the fact that, due to the way world economy, and local economy are set up, that these large entity groups will exist, and continue to exist side by side with small scale farmers.
Until the plant is viewed like a agricultural commodity, the large intrinsic value attached to the plant ($60 1/8th before tax) will saturate the market. Think wine and beer, any one can do it, but only few do it good, and that is what determines the higher price point.
View this like corn and let everyone grow it, those that deserve more, because they give more, will get more, and those that put the least, may have the chance to float if large enough, but will have to accept the fact their product is the status quo and not exceptional.

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Dreams of infertility was always one from the tyrant :kissing_heart:

They most likely did. Polyploids are supposed to be infertile no matter which way you jerk em anyway haha

I’ve been hearing about this for a long time now. Many horticultural, agricultural and pharmaceutical giants have been asking people to send them samples from sterile plants for years. Yes the same “we will never sell out” and “we are doing this for you, the people” companies doing sketchy business behind the curtains :wink:

Of course, you can call it a tool against hermies and cross pollination but it’s effect aren’t any different than Monsanto terminator gene.

How long before somebody comes up with a super fertile cultivar to counter this?


I don’t think dark hearts motives are as nefarious as some think, yet it is an inevitable side effect of the discovery.

As far as IP goes, we are realistically are looking at a few years before full legalization and as soon as that happens, your going to see bio patents, for the really good genetics. It’s already happening.

Another thought is breeders being able to sell seed without the fear of people just reproducing the seeds themselves means we will likely see more elite genetics available to the public at a more reasonable cost. Still it sucks for people like us who enjoy breeding and sharing.

“Times they are a changing”


Well yeah, I’m not attributing malice to any of DHN actions. Maybe they were sponsored by a bigger player… simply testing the waters :money_mouth_face:

I find it hard to believe a nursery stabilized infertility in one or more lines by themselves hah

Then again I’m trying bring back skunky skunk while growing in a 4x2 tent. What do I know, lol.


As an intellectual property specialist, fuck Monsanto.


" breakthrough "

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I want to patent genetics then I can go around spooging my pollen all over peoples plants and demand a licensing fee. PROFIT!!!

And when I say MY pollen . . .

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Dark heart is a larger operation than many realize. They produce a massive amount of clones and starts for commercial growers, and their lab has been on some pretty pioneering stuff, from being the ones to discover HLVd in cannabis and it’s testing methodology, to advancing tissue culture practices.

Now if only they could focus that energy on PM and botrytis resistance….


A company patented the munchies years and years ago :grimacing:

I want to say hor ta pharm, not 100% sure…

I have to admit, being from Canada, I don’t keep up with who’s who in the USA nursery world.

Big? Yes. How big? No idea :slightly_smiling_face:

I guess it’s entirely possible. I’ve heard of common folks buying their own lab and hire staff. So for a big business it’s chump change lol

I think you mean Fritolay

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Hahaha :wink:

I think I remember the patent being in Watson’s name

Its interesting to speculate on the future of cannabis. But there some conflicting views about Sam or Dave. Whoever- it’s hard to nail everything down all nice and neat. Listen to the A G potcast interview then think about things.

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Yeah that…sry man just not into frankenshit trademarked garbage…for the sake of some corporate douchebags pocket lining. Name one corporate producer who has currently made a profit from legal cannabis sales in Canada (land of legality)… there isn’t. So the thinking goes, if we can’t grow cannabis properly,then we change cannabis. Sorry I have been fighting corporate cannabis and BIG AG shills since the interweb was born. Monsanto sold its interests to Bayer corp. after the inevitable lawsuits following the poisoning of America et al. But buy Hawthorne!!! Good grief.


A buddy of mine with and outdoor farm is currently quarreling with a neighbor over water rights and other nonsense, the neighbor planted a hemp crop along the property line out of spite.

This seems like an excellent option for him.


I’ve seen farmers FORCED to cut and waste entire fields because of IP rights and cross-contamination. I mean WTF, Why aren’t THEY the ones being compensated? They were growing on THEIR property and the pollen technically trespassed. It would be a different story if they were intentionally using GMO pollen… But the ones I’ve seen forced to cut and waste were organic heirloom farmers, and that kind of waste hurts them.

Yeah, FUCK Monsanto for that BS…


They definitely did a phenomenal job spreading it far and wide before selling their HLVd testing and remediation-by-tissue-cloning services.