What's the next Cannabis hustle after the seed game can't be played anymore?

Once hemp growers go thc, the Marijuana seed game is over. 50lbs of cbd seed costs ~$300 for first gen production grade, ~$180 for malt grade. That’s ~1,200,000 seeds. In Marijuana, you get 25 seeds for that price.

It’s going to be hard for the current group of disgruntled legacy growers who’ve turned to seeds for their hustle to survive. I don’t think anyone is going to buy any “craft organic locally produced seed” marketing.

So what’s the next hustle going to be? The days of unqualified consultation are quickly coming to an end also, as investors are paying more attention and can’t keep losing businesses. Vaporizers are pretty much stuck where they are. No one wants to improve that. Brand loyalty too overpriced rolling papers and dab torches isn’t a lasting trend. The same companies growing hemp have developed the Cannabis fertilizers of the future, all the rebottled tomato stuff will go the way of the dodo. Extract trends have come full circle and will be improved only by outside influences. (Dabbing off a substrate at 400 makes much more sense that dabbing off a heated flat surface at 600 but no one seems to care until a nice big advertising budget tells them to). Most people will buy Chinese glass over a disfunctional heady piece. Real breeding is marker assist already and no one from Murder Mountain is getting a job at those companies.

What’s the new hustle going to be for all the legacy ganjiers and ganjiettes? Alot of these guys really think their name means anything to anyone outside of their 20k Instagram following. You’ve got to provide a product if you want a future in Cannabis. Bud tenders are cashiers, not sommeliers. Weed Uber will never be a thing. Neither will legacy grower reparations be, like many seem to agree with.

Dab lounges with no outside wax allowed? They gonna pat down people’s genitals to dab are the bar? Cannabis tourism? Come see where my cousin got kidnapped by a Mexican cartel? Cannabis competitions with outrageous entry fees judged by self proclaimed experts handing out plastic trophies? How are the unqualified going to survive the spread of federal legalization? Once the US goes legal, it’s over for anyone not already working for a major company that hasn’t entered the market yet. My company hasn’t made a dollar in 10 years growing under form 225. Alot of these guys are waiting for the big players in state markets to fail. Alot are gaining poor reputations from taking consulting jobs in other countries. These angry guys on the podcasts for 8 hours without a pee break haven’t even seen the big boys yet.

I expect an increase in meth and heroine sales after the tiedye and dread locks don’t mean anything anymore. All these characters in the breeding/seed game are just that it seems, characters, riding the last wave of the greed rush.


Those are all great points you make. Being new to the game, I picked all of my seed purchases based on short descriptions and a couple of pictures both intended to make it look great, and they might very well be great. But since I found this place a week ago, I’ve been less and less excited about the hyped up stuff I just bought, and more and more excited about all the cool shit people here are doing. Just regular people, growing in a garage, bathroom, closet , whatever, and sharing tons of info about strains that they have crossed. Giving great details, sharing great pictures, and most importantly sharing shortcomings of their stuff. These are going to be the people that put the bullshit “$250 a pack for 10 seeds” people out of buisness. The people spreading the info about cheap amendments. The people sharing the info about lights that are half as expensive of hyped up brands and do the same thing. I’ve never gotten any pot from a distro before, but from everything I can tell, it’s garbage compared to the stuff that the regular home grower is making. Just my two cents. after that long diatribe, I’ll say that I have no idea what the next hustle will be, but the more information out there, the harder it’s going to be for them to come up with one.


NFTs duh!! :wink::thinking:



craft growers vs bigcanna


What happens when they find out boron fixes all their issues that they once thought calmag or ph?

Huh? Huh? Huh?!?!?!


Haha, I guess that advanced brand will start carrying a boron supplement! :grin:



Oh yeah, I had just seen something about this from I think RAW Genetics…

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People are still vaping like crazy… making your own vape juice is the next pursuit to boost my brand.
Course, I’m probably totally wrong here… :smirk:


There will not be a next hustle in the cannabis industry. Hustle is often tied to illegal business practices in some shape or form. Tbh, I’m glad these people get knocked away and I see a bright new future for cannabis. I think many of them see themself’s as something good for cannabis but I’ve always viewed them as leeches!

Hope none here take offense :grin:

Pz :v:t2:


you really think big canna is a bright new future? oh brother


I think a future where almost every country on earth have legalised cannabis is a bright future. Do I see USA with big canna as a bight future, not so much. But I see other parts of the world which USA have bullied to make cannabis illegal, start to open back up to the idea of a legal cannabis market. These part of the world will bring you a lot more diversity. Also a world where I can grow my own shit without police breaking into my home is a good world.

Not everything is about America you know…

Pz :v:t2:


Suppositories. It’s a growth industry.


@JasonBourone This topic is much less entertaining than most of your posts, get back to the boron where it’s at least entertaining. :clown_face: :mans_shoe: :mans_shoe:
What an absolute sociopath!


As a fan of pee breaks, this is preposterous.


Mr.Christmas I watch a fellah from Canada called potsquatch on the utooob, he does live streams in his live streams :rofl:


Yes but a bitch to vape………


Nah . . . they’re going in the hole too. :wink:




What do you think will happen when the amount of cannabis users in the US and the amount they use steadily increases, and when industry makes it all cheaper so it increases even more? What will happen?

Well, the incentive to make money will go down. The livers of the people who are using will slowly become congested and they will become sluggish. Their blood will thicken and their pH values will slowly drop. They will have more and more trouble to manage without cannabis and so they will make just enough to pay for weed and live a sad life because weed makes it all OK.

Economic recession and a strain on health care. That’s what’ll be the next cannabis hustle.

I could be wrong, and I hope I am honestly.

Almost spit my coffee all over the place.


Im glad I am not the only one to recognize this asshole. Stop falling for these stupid posts.