Unreceptive pistils to viable pollen - what could be the reason?

This is a first for me, but I’m baffled and confused when one pheno did take the same pollen and the other, when I touched a Q tip full of dust to its small cluster, even though smaller and shaded out (I would think development is the same) nothing did develop or swell up. Eliminating viability as the issue, what would cause this ? Also I’ve seen late intersex appearance, so could pollen be rejected from fertility ? It’s funny cause I dusted multiple times to be sure the newer growth would get it, and I thought I saw those singed tips but looking for swollen calyx and hard mass, not seeing or feeling that confirmation it took. Any insight to why and how this. Thanks


If you’re sure the pollen is viable, could just be a genetic mutation. Happens in plants as well as humans, where a mutation can cause sterility. True MAC1 is sterile if I’m not mistaken. Triploidy could be the culprit, dark heart nursery recently came up with “pistilguard”, same thing.


Can’t guarantee this is what’s going on but it’s one possibility :+1:


:flushed: Is The future of cannabis copywrite/breed prevention upon us!!!


It may very well be. All the more reason for us to overgrow the world.


Im in!!!

200w (1)


Wow engineering sterility…I do wonder about the consequences of messing with nature. So mutations can cause this as well. I’ve noticed mutations are becoming more prevalent in expressions. I guess this later intersex, first time too I’ve seen that, is another aspect as well. I guess I need to look at pollinations is like selection of species now. Not all are assured based on a mutation in the genome.

@4ftfarmer Yes, in a nutshell that’s exactly right. However sometimes accidental crossings produce something unexpected, so that’s also something to consider too. In some respects accidental is also like insurance, case in point my Phenotype Chocolate Haze D wouldn’t root a clone and it was in flowering. Not that I wanted to pollinate it, but I knew every pheno got some of the Xmas pollen and I was right. So I was able to preserve pheno D. Without that accidental occurrence, pheno D would’ve been lost. If you don’t clone or seed, it’s SOL

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There’s sterile males and sterile females. And mostly sterile that barely make seeds.

It happens. I’ve seen it both ways.

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Ahh so it can be just a natural occurrence…So you never see any pollination as guaranteed fertility success. Keep on learning new aspects, but I love the science behind it! :nerd_face:

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Cloning anything reduces fertility.
You can get so many seeds from one plant…
Holding on to mothers is lack mentality, fear-based, much better to do selective breeding, that’s how you preserve the traits you like so much for generations to come.
Making seeds with clones is only gonna degrade fertility further.
Synthetic fertilizers degrade fertility too.
Let nature do its thing, naturally.
Or lose everything down the line.

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Ummm I have to disagree…why, because there’s one strain that’s had to survive generations of cloning, namely AB G13 and several lines have been made from it.


Let’s see how long it lasts… It’s gonna get fucked eventually.
But if you make seeds with it and crosses and then keep breeding with seeds it’ll keep going.

What if I plant a nitrogen fixing cover crop around my clones?


Not true at all.

IDK where to even start.


And a helluva strain at that! Man I would love to have that smell back in my home, absolute DANK!

It’s a good one especially for breeding, however I believe Crippy overtakes it in shear brutality

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Zap the sterile female with a 12v battery hooked on some wires and pollinate…

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I’m working on a 4th generation of clones all from the same seed. So far I have seen no issues. I have never believed the whole, you loose genetics, vigor, and fertility when you clone for multiple generations, so I’m doing my own thing and will go off of that instead of what some rando says on the internet. I also selfed the 3rd generation so I have fem seed of her, but I will continue to pull monster crop clones from each cycle. Until either nothing happens and I’m satisfied with my findings, or I loose what they say I will.