Anyone familiar with Predicative Breeding?

I tried looking for some reviews but couldn’t find anything. Is anyone familiar with Predicative Breeding The genetics looks pretty cool and the interactions I have had with him on social are good.




Nice web page,not much of a choice

Looks like they have some decent stuff there and not asking crazy prices for the seeds.

A buddy on another forum has offered me cuttings from some crazy hot looking bud he paid $550 for 10 I believe. He’s in Ont and I’m in northern Alberta so will have to wait until spring but I’m all over them if they can get here alive. Aficionado Estates, Cherry Noir.

I do not believe that stresses like pbreeding subjects their plants to actually cause plants to hermie. All cannabis has the potential to hermie but some are just more prone to it. I am a very neglectful and lazy-ass grower who subjects all his plants to all sorts of stresses and I’ve never seen any extra hermies because of it. If you grow plants from hermie seeds you’ll get about half go hermie. 10 years ago a buddy gave me about 200 seeds from a grow of Afghani Kush and on my first grow of 40 about a 1/4 went hermie in the first 2 - 3 weeks of flower and another 1/4 hermied by 6 weeks. I used pollen from a couple of the nicest males to pollinate a few buds on the last 4 or 5 good females and 2 of them hermied in the last couple weeks of a 10 week flower so I tossed any seeds from them and only kept the seeds from the two best girls that did not hermie at all. Never had a hermie from any of those seeds and I sent a 100 out to a few different growers who never found hermies either. Buddy had a hermie plant that made those seeds and that’s what he gave me.

I mostly grow stuff from seeds I get trading with friends here and bug infested cuttings I get from a buddy in the city tho I get seeds from him too. Currently started some Nepali Temple that came to me via @Shadey who got them from @OleReynard and some Sebring’s Revenge, Patch Adams S1 from @Sebring himself. Was hoping to find my latest order from Sebring in my mailbox today but no joy yet. I really like his stuff even tho it doesn’t always come out as advertised but that’s half the fun. lol

That pbreeding stuff looks pretty good. Maybe you should see if he’ll cut you a deal if you promise to do a grow journal showing off his stuff. Growing skills and equipment makes a huge difference in the outcome tho.



Who runs this website? I always get curious when I see stuff like this.


That looks almost a little fishy imo


like 4 day old fish…



Then it’s most definitely fishy xD

I found this on Reddit if you wanna check it out


Can you really trust them if they can’t be bothered to spell “propagate” correctly?


looks like Engrish :slight_smile:


Thanks. I was hoping for a bit more pictures but this is a good start. Appreciate it.

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Yes Aficionado is dropping their seeds today at 12 central. They are expensive and they have developed a sexy packaging. The business behind it is great. I’m not sure I would want to pay 500$ for 10 seeds just because it comes packaged in a glass vial and leather pouch. They have interesting stuff and the flowers look great but it’s a little too exclusive for me.


Not my cup-o-tea either but should reel in it’s share of snobs with more cash than grower skills. lol

There’s a lot of people in every genre that just have to have the ‘best’. Haven’t checked my lotto tickets yet so hang on and I might get a pack for you too! :wink:



I wouldn’t trust them. Their new England rock candy is alien rock candy by alien genetics and their deisel candy looks to be bruce banner by dark horse.


No probs I did find a lot of posts on instagram try searching a hashtag or their profile

Aficionados stuff is expensive but its supposed to be stable worked lines. But I doubt that since their past drop have been polyhybrids

I made a purchase from him less than a year ago.
Haven’t popped anything yet but I’m hoping to in the next month or so.


Couple extra beans of each.
Found him on Twitter.

Is that $10 a seed?

I’ll pass


Plans to germinate any of those soon?