Day 5 of quitting smoking cigarettes

I smoked a pack a day for a decade, and quit cold turkey… The hardest part is already done for you man…Good for you for getting this far. I used my stubbornness of wanting control over my own body, it worked for me.

And to think a smart phone owner, has the same brain activity, as a heroin user jonesing out for a hit haha. All of a sudden, quitting smoking doesn’t look so bad…

Good luck from here out Buddy…



Stick with it! It can be hell i know but the longer you stop the easier it gets… i started smoking cigarettes around 15 years old and smoked well into my 20s after quitting cigarettes i ended up smoking captain blacks and swishers for a few years then from those i was smoking those little cigarillos that were flavored here in Canada they were called prime times and there was also bullseye, i finally completely gave it up completely almost 5 years ago when my dad was dying of cancer, it was a hard time to quit because so much was going on all within a few months i had lost my dad and went through a separation that was hard on me and my kids but the fact that i really wanted to quit was why I think i was able to during those hard times… There was certain things that would trigger cravings such as having a coffee or a beer or certain activities as well such as fishing that would make me crave, I’ve found the more time that passes the easier it gets, i don’t crave at all anymore and the only thing i smoke now is joints or a pipe or bong load and even than thats not as often cause i mostly vaporize my weed…
Keep at it even if you cave and smoke try to pick back up and keep going… Good luck i hope you can beat it…


I failed to mention that I have an Njoy vape . It’s still not smoking cigs …


That is another option to help, I’ve seen people switch over to vape than slowly lower the nicotine until they’re completely off it.


Or the vape explode in their mouth lol had a guy a work his caught on fire in his pocket. Felt for the guy 100ft off the ground in a harness and something in your pocket blazing.


I quit a few years ago now… I actually got acupuncture for $55, just one session, and it made an immense difference. I was able to quit after not being around tobacco for 24/hrs after the session without having any huge withdraws or any big physical thing either… Considering how much they cost over here figure that it was paid for even if I quit for a handful of days, but thankfully I have been able to stay smoke free no problem now.


Until my Stroke Labor Day/2005, had been 1 1/2 pack a day smoker. 9 days in ICU, speech messed up (couldn’t form a coherent sentence), balance compromised, really a sight for sore eyes. Going home from the Hospital, I brow-beat my wife into stopping at the Convenience Store in my neighborhood. Had HER go in, purchased a pack of GPC/Red Label/Soft Pack. Got home, lit up outside, took a few puffs, the Ms helped me inside. Over the next three days, took a puff or two each day. On the 4th day, had to go to the Hospital for a Heart Stress Test. Since I couldn’t do the Tread Mill, they instead injected me. Then they drew Blood. Got home, several hours later, Doctor called. Asked me ONE question (I hear his EXACT words EVERY day)……“Do you want me to help you overcome your stroke?” I had Nicotine in my system. He explained that Nicotine leaves you system in 72 hours. “Just remember, the NEXT one just might kill you!!!”. I kid you not, today I STILL have the pack above my computer, 17 cigs in that pack. I was miserable for a month!!! The irritation waned in subsequent months. It was H-A-R-D, but so worth it. When I see now how much they cost, I sometimes wish I had experienced all that about 20 years earlier. I could have bought a boatload of seeds!!!


Oh, I hear you brother!!

If I could ‘Double Heart’ that - I would!!



Good for you! I quit 2 years ago, just keep at it. In 3 months time you will feel so much better you will know how bad they are for you.


For those who succeeded, did you choose a “quit date”?

  • yes
  • no

0 voters

:evergreen_tree: (sorry if this is redundant :blush:)


I quit 31 years ago. You’ve got a ways to go. I tried 32 years ago, but Winston sent me a coupon for a free carton. After finishing that carton I started smoking Kools, and Camel non-filters as well as Tiparillos. I was really hooked after that carton for an entire year. I was able to pull it together again after that year and haven’t smoked since.


Started smoking cigs when I was 13. Quit at 50. Cold turkey. It was the toughest thing I ever did. Six months after stopping, I got a wicked craving. Shows how addictive those fucking things are.


12 days smoke free !! I’m now accepting cannabis care packages!!! As our headstash is dwindling lol :joy: … Quarter ounce a day now heheheh …


No quit date . I got sick of weezing in bed at night . Kinda scared me …


I smoked for 27 years . I quit for good 1 month after my son was born . He was my motivation . He is almost 20 now .


I smoked for over 10 years, alcohol is a huge trigger. I quit by making sure i had no cigarettes got the worst hangover day i quit. By the time my head quit hurting and i wasnt puking the smell of cigarettes made me sick. I found on accident that wellbutrin works awesome for addictions, i was put on it for adhd to get off Adderall and had absolutely no urge to smoke pot even. I know drs prescribe it now for tobacco addiction. If anyone has to quit smoking for a drug test Wellbutrin will make it 1000% easier. Make a deal with your buddies that smoke not to bum you any, its so easy to smoke just one vs the commitment of buying a pack. Makes me wonder why you can buy a single beer but not a single cig. Single cig vending machine would be awesome.


i smoked for ~30yrs,quit it 4-5 yrs ago (after many failed trys)…now and then i´m still smoke 1-2 zigs with beer ,when other smokers around. you´r right @Outlaw ,beer (and smoking friends) is a huge trigger!!!

Good Luck @Marcus420 ,you´ll make!!


13 days , no cigs :facepunch:t3::muscle:t3:


Good for you!!
The hard part now is avoiding your ‘triggers’. One day at a time…



i was smoking between 2 to 3 packs a day and vaping 50mg/ml (5%) nicotine juice and chewing tobacco. cut out the cigarettes cold turkey and a couple months later i cut out the chewing tobacco and vaping cold turkey as well. never had a single craving and never felt irritable or had any noticeable withdrawal symptoms and never looked back.

staying with someone who had COPD and watching them cough 24/7 and being woken up multiple times every night from their coughing was all the motivation i needed to never want to smoke again. that person still smokes though.