Decisions, indoor or outdoor

Things just flipped legal here, and because I’m both impulsive AND always all in, I went from ordering some seeds to plant outside, to ordering a complete tent kit and then ordering more seeds, and ordering more seeds.

I’m always one step behind in my thinking things through, and so I’m gonna do something smart for a change, slow down and think about who lives indoors and who is getting thrown out of the house because no way is everything gonna fit in a 2x4 grow tent

Right now this is what’s going on:
I’ve got four two week old seedlings, all fem - two purple haze, one durban poison, and one candyland.

I’ve also got a bunch of stuff germinating, also all fem including 1 auto

Outdoor plants have to go into grow bags because a few years back I put a pool & pavers in the yard and the remaining soil truly sucks.

I’m thinking one of the purple haze should get to stay indoors, and the other seedlings go out? All autos out? Maybe keep the durban poison in as I’d maybe want cuts?


You can control the light cycle indoors, but not outdoors. So you might want to throw the auto seeds outside if you plan to smoke anything of the outdoor grow this summer.


Take clones for the tent… put the rest outdoors. Regarding the outdoor soil and the bags Ive had a similar issue in the past. We dug 15 to 20 gallon holes in the ground and filled with nutrient rich organic soil. there are many recipes available for this. All the plant needs after this is water. I find plants that are actually anchored IN the ground do best (personal opinion). You didn’t mention where your at but deer, rabbits, woodchucks must be fenced out in my area.


I’m on Long Island, very suburban area. My old back can’t handle digging those kind of holes and from an aesthetic perspective, I’d like to have the plants mixed in with other stuff - everything except the landscaping is in planters because of the soil issue. I’m also planting some veggies - an odd assortment, because I only grow what I eat (broccoli, beans, cucumbers, tomatoes and a shit ton of hot peppers for making hot sauce)

Off topic, and a big assumption based on your name, but ever go to the Levitate festival? I was gonna go for the first time last year…maybe this year?


Just watch for top heaviness in bags outdoors. The plants get big and unwieldy especially in late flower one good breeze will blow them over and damage things. I have gone to the festival… the town its in is marshfield…around here we call it marsh vegas… not sure why.

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I’ve had to deal with top heaviness with my tomato plants, I’m thinking I could anchor things?

You could… people grow dope above ground all the time. I don’t. I’m older… can dig but don’t like it. I hire a kid , a Craigslist guy, etc. They don’t have to know what’s going in the holes. Once dug they’re good indefinitely… easy swap next year. I’ve done the whole tie down, weight down, stake pole thing. For me it was a constant problem. If you put out clones in Long Island in the next couple weeks expect the plants to be 8’ tall. If you can’t handle that size put out tiny plants… but they’ll get heavy. Again people do containers and bags all the time but for me I try and avoid headaches and keep things simple. Hope this helps.

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Hmmmm…I do know some cheap trustworthy muscle for hire and I’m a low maintenance kinda gal. Last time I grew was nearly 20 years ago guerilla (nice soil too, there’s a reason LI was all farmland at one point) with a partner so I know damn well how big plants can get.

This is exactly why I need to slow down and think. Because on my property digging permanent holes means thinking about where it’s gonna fit…my plot is small and I have very little greenspace left. Despite things being legal I don’t want it to look like a weed farm? Or maybe that’s okay?


I’m completely legal… with a license… I still tell no one, show no one!! Old habits die hard and have served me well.


I think I’ve found the perfect spot for my new garden. It involves shifting the bar area over about 10 feet, but will allow for a still sunny but a less way out in the open spot that will not be visible from neighbors with decks off their second floor.

Taking time to think is a good thing lol especially because there’s a good chance I’m gonna see trusty cheap muscle when I go for brunch at a friends house later :smiley:

A big concern I’d have would be getting everything to finish before frost. It depends on where you are and what your weather is like.

I’d consider putting the long flowering strains inside and the short flowering strains outdoors. Again depending.

Just something to think about.

all the best.


^^^^^^^^excellent advice. Long island New York you can go pretty late. November 1st is possible, first or second week in October is totally achievable in most cases…BUT… anytime after the second week in September you must be prepared.


If you plant only auto’s outside you can harvest two times a year on the same spot.
Also, since they stay smaller you can grow them closer together.

So maybe where you’d otherwise plant only one photo, you can plant two auto’s and harvest 4 plants a year instead of one big photo. If weather really sucks at some point and destroys your plants it’s not such a big loss with auto’s and you can just start again immediately if it’s not too late in the year.

Or plant both a photo and an auto outside. The auto inside can follow the light schedule of the photo, no problem.

If you want to improve your soil look into permaculture and start mulching, year after year it will improve. In 3-4 years you’ll have the best soil in town.


Up here in Maine, maybe other places too?..along with legalization came rules/regulations/laws.
When I first moved back up here, I’d drive down a road and there’d be a greenhouse with stuff in it in July. Another place had an 8ft fence covered in green poly tarps.
I’d laugh and think “You KNOW they’re growing weed!!!”
Then I read the law, which states that no cannabis plant can be visible and identifiable with the naked eye.
So…the state forces growers to “hide” their plants, which results in the equivalent of a giant neon sign that says “GROWING WEED RIGHT HERE!!!”
It’s that law of unintended consequences :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Thanks for all the input. I’ve decided on the location for the autos but thats about it.

Also thinking of a second tent lol.

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Thrown out of the house, but I’m not ready to get them in the ground yet…gotta prep some holes, but there is time

Indoor Inhabitants…still contemplating another tent

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I had 8 plants in GrowBags last summer…7 Gallon size.
I’m not using them this year, at least not for my cannabis. They were fine to start off with, but they dry out quickly, so unless you have an autodrip system setup, tough to keep them going.
This year I’ve decided to put a couple of plants outside, just to see how big they’ll get, and also because I have about 10 clones with no homes :slight_smile:

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I’m hoping to get them in the ground within the next few weeks. I need to finish clearing out where they will be planted.

The spot…still clearing it out and waiting until after I get the pool open next week so as to avoid being trampled by careless pool guys

The plants - to top or not, that is the question - the two autos I know not to top

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Have you though about doing a raised bed? No digging required, hire a neighborhood kid to till the area you want your bed and put up a few 1×6 boards to frame it.