Deep State is spinning up!

Don’t know whether anyone else has seen or heard, but I think we are going to have a Real Life “Seven Days in May” (sorry for the obscure movie reference).

We had, tonight, here in L.A. the DS practicing for their take over. There were Black Hawk helicopers landing on the streets of downtown L.A. dropping off and picking up Troops, flying around the whole night, over and over. They say it is a “training” for if troops need to deploy to a city “somewhere”.

What better way than to train where they will ACTUALLY be landing?

“Just because I’m paranoid, doesn’t mean everyone ISN’T out to get me!” :worried:


Have you considered lowering your medicinal intake? On second thought, maybe increasing it might help? :wink:

Sorry, couldnt resist :slight_smile:

I lived in the LA basin for many years - Pasedena, Glendale, and then LaVerne. Worked all over the basin at different times. Dont miss the gangs or the smog or the traffic or the fires and mud slides. I do miss not being able to go out and buy literally anything you wanted with in a 45 minute drive. of course, there were NO drives less than 45 minutes with the traffic :smiley:


I finally escaped in the early 2000’s but got “recaptured” a few years ago (father is mid-stage Alzheimers and mom needed help).

I do have to say that having everything within an hours drive is nice (beach, mountains, desert, etc) the only problem is it’s filled with LA people. Fortunately I live just outside (North OC) and don’t have to actually go into LA that often, though it does “bleed in” a bit.

As to the other thing, I wish it were that easy. No amount of “medicinal intake” (or lack there of) will help dealing with these people. :fearful:

Seriously though, I give it 6 month before the Black Hawks will be landing for real. Can’t think of anywhere they would be landing that would be like LA. So why train here?

Remember, “Seven Days in May” was just a “training exercise” too. Kirk Douglas got that wrong. HEHEHEHEHEHEHE


Scary shit man … we have US setting up bases in neighbouring countries to us and few months ago a whole convoy of US military trucks and tanks driving through our town. Made everyone very uncomfortable to say the least


I don’t dispute impending doom/apocolyptic thinking, but they did this about 20 years ago in Oakland/SF Bay area too. I think it was larger in scale, less special ops, more like thousands of marines. :smile:

:evergreen_tree: FEMA camps?! Get in line! :japanese_ogre:


I was filming some weird chem trails a few days ago. Below faster moving clouds…almost still but clearly affecting the wind(45mph). I posted a still pic on my main thread. Were talking trails 50ft above ground with clouds blowing above it. And fast. I also noticed every has the flu at my work too. Luckily I only work three to four days a week.



I was out in the woods looking for mushrooms last year and as I bent down to pick in a patch I had found, i looked up and there 4 guys in what looked like black hazmat suits walking through the woods maybe 100 yards ahead…

So I stayed crouched, watching what was going on and all of a sudden, and I swear this is real, this weird ship kinda faded in (for lack of a better phrase) and out of it stepped 2 little grey men and they talked to the men in the suits for a couple of minutes then walked back in taking one of the men inside with them…

The other 3 guys just walked back across the woods and disappeared after awhile… naturally I walked over to where they were just meeting and tried to see if I could find any trace of anything…

As I’m looking around see imprints in the ground of where the ship was and as I go to walk up to where the door had appeared unrealized I’ve smoked so much weed that I fell asleep and none of it ever happened because I was way too "high":joy::joy:


You the real Stan romanek :sweat_smile:


They’ve been “touring” cities for several years with these type of exercises. I think they did something in Florida last time.

I don’t like it personally. In fact, if I were a military planner, I’d consider having these type of operations in full view of the public to amount to a breach of operational security. But maybe the intent amounts to the boiling frog parable. idk.


Yea and probably one to many of those " Magic mushroom" shit @toast you have to micro dose those bad boys! Lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :laughing:


Discovery channel

They are training for a domestic terrorist event in an urban environment. There is no good way to train troupes or fire fighters, or doctors, etc etc to respond to that type of situation unless you do it in a real world situation - or as close as you can get.

You cant learn to fly choppers between sky scrapers while coordinating and coping with local police, medical, and disaster personnel, private and commercial air traffic, ground traffic, pedestrians, power lines, street light poles, etc etc etc, unless you actually do it in that environment. The same applies to ground troupes. If they only train out in the desert, they wont know how to act downtown.

I personally am glad they finally started doing this type of training.


Yes, all, but you have to remember, TRUMP!!! :laughing::laughing:

Dude there is no such thing as aliens. Anyone who believes that is a Nutt Job. :wink::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Colan, if you are asking me, more Jerry Fletcher. Have 6 copies of “Catch 22” just so I always have one. Don’t know why, but if you know where I can get a copy, let me know. :thumbsup:


You are no fun! You are supposed to feed our delusions, not go all fact and logic. LOL


I prefer my conspiracy theory :fearful::laughing:


I agree as well. The more they “get us used to” seeing these things, we will never flinch when they finally do it for real and once we figure it out, it will be too late.

BTW - Boiling frog analogy was perfect. do the same for Crawdads.


Dude, the Universe is infinite and the multiverses inside the Universe are infinite. Anyone who doesn’t believe in aliens is an egocentric Nutt Job. They ARE out there! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::alien:


I’m sure life exists elsewhere in the universe, maybe even on neighboring planets, but the little green humanoid visitors are a psy-op. A made-up threat that they are planning to use to control the population and create their “NWO”


Possibly, I can’t be certain that any have been here already, but I’m pretty sure if they came, they would be hostile as the Earth is so unique in it’s resources.

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