Deeptown Farms - A MO Grow

Hi this is my first documented grow. I have 3 harvests under my belt, 1 got aphids and the ladybugs got held up so I made hash from it, got 50 grams though(pics later). The other 2 were successful, girl scout cookies tested at 20% thc 2% cbd and purple chem by cali connection tested at 26% and 2% cbd. I don’t have drying down quite yet but other that I’m doin pretty well.
I’m working indoors with an AC Infinity tent kit for a 2x4 flower tent and then just the AC Infinity 2x2 veg tent as well as a seed/clone dome and simple 30 watt blub in my closet for extra clones, I haven’t used any kind of cloning hormones or anything and have about an 80% success rate but still I take more cuttings than I need. In the flower tent I have the AC Infinity 200 watt led light as well as 100 watt HLG R spec. In the veg tent I have a 65 watt HLG. I use Sohum soil and just started foxfarm nutes, I was using general hydroponics flora nova grow/bloom but was told its made by monsanto so switched to the foxfarm.

MAC1 on the left at week 4 looking great (top 4 pics)
2 Zkittles x Chillz by a local breeder in MO (last pic)

In the veg tent I have a Fog Dog Auto goin at week 7, anaphylaxis, purple chem, and 2 small MAC1 clones.
(pics to come soon)
In the dome I have DJ Short’s Blueberry growin from seed at a week and a half old as well as clones of the anaphylaxis, purple chem, and zkittles x chillz clones in case any are worth repeating.

Again sorry about the lack of pics, busy season and all…


Looking Good @hooddirt !

Best of luck in your grows!

Merry Christmas!



Thanks! By my second harvest I got that feeling like this is what I’m supposed to be doing with my life lol… happy holidays to you and yours


The closet seed/clone dome and clone storage.

A MAC clone I don’t have room for… I’ll probably end up gifting someone

Fog Dog Auto bred by KCGenetics

Zkittles X Chillz from another local breeder

I keep trying to update this at night when I need to be goin to bed to work early… gotta crank out those gummy edibles, Missouri sure is hungry at the pace we put these out.

It’s not work when you love what you do but fuck theirs so much to do… :grinning: :100: :green_heart: :green_heart: :raised_hands: :evergreen_tree: :leafy_green: :smoking:


Happy to see other missouri growers on the forums, keep it up!


Zkittles x Chillz streching more than expected, hoping I don’t have to raise my lights up…
MAC is a frosty motherfucker, I can’t wait to see how she turns out. :grinning:


I just realized everything in my flower tent has capulator genetics. I got the MAC and the Chillz half of zkittles x chillz cross are his work


They might be stretching looking for more light, might be a sign to turn the intensity up a little?


…also damn glad to see more Missouri folk around. The thread isn’t too active, but we do have one if you haven’t run across it.
Looking great in here. I brought a chair if you got a corner I can watch from.
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


Also a MO grower here! Your grow is looking good @hooddirt. Hate to barge in but I have a buddy selling grow gear for cheap if anyone is interested. He recently quit growing and is selling for cheap and looking for local mo growers to hopefully swoop in and help him make a quick sale. Im packed with tents and just bought a new light otherwise I’d swipe in


@HighTilliDie Theirs always room for deals in here. I was just thinkin I need some new lights. you know how much? I’m on the KC side, never been to STL which is reason enough for me to make the drive.


@hooddirt I asked if he was willing to seperate anything and the answer was no. He just wants a quick sale and said he’s priced it to move fast. Overall tho for 2 lights 2 tents and grow buckets for $450 that’s cheap. If nothing else you could try find something to go half with?

I think your right. I got a 100 watt on my right plant and 200 on my left 2 and the right plant had alot more stretch to it.


Missouri fella and new grower here too, looking forward to your updates. I’m in the center of the state, Pettis county.


Happy to help my dude!

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Welcome to the party, happy growing!


Updated Pics, here is my MAC1.
Anyone know what the discoloration might be?

Here’s some shots of the Zkittles x Chillz
I feel like I should do some more defoliation but I’m afraid to deprive my girls of light, what would yall do?

The younguns, MAC1 clones in the 1gal pots, Zkittles x Chillz in the cups and DJ Short’s Blueberry in the ac infinity nursery bag

clones of Anaphylaxis by mass medical thug pug colab and purple chem by cali connect in the seed dome and a two day old Grape Balls of Fire by ethos sprout
A shot of the whole flower tent

And lastly my first auto, Fog Dog by KCGenetics

I think its workin out well enough I’m gonna try n keep one around. She’s been crazy easy, just feed and forget pretty much. Obviously not gonna get a lot out of her but she’s lookin nice and smells crazy good


If anyone has grown DJ Short’s blueberry or Ethos Grape Balls of Fire lmk how they did for you. I’m growing them from seed for the first time. I’m looking more for info on the Grape Balls, or any of its grape parents Grape Diamonds, Grape Cake, or Grape Stomper

DJ shorts blueberry is decent. Hit or miss on actually getting any blueberry terps.

Looks like some of your buds in the last post have some light bleaching going on. Tips of the top buds turning white. Raise the lights or turn them down a bit, up to you.

As for defoliation, this might help Defoliation vs No(little) defoliation - #12 by PlantShepherd