I am wondering if any one of you guys has ever defoliated rooted clones? It could be beneficial for pest treatment if it works. Defoliate the clones and flush them under the tap.
I’ve never tried it but am curious to do so. Unless somebody here has tried it without luck.
Many people spend weeks and lots of money killing pest. If it was as simple as washing them under the tap do you think they would do it? You appear to not be aware of cannabis pest like spider mites. But by all means use the tap for pest prevention
I want to investigate defoliation for pest control. So far you have not supplied me with any links about this matter plus your claim it won’t remove any pest is hard to swallow. I mean, it certainly removes the pests on the leafs.
Russet mites and broad mites will not be eradicated this way, but many other pests can be succesfully eradicated, although to be successful repetition and close inspection will remain necessary nonetheless both to prevent re-infestation and to take care of remaining survivors or newly hatched eggs.
I’ve taken clones and defoliated to just a few leaves for spider mite control. Makes spotting individuals and especially eggs doable, provided you have the eyes and patience to search every millimeter a few times. It can be done. Take several clones. Keep 'em separated.
Another method I’ve personally used (but which did not eradicate the russet mites I was battling) is to use tween, yucca extract, or another plant soap or surfactant together with Flying Skull in a large bucket, put some airstones in (in my case I used an ozone generator instead of a normal air pump) to start foaming it up, and then give the entire plants a foam dip, then leave them like that for half an hour or so before rinsing them off in the shower.
Looks like a giant cotton candy stick.
ALWAYS water your plants BEFORE you use Flying Skull, because it’ll do a serious number on the ladies if you don’t.
A rooted clone is almost essentially a teen plant no?
You can defoliate during most (but not all) stages of growth.
But defoliation alone as a pest control solution would not be effect. It may appear temporarily effective, but you will still have to deal with whatever pest remains before it repopulates. Otherwise there was no point in pulling leaves to begin with.