Denver cannabis cup

omg dude, its just a sham cash grab.

no smoking, no weed. no ballots.
no activities, no events, no panels.
3 hours instead of 3 days.

u have to smoke outside, which is in public, which is techincally agaisnt the law here in denver. thats fucked, man.
this is not right. shame on you, high times.


Well that fucking blows ass! WTF!



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They’ve been like this for a long time… Went to the Vegas cup, it was on tribal land, same thing no smoking etc…they came to Oklahoma and put it on in a venue that held 5,000 people max… We have over 200,000 card holders…a lot of people paid for tickets then they (hightimes) leaked a code for free GA tickets. People were in line for most of the days, people who paid for tickets were turned away…
Hightimes is a shit show!


I went to the website and wondered if it would be worth trying to go up for. I knew right away I wasn’t considering going. For only 3 hours? It would take that long for me to drive up. Why even put it on? Might as well just do a webcast. And, it was being held in some theater? Downtown?