Really news showing how corrupt really is

Wow! Not even cameras that don’t work really no effort to be safe or legit.
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The cannabis industry is full of criminals that don’t follow the rules.
Because they are well-connected politically and financially.
Very few get caught and if they do they just pay off someone and keep going business as usual.
The high-dollar crooks came out of the woodwork when they heard about legal cannabis.

They took the cannabis culture out of cannabis and replaced it with white collar criminals.

How does the cannabis industry sell several billion dollars worth of cannabis and still claim they lost money? :thinking:


Right the big corporate heads make the money but the dispensaries don’t get the same benefits as other businesses. No subsidies, can’t get business loans, and insane taxes, which are supposed to help schools that no one has seen, they are making pennies. This is according to a couple owners I’ve talked to so ya make something natural illegal, demonize it and criminalize it then barely decriminalize it and tax the shit out of it.