Dequilo's 2021 grow some indoor fun:) closed 3/32021

that is how it works indeed :slight_smile:

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Thanks for stopping by

Buddie was a great guest for the 1 1/2 years he stayed with us

but he grew up and away he went

he was a great gardener

and so helpful

when I think of him I do hope he did well

all the best



Thanks for check out my grow and thing :slight_smile:

The horses for me are lawn ornaments, the pigs on the other hand

are magical animals that can turn vegetables into bacon :wink:

that is it for me, I also like animals more then people

we got lucky we bought this place cheap with no money

and it has worked out great, we paid it off in 2 1/2 years back in 1998

so no mortgage and our taxes are 600 dollars a year for school and property

all the best and be safe



Good Day all it is time to update this log

I have been very very busy will my day job, from spring to fall I am here as little as


but from Thanksgiving to after the first of the year I am flat out here

it is the only time of the end when I can really shut down my network and servers

as the run must of the time 24/7/365

so since i need and income still to work i must go

UPDATE 12/02/2019

Cowboy Kush

Snake oil

so in the end I after breaking a tap root on the Cowboy Kush and knock over a couple

of Snake Oils

I have nine of the cowboy kush and seven of the snake oil

Cowboy Kush 12/22/2019

snake oil 12/24/2019

since I still have a few mites I am killing and no real room

what could anyone want more seedlings and clones :slight_smile: 1/01/2020

a cross of mine something X something else if i remember correctly :wink:

so I did cut some clones of Channel+, Gorilla Glue, Ganj-Nam Style (Mekong High X Critical Mass)

Black and a blueberry

this was on 01/01/2020 they are looking rough but the bugs appear to be gone so

they are getting better

01/05/2020 they got a repot and a weak shot of 20-20-20 they are looking like they will

be just fine

but of course I took a few more to be sure

and started some beans

thank god spring is coming

just some stuff

tried some beans in rockwool

one more of channel+ clones trying to grow

so you all are kinda up to date

all the best



Whoowee, ya got lots on the grow up in here!!!


Yessireee thats what my eyes like to see … good variety and number… all the best in there mate


Hey Dequilo, i like Your thread !!! Thanks for shareing these great pix !! i´m realy love this Vulture :thumbsup:


I do and did a plant count a few minutes ago and stopped

because I have lots :slight_smile:

put the cloners away and gave my wife the beans

nice to see you and all the best



I like to start from beans so I can get a male or two

I always make a bean or two now and then :slight_smile: good to have on hand

thanks for stopping and love your work



Hello My friend nice to see you and glad you liked the photos

Buddy was great to have stop by and help grow

all the best



well it has been too long, from the end of November to the first of February is a crazy time

to get to work remote and ride my bike all summer

I have to work a lot over the winter :frowning:

the people that pay my bills just bought 3.5 million dollars worth equipment

so more work for me when it comes in, but it will be done by spring for riding time :slight_smile:


some Channel+ working on finishing

early on Channel+

a bud

close up


peace and be safe



Well Good Day all I am going to try to get this thread back up to date

so I will be trying to fill you all in on 01-11-2020 thru 01-26-2020 and then keep it up to date


so here goes as you all know me and my friends the Spider Mites have been having

a running battle and they have been kicking my ass

so I have some clones I took of plants I want to save and have been trying to start seeds

which has no been working so well for me :frowning:

I have sprayed for mite so many times it has been crazy and my plants just kept

look worst and worst

a cross of a cross of mine and some seedlings :cry:

no matter what I did things just kept going down hill, I tried different pro-mix

made sure the soil was no getting too cold but nothing was helping

the plants just keep hanging on, I would spray,feed and water

they would just sit there, not growing but not dying

at one point I was thing about throwing all the plants out and burning the grow room


so by this time I was pulling my hair trying to get a handle on my problems

wherever they may be

still looking bad at this time but no bugs, but not doing any real growing

a bit of growing but no real strong

so I think soil? Ferts? the cold? on and on

them bingo :astonished: the lights

I was using a pair of double ended Solis-Tek 6000k bulbs

I liked the look of the light, my light meter said they were give off good

FC/LUMs so I thought we are all good. Not so they were used from my kid

after talking to him they were way used up

so on 01-24-2020 I relamped with a couple new 630 watt Ceramic Metal Halide

bulbs I had on hand

things are starting to grow and look better, it is always the last thing I think about


clones starting to look like they will grow

even the seedling are trying, the weed can take some abuse

01-25-2020 under new bulbs



so the lights appear to be my problem

all the best and enjoy the day



Glad you figured it out. Lights are hard to diagnose, especially when the bulbs look fine to the naked eye.


so am I :slight_smile: it was making me nuts

bulb looked new but was not :frowning: and to the eye light is light so that looked fine also

thanks for stopping by



I’m up for sum growing indoor fun, been a minute since the last update… what’s the hap’z?


missing you bro


it has been way too long :frowning:

still have a day job for a few more years and they make work because

they pay me

go figure, but they let me ride my bikes during the warm weather

I work when I must

work shots with a phone

our new 52 inch press

our 42 inch we bought 2 years ago

but grow updates to come

peace and be well



me too :slight_smile:


Sadly for now I am done growing inside

I have fought the mites enough for now time

to enjoy growing again

I have moved outside :slight_smile:

here Time to move outside in New York 2020


But I do have one plant under a 600 watt single ended HPS

it is I believe a Channel+ x blueberry (very sativa)

very high tech setup as always :slight_smile:

now it is about 10 days into flower should be done

mid to end of July

all the best
