Describe your first cannabis experience

Here is mine…Back in 1970 when I was 15 years old all I heard about was getting high and I wanted to try it. I smoked cigarettes, which by the way is the real gateway drug they gave me a slight buzz when I hotboxed them but it didn’t last long. I tried corn silks, they tasted like shit. The Smothers brothers said smoking banana peels would get you high. Nope that didn’t work. I even tried smoking incense, that didn’t work either.
Then the fall of my Sophmore year in high school a new kid had moved into my small Ohio town. He was in my art class and we struck up a friendship. One Friday afternoon he asked me if I wanted to smoke some weed? Excitedly I said “sure”. He said give me your address and I will have my mom drop me off at your house on Sunday afternoon.
Sunday afternoon was a perfect October day and as he promised his mom dropped him off about 2 pm. We hiked back to the woods by my house. He pulled a little brass and wood pipe from his pocket and a ball of aluminum foil which he carefully unwrapped. Inside of it was a little ball of some kind of brown substance. He said “this is hash”, which I knew all about. He put it in his pipe and fired it up, took a hit,then passed it to me. I took a small hit and it wasn’t bad .We finished that bowl and I sat down on a rock. Pretty soon my head started to swim and I am not sure but I think I might have seen Ole Squatch. That perfect October day will always stay in my mind. It’s hard to believe it was nearly 54 years ago.


I think there’s already a thread like this…


It’s been done.

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They will get merged. Then y’all can see how my first experience I got hella paranoid and thought they was going to drown a duck.

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I remember my first first cannabis experience thread.


Do you remember if you felt anything?

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