Tell us about your first time

So this is the thread where you tell us about the first time you got high. How old were you? Who were you with? What did you smoke? How did you smoke it (joint, bowl, bong, vape, etc)? Tell us about the effects of the high and the experience.

For me, I was 11 and just started 7th grade. I recently moved that summer and my neighbor (new best friend) had 2 sisters who were in 10th and 12th grade. The 2nd day of school, the girls made plans with me to pick me up from my junior high and smoke weed with me. They also brought along another neighbor, who was best friends with the 10th grader…

So here I am, the 2nd day of junior high with basically no friends at the school, standing around outside with a bunch of other people, waiting for my ride. Only MY ride was 3 hot girls from HIGH SCHOOL (well, 2 hot ones and 1 cute one)! SIDE NOTE: I will always believe that moment, with so many people seeing me get picked up by those girls, changed the trajectory of my junior high experience - for the better.

As kids do, we drove around while getting high. They had the weed that I came to consider was the only weed that existed, Mexican brick weed. It was stemmy with seeds, and the girls weren’t too particular about filling the bowl with whatever they pulled from the bag, but I didn’t care. I WAS SMOKING WEED! WITH GIRLS!! So after smoking several bowls, the girls were definitely high. Silly high. Funny high. Unfortunately, I didn’t really get high. I had learned after that that sometimes people don’t get high their first time, and this was true with me. Perhaps with the kind of weed that we grow today, things would have been different - but I’ll never know.

Bottom line, my first experience getting high was awesome and unforgettable and almost perfect, with one exception: I didn’t really get high!

Your turn!


I was 14. Didn’t know much if anything about weed. Went with my best friend and his sister to their moms work at Kroger about a half hour away. They described to me it was a pinner or pin rod. And it WAS! Lol BUT I GOT HIGH.
I was in love with some girl I didn’t even know, just seen here around and bought her flowers at Kroger, high fo my first time smiling ear to ear walking around Kroger’s.


lol, I certainly remember pinners, which we called pin joints.

Being high in a grocery store can be a problem for a 14 year old. Either you spend all your money on munchies, or worse - you have no money and steal munchies. Not you, though @TreeTop - you buy FLOWERS! So how did things turn out with your love interest?


I talked to her on the ph some, she was older. Just kids, no car right? I wasn’t boosting cars yet jk. I’d walk to my friends in the country all the time. About a 1/4 mile or little more. She had big boobs and a beauty mark. It all just faded away, but Mary jane stuck around. :grin:


I was 14 as well hanging out with my friend in his barn. We decided to start up his brothers field car, a z24 cavelier that had to be started in the gear you wanted. We drove around the fields and in the glove box we found a bag of weed and a custom parachute bong., so we tried it, coughed our brains out and went for a long walk till we got to a dark closed mud road through the woods and we were to paranoid to walk down it so back to the car we went.


I actually don’t remember exactly when I started getting high, all I remember was that I always had access to weed. A friend of mine had parents that sold weed and my pops bought his in bulk, like QP’s. Needless to say me and the homie was some stealing little bastards. I used to try n be the first kid out of 6th grade school yard to light up alone leaving a trail of stench behind. One thing I remember for sure is this lasted alll the way til Hi school, where I got my taste of tha real deal. I started hanging out with the rich kids around then and them mutha fukas had some KILL !!! When they first took me off campus to smoke a fatty, I remember this as my first time, the fact that I really got fukd up. We went back to school, me I was paranoid af. My friend fell asleep in Algebra, I don’t know how I managed, but when the bell rang, my friend woke up with a big red circle on his forehead. LMFAO still funny to me…


Well, my cannabis devotion began in the spring of 1967, I was 17 and looking forward to graduating from High School in the coming June.
I went over to my best friend’s house to hang out, and he whipped out a bag of green stuff and asked me to smell it…OH NO!.. the dreaded Marijuana… I had heard that this stuff could ruin your life and turn kids into junkies overnight. I was not deterred, as my curiosity got the better of me. My pal rolled up a couple of doobers, and I furtively smoked one on my walk back to my house. HOLY MACARONI, colors seemed brighter, in fact the entire world seemed shiny and new to me. When I got home, I was quite self conscious for being so high. I sat down for dinner and marveled at the exquisitely delicious mashed potatoes and meatloaf. My mother noticed my unbridled enthusiasm in devouring my food as I even had a second helping of everything…haha. I remember that evening with vivid clarity.


I got a friend high for his first time. He said he didn’t feel anything. So we went to town grave yard and smoked another, wasn’t going to let him off easy. Come back to local hangout and he walks out with a payday and carmelo bar lol. From then on he loved weed. And I knew he was high and he did too at that point.


…and the uncontrollable laughing began! :joy:

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I was in 5th grade my buddy stole some weed from his older brothers stash we went up the hill into the woods over looking a tidal creek neither one of us knew how to roll a boobie but we managed andgot a bit high we were both.late getting home after dark oooops
Aparently we got stoned and fi
Orgot vall about the time and thevresyt is history

Peace out and stay safe


12 yrs old was a contact high 3 of my older friends were smoking in my buddies new 68 camaro , was against it till then, started growing shortly thereafter.




Well, I can’t tell you about the first time I got high, I’m not sure I remember… I smoked maybe 5 or 6 times before I ever had enough to GET high. Couple hits wouldn’t do it for me. Pharmaceuticals can do that. Eventually I get tired of that shit and just offered to buy my buddies stash off him, maybe an 1/8oz. Same mids I see all over town coming from med dispensaries at the time, unfortunately still use today. Ok, that was nice. Nothing amazing. So I only use at night to sleep maybe. I start realizing it’s sort of helping my anxiety. At this point I am 23 years old. I have been suffering from increasing anxiety since about the 4th or 5th grade. It’s just gotten better since… and ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you this. Today is first time I’ve ever been stoned. I couldn’t tell you why either. I picked up an indica today rather than my usual sativa. I don’t usually think much of it, it’s all hybrids, but this shit hit. Usually indica makes me a bit sleepy, kinda dulls the anxiety, while sativa gives me nearly normalizing levels of anxiety reduction. I’ve had this strain in flower, which I smoked, vaped, and ate, wasn’t anything special. I just got home 40 minutes ago and put a bit of this budder in my Puff Co Plus. One “sesh-mode” hit… and damn. It took 30 minutes to write this lol. This is the chillest high I’ve ever had. I’m fucking swaying with every breath I take. I haven’t relaxed in years guys. Don’t know who else to explain how happy I am to. I don’t know if this is a one magic pheno or what, it’s Face Mints grown by Cresco. If anyone points me toward some seeds or alternative strains you will for sure receive a like from me.


Well, your reply was on topic, then WHAM! Hit with curveball. But…CONGRAT’S on achieving peak high-ness!! Now I want to find and grow out some Face Mints! Here’s a link to a review I found describing it:

Anyone have these beans?


In so many ways, this is the first time for me. It’s tempting to buy as much as I can when I see it for bag-seed and some fun times now.

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First 2 times I didn’t actually get high, which I believe is common.

The first time I actually got high was at high school and for some reason I went back to class, I literally don’t remember the entire day, the next thing I remember is getting on the bus to go home.

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