Did lower late pollen sacs get to the other tent? Or am I paranoid like many other times

I forget the exact order I put these on here lol but the first one was I believe a Bract from my plants 3-4 weeks into flower I carefully broke open and it seems at the bottom there’s a little tiny seed forming. Yesterday I came in and saw a couple tops and bud sites on the gorilla monsoon with orange hairs I put those pics on here. Where it seemed they were hit or pollinated. I haven’t found any pollen sacs in there. In my other flower tent where the exhaust is literally opposite corner of the room than this intake. I found a young pollen sac on the lower part of one of the bad bananas. I posted a pic of that in my hand and keep in mind I broke it open a bit more to see myself. In the tent where the pollen sac was I believe it’s too late to pollinate anything they are 1-2 weeks from harvest in there. But I’m really worried this other tent is pollinated between those early orange budsites and the bracts feeling like there’s this teeny tiny solid piece in and at the bottom. The orange hairs also look like the budsites could’ve been roughly fucked with but that’s not a normal thing here nor is it something I remember. Is there normally ever a little solid piece in the bract this early or have I fucked up. If these have seeds either way I’m growing them out and freeze/washing them then cuz I’m so fucking behind :sob:


This one budsite is like this on this branch


I’m no expert but those pistols look pollinated.

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The more I break open I believe they are yes pollinated, 3 weeks and 5 days in. Should I reset or grow em out, freeze em, and have someone who knows what they are doing wash? Anyone think one of those options is a lot better than the other? One thing after another this past year with plants im a depressed mother fucker rn

Grow it out and smoke it. Just remember to pick out the seeds from the grinder. I don’t know how many times I smoked great weed that had seeds in it.


If it was just for smoke I wouldn’t care, I’d like to try the seeds out. But I pay bills with this and all the branding shit here since laws changed is crazy so I can’t sell a bunch of this with seeds in it.

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In that case I’d throw them outside a place they can finish under the sun and start over in there. If you got cuttings on hand or can acquire them cleanly then there’s technically not much time lost. Throw a sea of green for a change, it’s more input cash for more clones but you’ll be closer to finish, if the clones are clean and well rooted of course.


I have mothers,clones, seedlings ready. These are 60/40 coco perlite tho I can’t finish these outside

Can’t add much on Wizzlez. Good strategy to fill the gap generated, asap.

Considering your description, you have a source somewhere. Bracts are activated in a matter of hours, it’s very fast. If you have a progression from a day to another (virgin->orange), something is importing pollen. Considering the level, it’s just a matter of isolated grains. Or a single banana of a herm producing (by luck) poorly and poor grains quality. You can also carry it in hairs, beard, clothes, under nails … time to investigate.

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That’s no mentality for an American!


Look if you have grown them so far you can finish them. Their root system needs water and nutrients, there’s plenty of ways to provide that. 60/40 coco perlite in my book means bury them in a spot where the soil retains water well and water frequently until 3 weeks from finish. They might not continue like they did before but there’s options if you’re willing to think about it and have the nutrients, the time to water or materials or money and time to install a watering system.

Hell I’ve seen hippies rig up nutrient providing automated watering systems fed by gravity.

The real question is now how much are these plants and the work you already put into them worth to you with the amount of seeds you can see in there, cause her genetics and that amount of seeds will largely determine how fragrant and potent the resulting bud will be, for own use or not.

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See how bad they are and if they are bad make hash.

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I know forsure my last plants were pollinated that I chopped early and on these plants I just flipped a week ago, seem to have those orange hairs at the bracts just like that and I’ve done sprays and cleaned since the last plants were chopped I cleaned fans. But this seems like it’s the exact same thing happening with bracts being pollinated as they grow. They come out looking nice and white like you see some (at the top) and as you go lower the more orange you see and they look like the last ones that have been pollinated, I have no males even in veg, I have cleaned and sprayed the tent and plants multiple times since any hermis could have been possibly here. How could this be anything else? I’m like is someone close growing a big male outside somewhere and my portable ac pulling it in?? I’m going crazy if this stuff is pollinated to

Foliar sprays can make pistils change color… so does oil from your skin. That type of stuff.