So third tent in a row seems pollinated, I have no males at all anywhere, I’ve cleaned and sprayed countless times through these tents, fans, ducts

I am 90% sure these are pollinated because every time they looked like this the past couple grows, I saw seeds develop or finished and had the seeds in there. I have cleared any males, I have cleaned my tents, fans, ac, everything and now these seem to have the same orange hairs a little over two weeks into flower coming. I sprayed zerotol a couple days after flipping the lights but there was no budding and it’s now just over two weeks and everytime new white hairs come out, within a day or so they turn orange like this. Many might try to say burn but these have not been givin ANY nutrients. They have been transplanted with just roots organic and looked beautiful they’ve now been in these big pots since just before flower and I wanted to feed yesterday but messed up when ph’ ing what was brewed so I’m starting another brew of it today.

I can’t find the budsites that just started tester/today that I saw orange in but I did, it’s not just the bracts. Same exact thing with the buds I have finished that got this late flower and they have underdeveloped seeds throughout. I’m gonna have to finish these I’m so behind and broke but imma freeze and have someone with a nice set up wash em.


This is exactly how every plant started that I have recently forsure had seeded

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Crazy? You aren’t bringing in air direct from outside right? Only other thing I can think of is in your fans etc. or maybe on your pre-filter? Sorry this is happening I can only imagine how frustrating

I I have my portable ac unit/ dehumidifier hooked up to the window but the window is def sealed off all around it I mean sealed, I clean all the filters regularly, plus I’ve been using this unit for the past 3 years and haven’t had this problem until the beggining of this year

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So strange…. I really wish I could help, I can only imagine your frustration. I’ll run it by my mentor, if anyone knows everything there is to know it’s Mike. I’ll see what he has to say


Thank you very much, it’s driving me nuts I chopped two tents that were a few weeks in when I saw the pollination. Finished one that was pollinated late and found a seed in an early test of those drying plants. I’m just hoping the return on these freezing and Washing makes it somewhat worth the finish.

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Do you see any balls or nanners ?

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Probably that zerotol stuff burning the preflower hairs.

Pollen just isn’t viable for very long. The new stuff will likely come in all white.

Unless you got a big nanner cluster or something.


It took me years to realize (when I was growing in dirt) that ph is absolutely critical to maintain in the correct range to keep these scenarios from happening. I now realize how easy it is to overfeed when the ph isn’t right. Most herms seem to happen because over excess fertilizer + ph being out of wack…not saying this is what’s happening with yours but it’s what I’ve seen. You don’t have to have a bunch of nanners either, a couple of them and that’s a wrap…
I fucking hate wrestling with ph but it’s very important to get right.

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I don’t right now, in the previous situations where there was underdeveloped seeds in the end I did

I hope you’re right the buds are just starting to develop so the next week or so I’ll see a lot

I just started trying soil after years of coco perlite and salty stuff. I’ve gotten some different answers from people for what my ph should be in roots organic original that I’m running now and the ph under the directions for their nute line I’m running is for if you’re running these in coco.

And I don’t think I had a big banner cluster I saw a couple pollen sacs opening at the bottom of a couple branches on one grand master chem and I took it out. That was a bit into flower and I see a lot of spots of seeds just starting to develop, not too bad like I just see it as a grower. Not actual white seeds even. I was worried how much of that pollen could’ve been blown everywhere and still viable. But that was a month ago and I sprayed everywhere plus these plants with sulfur once before flipping, that zerotol right after flipping

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Not sure if I explained it well but That grand master chem hermi was in another tent that was later into flower, I took it out before this tent was ever flipped and sprayed before flipping

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ugh… :see_no_evil: I’d be pulling apart the flowers right next to/above any suspect pistils.

Pollen can also be viable for months. 4-6 months, just sitting on a fan somewhere or something. Be super surprised how viable it can be considering. Just needs a dry spot.

Hopefully Vernal’s right and it’s the zerotol, or something else. I’ve definitely seen pistil tip burn just like that from dosing too much Nitrogen, I know you said you haven’t fed anything though so likely not that, but just saying.

Hope you’re able to find the cause and fix it bro.


Ugh man that 4-6 months thing is scary, I didn’t spray some of the outside tent fans until recently but with buds just starting I’m hoping with all the sprays now these buds wouldn’t be fully pollinated? Or is this perfect full pollination time? Ughhhh god I didn’t think pollen could stay good for that long and I wasn’t As worried with the small amount of pollen sacs I saw. Damn!! At the end of the day if these are pretty pollinated, but I grow em out well, it would still be good fresh frozen hash, with not much of a difference, if done by someone who knows their stuff with proper equipment right? Or does the plant producing seeds mess with quality and terps big time? If this stuff is Pollinated again and all those dirty clones issues I can go ahead and say 2023 has been my worst grow year ever and overall just a horrible piece of fuckin shit year with everything lol.

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But I’m really hoping vernals right, in vernal we trust. My garland grows we’re my greatest harvests ever lol and no issues till the dirty clones of chem fuego came in and got everything.

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I usually pollinate on days 21 and 28 for full pollination… just one time pollination and you’ll still have smokeable bud. I’ve occasionally had better effects from seeded flower like that, never significantly worse as long as its still grown well. The plant won’t just stop making good flower just because its seeded, especially lightly seeded. She’ll keep putting out flowers and resin like she wasn’t. Shouldn’t have any issues getting a quality extraction from it. Just need to make sure no more pollen is going around if that could be the cause. Otherwise… maybe just careful on the zerotol ^^


Could it possibly by transfer from clothing? Maybe you’re bringing it in that way? Walk the dog in the same shirt and your neighbor dusts you?
I seeded my tent last run. Had a male well segregated. But I walked past it frequently. Yea…for now ALL males hit the yard waste instantly.
Good luck solving that


I don’t think so only because I’m so paranoid of outside pathogens I always change wash my hands rinse my hair at least or shower after going in. But I think I indeed found the problem. The one one big fan I have outside of the tents in a closed corner is where my 4x4 exhaust pushes. That 4X4 is what had some pollen sacs come out. I thought I did I general cleaning and lign Spray in that fan area but not hard enough or I messed up not cleaning the ducts themselves that also blow at that because I found a tiny bit in the exhaust duct from that 4x4 just now and a bit of what seems to be pollen on this one tent on the outside. I didn’t think pollen could live long idk why I didn’t think it lasted longer than a week im scrubbing this fan I’ll try to get a pic my hands are a little dirty rn bear with me but pollen built up in ducts and fans from over a month ago i think may be it