Much needed advice on nutrients/fertilizers and never used?

So I am currently on day 13 of flower and it’s my second grow and I haven’t used nutrients during the first time or throughout this grow as well. I should mention that I’m growing in soil and it’s a mixture of Miracle Grow and some perlite growing in a phototron. Is it worth giving her a little bit of some kind of blooming nutrients or just let it go since I haven’t been using them but basically I am just seeing if after the stretch is done if there’s some sort of nutrient that is recommended &



That’s Your first problem, That shit has way to many unknown Ingredients & Additives and releases them on it’s own and can drive your PH levels to unrealistic readings…


Miracle grow products WILL always make your smoke harsh! Took me decades to figure that one out…


Paging @PhilCuisine the Phototron master


Anyone could’ve answer this…Yes, you need to use some kind of nutes for flowering so the buds can grow to it’s full potential…I’ve been using Technaflora BC nutes for almost 20 yrs. for hydro/soil…what kind of MG soil are you using? Does it have nutes in it?

I used MG soil before and MG fertilizer…this plant had MG soil and used MG nutes throughout the grow…I’ve actually used MG fertilizers in DWC on one of my outdoor DWC grows and it works…


You say 20 years !!! :heart_eyes: :zap: :fire: :call_me_hand:


When I first grew in my Phototron I followed the directions that came with the P-trons and used their nutes big mistake, I failed…during my first grow I hung out in the old Overgrow and I was reading up & soaking up knowledge about DWC hydro…so after my failed 1st. grow in my Phototron I decided to go SWC/TRON…
I picked Technaflora BC to use because it was available at Brew & Grow store in Chicago and it came in a nice colorful box…well needless to say I’ve succeeded in growing my 1st. plant in hydro in a Phototron…From there on Technaflora BC nutes is the only nutes that I use for growing pot in my SWC/TRON grows…it also works in soil grows too…

Dr.G, since your gonna be hanging out on Overgrow I suggest that you hangout in hydro/soil forums too and soak up the never ending knowledge from all these growers…


That’s what I was thinking…but it’s a mixture of

and I actually sifted out the tiny balls that contain the slowly released food/ nutrients in them but the performance organics is what I used for my first grow and I didn’t use any nutrients for it and I know that Miracle-Gro isn’t ideal and it’s considered “hot soil” but it worked for me before and I just wanted to see if adding at least one type of flower nutrient would make a difference…especially since it’s almost done with the stretch & I’ve been trying to put new threads on…I’m very grateful :pray:t2: for your continued help and input on basically everything since joining OG, even though you are in the middle of ur own grow… it’s frustrating whenever I mention phototron almost every time I’m told I need to ask @PhilCuisine aka The Tron-Guru


A good cheap one part bloom fertilizer is General Hydroponics Maxibloom…$15 for 2.2 lbs and used at a rate of 1 tsp per gallon.



Pro mix and jacks for the win

Easy cheap and the best


Coco-coir and Jacks, a winning combo


Been using Jacks for over a decade…back when it was called Peters Pro Hydroponic. Great products!

I personally feel the older formula/recipe was better…hell of a lot cheap too…lol

Mentioned the Maxibloom because of its simplicity and results…used it quite a bit and for a one part nutrient it surprised me!

Jacks is definitely a superior feeding program!!



What’s in Miracle-Gro that’s the culprit of making your smoke harsh or is it just the Miracle-Gro in general that does it?

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My opinion is a bloom nute would help. Miracle grow ppl hate it but is what it is. It works and definitely keeps em fed. But you will fall short on k I’ve used em all. Now I just buy blocks of peat sand and perlite and amend it all with kelp ewc and down to earth vegetable 4-4-4. But I still use bloom nutes to spike the p and k and calmag just cause lot of strains eat it up in flower.

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looks like big-box-store type stuff?

if you can get this there, you should.


Tips hat and leaves


I’m curious about what the difference between getting nutrients and fertilizers in powder form or in liquid and the difference between them if any…my Dad used to grow in a phototron back when they were new & his was a Phototron 2 so even more height restriction than the P-Tron 3000sx I’ve got…he successively grew using the supplied sphagnum moss & would send a sample of his moss during his transition to flower…they’d send back a report for what the sphagnum moss conditions were plus supplied him with nutes and ferts/food it was lacking…unfortunately the lab was shutdown in the mid to late 90’s. My Dad’s Alzheimer’s has robbed his mind and his 8 years of growing experience and knowledge of using a Phototron is lost to this SHITTY disease and how before the phototron he had been growing indoors in soil…extremely frustrating, mad and sad that my Dad isn’t able to help and be a part of the grow from the Alzheimer’s so that is y I’m glad I can get on OG and 99% of the time I have advice or suggestions within an hour THANK YOU OG community


I’m glad these OGers can chime in for suggestions… I’ve only used technaflora BC nutes, advance nutes, kool bloom, miracle grow and shults nutes when growing pot and vegetables… These OGers have more experience using other different nutes…there’s really no right or wrong flower nutes to use its preference.

You know my saying, if your shoes shine why buff them…


I usually have access to the Dr Earth products at Lowe’s but unfortunately they’re not really stocking garden supplies and I don’t want to get a huge amount at a grow supply store and have Dr Earth’s liquid gold organic that is 1-1-1, Miracle-Gro indoor plant food 1-1-1 and Alaska fish fertilizer(fish emulsion) 5-1-1 and I know that I can get some cal-mag if it’s helpful for flowering and I am just completely new to the nutes and food…but that’s why I’m getting feedback


Everything looks fine and fed.

I imagine the soil will start to run out of nutes and you will need to add something else.

Just keep an eye on her, especially lower leaves. She’ll tell you when she wants more.

Lots of options for supplemental ferts.

Also I have used miracle grow no big deal.