Dirt Wizard's Magic Wand Factory and Library Lounge

Damn dirt that’s all good info to have about the HLG pots, I’m wondering if I’m gonna have to deal with any of that on my 350 in the future, time will tell I suppose


Well, it turns out to be mad simple and an opportunity to upgrade even, like @Hotrods_and_hounds pointed out. I’m gonna order some pots and one or two of those connector boxes, because I like this new Viparspectra I just put into the veg tent a lot, and it runs on that RJ45 controller wires, I might just actually get a damn light and fan controller finally!


Veg tent is very happy under the new XS1500 Pro, it seems like the lenses really work to make a nice soft spread, I can see the difference in light distribution, and have been using it at 50% so far, plants seem happy adjusting to the warmer spectrum.

Seedlings are 4x DPDP, 4x Zip Tape, and then a few randoms:

Ortega Mix 1:

Ortega Mix 2 & 3:

The leaves on these are pretty interesting:

Malana 3 soldiering on:


Started the prep to crack the first half of the Vortex F1 seeds today for this Co-op Run that I’ve been promising you all for many months now. Recent seed germination has been good when I’ve stayed on top of them, and I feel good about popping half of the donated seeds now to get started.

Jiffy 7 pellets soaked for 6 hours in 10:1 tap water to drugstore H202 3% then drained and left for another twelve to fully absorb, then shaped up by hand:

This is the “Vortex Box” in my seed collection:

I’ll germinate two of the seeds from @grief via @buckaroobonsai this round along with two from @Guitarzan and five from Badger via @Weednerd.Anthony this time around, and the rest in a week.

EDIT: duh I must have been very stoned when I labeled these seeds and as @MonsterDrank just pointed out, the Vortex Producers Overstock are from Joel/Norstar and not Badger, though both were part of TGA/The Dank, which always gets me confused. These will be referred to correctly as the NPO (Norstar Producers Overstock) in labels from now on after I fix the ones on the blue tape


Alright dude! Time to rock! Good luck! :four_leaf_clover:


Thanks buddy! It’s been a looooong 7-8 months or so since I started thinking I was going to do this, in a different place now for sure but I also think my growing has gotten better so here we goooooo!


Are you gonna make a Co-op thread? You probably should… :wink:


I will, yeah! Gonna wait until this first group gets above ground tomorrow or the weekend then switch big updates over to a new coop thread. I could probably stand to have more than one grow thread going here TBH


Nice :+1:, save me a spot in the front row…:heart:



And we’re off to the races!


Nice @Dirt_Wizard looking forward to this !


Away we go… :+1: :+1: :+1:


Awesome. So glad you were able to get the Vortex F1s. This is the going to be the most exciting of all of the preservation projects to me. I can’t wait to see how it all turns out.

The seeds from Weednerd.Anthony are Producers Overstock from Norstar tho… nothing to do with Badger right? Norstar made seeds using Subcool’s breeding parents for TGA sale stock… basically regular Vortex F1s.


Oh lol you’re right I was mixed up there, I am not the biggest TGA facts-knower and I always get Badger and Joel/Norstar confused! I have to correct that on the labels but yeah they’re Norstar Producers Overstock from before they sold out at Genetic Supply.


Thats alright I have some pretty stoned moments myself. It happens. I’m just psyched that it’s beginning. I remember watching Vortex get born on Breedbay back in the TGA Golden years and it was a pretty exciting project and often heralded as the best TGA Strain right alongside Space Bomb as the best tasting/smelling strain TGA ever made.


Sending good vibes for the germination.:crossed_fingers:


Hey guys no photos till tomorrow but I’ve got all the Norstar Producers Overstock up and maybe some motion on the other five all is well here so far


Ok I was incorrect in my last post, but the news is generally good. Five up so far but it’s three NSPO, both G/BB beans, and none yet of the GZ:

And the advice on low-tek cloning I got from @iamyou_youareme was as primo as these Big Don roots are, the one on the right is about two weeks old and on the left about a week, just kept moist and perodically sprayed with PureCrop1 which is what keeps the roots so nice besides a little H202 in the first few waterings. This is a Root Riot and Techniflora Rootech (0.55% IBA gel w/ some B vitamins too)

I’m going to keep cloning and I want to propagate the parents from the Vortex run to be able to pick keepers ideally, or at least get in a flower run to figure out what the moms contributed


Very nice! :ok_hand:t3: