Dirt Wizard's Magic Wand Factory and Library Lounge

Looks like the final count from Round 1 of Vortex germination with ten seeds is five healthy plants, two embryos that might or might not make it.

I repotted the two G/BB and three NSPO last night into a very light mix of recycled soil and perlite in 3” tall squares, and tried to rescue the two embryos, going to let the pucks dry out and see if they throw a root at this point.

Next round of seed germination starts soon, I’ll keep you all posted! I have nine more F1 seeds to pop for this run left from the generous donations of OGs


Very good update man, it’s great to see Vortex plants, great job! :clap: -round 2?


Damn, I’m kinda hacked off that none of mine have popped so far. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I got those seeds from Sub in 2018, I believe, so they aren’t that old, and they’ve been in a vial, in my gasket case since I got 'em.

Great job on the others, though. :slight_smile:


Might have just been bad luck this round, that’s why I’m doing two!


Round 2 starts tomorrow, after I get some pucks soaking tonight, as long as I have nine left lol! Otherwise I go to the hardware in the morning and get more and we do it in the evening


Phew, blinked for a sec and almost missed couple of hundred of the updates, all caught up now …
Looking good as always brother @Dirt_Wizard
(In 5he like :heart: jail now lol)

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@buckaroobonsai @Guitarzan @Weednerd.Anthony Not enough Jiffy pellets in house to start Round 2, I think I will use the new bag of Root Riots that I have, in hopes of getting even better germination with a structured medium that seems to manage moisture superbly. My recent easy success cloning with them has me impressed, and I see lots of other users starting seed that way, so I’m going to do that after dinner tonight.


I’ve used Root Riot plugs before. They’re definitely better than the Jiffy pucks.

Good luck!! :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:


Good to hear! I think it’s time for me to move into the 21st century with some things like this. Peat is very cool stuff but I can’t argue with the perfection of every single RR in the bag and that they’re pretty clearly sterilized. I also thought the wicking sponginess of them was :100:


this bud will be thrown in 2 5 gallon terp loc bags @Dirt_Wizard provided me with to try. It’s drying now. Mac1 and apple fritter.


Just decided. The fritter which I have a bunch of will go in the large bag. Mac1 is going in all of these other ones. I’m saving the other bags



Pro tip- flip them upside down and poke a hole. Probably not a huge difference, but the stand up better that way. And dry out less fast.


I checked out those Root Riots the last time I was at the grow shop, seem really neat. I looked for them after seeing your pic of the bag a few weeks ago.

I assume they’ll work fantastic :sunglasses:

This sounds like a great idea. I think I’m already sold on these for next grow.


I have had the best success with the root riot plugs. Hardly any loss if you maintain them well. More loss in my bubble cloner by far. And actually the only few I’ve lost in riot cubes were already struggling, and most others that were struggling that I tried, recovered. I’d use em. Make sure to keep the bag sealed when not using though.


That is a great tip. I’ve never used them for seeds because of the hole size.

Thank you.


I haven’t used them for seeds either. Now I’m going to. Hahah. Clones work great!
That tip is courteousy of @Greenup. I don’t want to take credit. :wink:


Got the rest of the Vortex seeds cracked and into Root Riots today, gave each one a dropperful of water with a drop of fulvic and a dab of IBA rooting hormone to really try and max out my chances here of getting these all above ground successfully. Back into a sealed, sterilized dome at 80F for a few days and let’s see!


Positive vibes Dirt!


@Tejas Checking in on them in an hour or two while I’m briefly home, will report back!


Nothing yet but I wasn’t expecting to see movement for a day or two minimum. Dipped the plug holders briefly in 1/4” of water then drained them before putting the dome back on, ambient temps are 85F in the veg tent right now, at 70RH.