Discussion of the ethics of making F2 and S1

I have read through @Guitarzan great post talking about doing preservation runs for Subcool’s gear. I had another question for the great OG minds. The seed created would only be for free distribution on OG. If the breeder is still alive, the strain is retired ,but still actively using the parents, fair for f2 or S1? The fact the breeder COULD recreate make it ethically muddy?


The first question in my mind that needs to be addressed is this- is the breeder still making money off of it? If the answer is yes then it seems wrong to put the efforts of their labor and time out into the world and undermine their income. If the answer is no then that’s a green light as far as I’m concerned. If they’ve retired the strain and it’s not readily available anymore then it’s fair game at the least if not kind of an homage at best.

Breeder alive, strain retired, parents actively in use- that particular strain seems ethically fine to proceed with despite the parents being in use. If they’re not in use to make the desired strain then it doesn’t matter.

Thanks for turning me onto @Guitarzan’s thread there! Not sure how I missed it cause Subcool’s name instantly catches my attention and I’m doing a seedrun of some of his Pennywise right now.


Ok how about this scenario. Breeder sells from their own website and through seed banks. No longer available direct from breeder but available from seed banks, the breeder has been paid I imagine right? So we would be taking food off the seed banks table?


If the breeder still has both parents plants… I personally would not make f2/s1’s for public distribution here unless the breeder has come out and said they’re never gonna remake it.

Now would I make seeds for myself and close friends? All day long.

All just my opinion tho :man_shrugging:


If the breeder’s actual stock is still readily available then it would be a no from me. It becomes ok in my mind when you can’t find those seeds anymore and there’s no expectation of the breeder releasing more.


If you are paying for the seeds then those seeds belong to you to do what you want with them. You aren’t being granted a license to grow that strain by the breeder lol… Another thing is who made the breeders god like they didnt do with seeds they acquired from somewhere or someone that someone else down the line cant do now because theres ethics involved? If you decide to sell the f2 of a strain you acquired from that seed maker and they are still producing and releasing the originals then yes ethically you’re a chancer and no one should buy those seeds… or if you make an S1 of a strain like GG4 and release it before the actual guys that made that strain… that’s just being a dodgy prick… But if I buy from 2 separate seed makers, cross those strains and get a bunch of seeds… they are mine to do with what I please.


Well I think it sucks when you see Chem 91 S1. I mean no royalties being paid Chem 91 S1. However someone was unethical at some point, if it is real Chem 91. That’s the issue I think here, royalties. Cause tributing the breeder gives them no coin.

However on the flip side I like to gift my chucks for 0 bucks. I’m not a commercial breeder though nor the guy who bought such important genetic material to the party as Chem 91, Chem D and reunion. Or subcools entire catalogue.

Preservation or profiteering. I guess that’s the ethical debate here or rather the ethical guide.


Yeah I reckon you can tie yourself in knots whenever you start to feel anyone can ever ‘own’ a particular type of plant… I totally appreciate the time and effort that goes into breeding stand out smoke, and also respect those breeders keeping it real like the rest of us have to put food on the table….

That said, once beans have left your possession then then anything is fair game imho, your creation is free to fly and you can’t put the genie back in the bottle. Personally I feel that about any beans I get hold of and any that I give out to anybody else, you just can’t worry about it. The point imho is that by sharing your creative efforts and acknowledging people’s rights to everything our favourite plant has to offer only good things will result.
Sure there are some shady types in all circles that have no problem renaming and marketing someone else’s hard work for purely self interested money reasons, all I can say is that I wouldn’t be passing the scoob to any of them so the best we can do is call it out and refuse to hand over any of our money to support their shitty behaviour🤷‍♂️.

Imho what we shouldn’t do is get stressed and worked up over the dodgy crap that unethical assholes do, life is way too short.


Yup 100%. It’s like their will always be dbags. We just gotta be better then those kind of folk, don’t get caught in their drama and be good people.

That’s the key to life. Not money but rather doing good and helping others, being a human not a money grabbing grub. :wink: