Dispensary Genetics

I assume, unless they offer some sort of proof, or even statement, strain names at dispensaries need to be taken with a grain of salt?

I had a friend save bagseed for me, and when I looked up the strain on Attitude, there is only one breeder showing Sunshine Daydream, but just as quickly as I got excited, it faded. AFAIK, someone in their growroom looked up the strain, tried to recreate it, and chose not to rename it. Similarly, I worry that even though I see GG4 usually stated with (also known as Original Gorilla) that a seed I got labeled as Original Gorilla isnt actually GG4. Anywho, not sure where I was going with this. I will end my rant.


Yeah most dispensary herb, in my experience, is crosses at the very least. The one’s near me that carriy stuff like AK47, GG4, Ghost OG, etc, upon closer inspection of the jar’s, turns out everything they have is crossed with some unheard of ‘Geist OG’. At best, they’re taking clone-only’s and crossing them to whatever this Geist OG is, worst case they’re popping seeds to find something similar and THEN crossing it to the Geist OG. Definitely have to look at the fine print :thinking:

The other thing you have to realize, is most of the strain names these days, aren’t really strain names, they’re clone names.

GG4 is a clone only plant, not a seed-line strain. Unless you know somewhere to get the clone, the closest you can get in seed form is TonyGreen’s RIL line that used the GG4 clone across multiple bx’s, and that one WILL give you plants resembling the clone only, but Tony put in a ton of work to get there.

Chemdog/Chem 91/Chem D are all clone only plants, no seed-line. Can get seeds, sure, will be hard pressed to find a plant that is close to the original clone(s).

There’s a ton of “strains” like this, wedding cake, gelato, gsc, all these are clone-only’s. Can get seeds but you won’t likely find something that 100% resembles the clone. Especially in these 3 because they aren’t actually strains. they’re mashups of mashups of mashups, polyhybrids with no line work done. You’d plant 1000 seeds, and have 1000 different looking plants.

For me, a strain is something worked, something I can pop 100 seeds of, and have maybe 4-5 pheno’s at worst, just 1 at best, that all are very similar in terms of structures, highs, and terpenes. We don’t have a lot of that going on these days. Everyone just wants to take the latest F1 and cross it to some other F1 and call it a strain with their name on it like it means something. It’s not. You only created a polyhybrid with a ton of variance and no stability. Some people like that though, can find gold in them ther beanz, but it could take a lot of searching to find that diamond, and when you’re done, it may not resemble the clone at all that you bought it for.

So just some things to keep in mind when you’re hunting what to purchase next. Some things will require pheno hunting and some things won’t.


Thank you, that’s exactly the stuff I am hoping to learn. I dont know the difference between taking a clone, and using a seed someone used CS on one of those clones to get. Im new at this stuff, so I apologize for misusing terms, I will get in sync soon because I am really eager to learn. I’ve also enrolled in school, going for biological sciences, because my interest in this is unreal, compared to recent memory. I get to be like Leonard in community xD


I started smoking only late last year; and 99% of that is dispensary bought, since that’s what’s on the streets even. So I don’t know if I even like the strains I’ve had! So even picking a strain to find a real deal of is hard. Are there any strains that have a decent chance at relatively few phenos?


I saw some GG#10 for the first time recently at a dispensary here in San Jose, CA.

Definitely on my hit list.

I’ve never heard of it being crossed with something else like “Giest OG??”. The 3 dispensaries I usually get my cuts from are legit. The flower they sell could be another story

Right, I’ve never even heard of it, can’t find a single thing about it. But the 2 dispensary’s in my town, every bit of flower they sell is crossed to Geist OG and labeled the same as the mom.



Well that’s disappointing. I’m waiting on some gg4 feminized seeds. You sure they don’t just take a crop force it to hermie and then pollinate another to collect feminized seeds?

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It just depends, I’m sure some have the clone and are selfing it for fem seeds, but again, you’re not going to find the clone cut from a bunch of S1’s.

You’d just have to research who you’re buying from and what they’re doing. Some you may never know and just taking a chance, some you might be able to find out everything for.


Well if my seeds are coming from the Netherlands and gg4 is clone only from the US im gonna guess they don’t have it. :man_facepalming:Hopefully it turns out to be good weed all the same.:man_shrugging:


No reason they couldn’t have the clone and be selfing it. I’m sure it’ll still be good. Just may or may not come out looking like the GG4 clone, doesn’t mean it’s bad if it doesn’t :man_shrugging:


ok, so if I am understanding, if someone had done that, it would be gg4 still right? or is that classified differently because of the method used to make the seeds?

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I mean, yes and no. Again, GG4 specifically is not a strain, it’s a clone. So if you have S1’s from the Clone-Only GG4, then you have legit fem seeds from GG4, but you still do not have THE gg4, as it’s a clone, not a seed-line. Again, you most likely will not find a plant in those S1’s that 100% resembles the original GG4 clone. May get close but won’t be the exact same.

For reference, I would only buy something like this because I like the effects of GG4, I know I would likely be able to find a plant that has similar effects to the original in those S1 seeds, but I know I won’t find a plant that’s gonna be just like the pics of gg4 online. If I wanted a plant that looked AND smelled AND has effects of GG4, the only real option is find the clone… or in this particular case, you could search through the GG4 RIL line seeds and you should be able to find something that’s VERY close to the clone from that, but it will take a bit of hunting to do so. The GG4 RIL is a worked line of the clone only, with only a couple real pheno’s in it, GG4 and Gorilla Bubble. Even here though, if you find a plant that 100% looks/tastes/smells/all exactly the same as the clone, you still don’t have THE gg4. You have a nice plant of GG4 RIL that just happens to be exactly like the clone.

I don’t mean any of this to be discouraging.
Can definitely find some :fire: in S1’s and others too, just trying to clarify the terminology :wink:


Please don’t worry about discouraging me. The thing that bothers me is wasted time under an incorrect understanding of something, so I really appreciate you taking the time to spell it out.

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there was a time when the dispensaries were not able to generate enough stock and the caretakers were submitting their product in this state. Close to a year. I think each case to be unique but would also concur that what you fellows describe is often the case

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Grew GG4 from a DHN clone…it was good but not good enough to keep around.

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Just read the description of these on GLG. :skull_and_crossbones: One day, I hope to be able to read descriptions like that and understand what the hell is going on xD I know i’ll get there after this damn exercise in patience is over.

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This is where the cannabis world should really get in line with standard agricultural labels and models. “Clone only” are cultivars, piece of one plant that has certain traits that set it apart from others, and can’t be reproduced readily in seed form. Cultivars actually are easier to get patents (in agriculture plants, but lots of criteria still have to be met) so you can’t legally just clone and resell without permission. It doesn’t grow true from seed. while those bred and grown from seed would be called strains only if they are stable, not the random hybrid and varied phenotype lottery you get with many “breeders” seen now. Now doesn’t say am F1 wouldn’t be a strain, as long as it’s a stable generation and the parent plants were kept. But like hybrid tomatoes, the seeds you save from that tomato won’t grow like the parent next season, like heirloom types would.


Is this how we get ants?
Just actually noticed you screen name :laughing:
Oh, herirloom means breeds true through seeds saved if you made seeds from that plant with others of its own strain, it would come out more or less just like the parents, a true stable strain. That’s after many generations of selective breeding, or out in the wild it would be called landrace.

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I dont think what I did was selective in any sense lol. I would assume you would keep a mother and test a small clone to determine if a plant was something you wanted to breed, then use that mother to either make some pollen, or pollenate with pollen from another plant you’ve done the same thing with? I’m sure there are layers im missing, but is that the general idea? (edit, and as you mentioned you would have to continue this a few times to make those characteristics stable in the generated seeds)

(What I did was start with 2 bag seeds. Kept clones going for a bit. Needed to stop, so I tried CS, but then I wasnt paying attention and the plants died. When I took them down, there were seeds in the buds on the dead plants. I’m not sure if the original seeds were the same or not. They did look similar. The pollen from each could have or have not pollenated either of them, and I did not keep the produced seeds separate)