Divulging your growing techniques

I share all I know. I feel the more we all know the better.
Also if it wasn’t for people sharing their knowledge I wouldn’t be growing like I do today.


Same for my fruit trees, vegetables and flowering perennials.


No price on knowledge…just be humble.love the plant and love thy brother!


As I’m not trying to compete with anyone (selling or otherwise)

I’m an open book. I’ll share anything I learn and if it helps someone, yay!


The foundation for growing top-notch marijuana is arguably just general gardening knowledge – your plant has different environmental needs, and it’s just a matter of understanding how to provide your plant with what it wants. That said, raw talent, hard work, and experience are all extremely helpful, too.

Some approaches to growing are a bit more “follow the directions” than others, of course, but it really boils down to good lights, healthy roots, and making sure the appropriate nutrients are available for the plant’s current needs. I think the trade secrets of growers are more at the genetic level, in a lot of cases – secret crosses and surprise phenos and the likes.

And yeah, like @Jellypowered just said – there’s not really any competition when you’re doing this for fun. Dedicated hobbyists and medical growers will gladly help each other out, professional growers… maybe not so much?


I hear what Viva Mexico is saying… My husband shared hard-won knowledge to friends / customers-
who, after they saw our model… purchased less and less because they were doing better. Our earnings decreased. At the end of the day we just want to be compensated for our hard work and to provide for our families.

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Over the years I have shown many people how to grow. I had to learn the hard way before the internet became such an open source of “opinions”. Its all about bettering the plant.


I agree _ in general_ but when it’s your customer that asks you information to do what you are doing. … selling to him… It’s a tough call. I am positive there are old school mountain men in Humboldt County… That would never peep a word about their techniques.
They have put in so much time, and money, and risked their asses- as well as their families livelihoods. I doubt they are willing to share everything with Johnny upstart


i just wrote out exactly what i do and put it on here.


Fixed that for ya :wink: I’m gonna have to read that one myself. :smiley:

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Lmfao !! good one dudeXD im gonna be adding a bunch tomorrow:)

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I personally think cannabis is meant to be one big collective. Through spreading growth and knowledge the culture will continue to thrive…

And there will always be people to lazy to grow it , for all of you grinding theres hope- and in educating we greatly grow the canna population because majority wins.


Its a two part answer,I’ve never told customers I was the one growing. I never told friends I was growing either. I do all my talking online.


Exactly…totaly agree

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Wow. A lot of good peeps to like in this one.

I try to share, but don’t have years put in like a lot of others around here, so even if I share something, it’s usually trivial and only just helpful and not much of secret technique.

I think being corrected is also a way of sharing. As long as you’re a bit open minded.


I’m always down to help people and answer questions to the best of my ability and knowledge. I tend to explain the why’s of doing certain things along with the how’s. You know, the whole give a man a fish vs. teach a man to fish.


I have no secrets I use lights, soil, water, and desire for my plants to do good.


I put it all out in the open. The good, the bad, and the ugly! I have thought at least two others to grow. I give away cuttings, soil, lights, etc. No I’m not the best grower, that’s why I put it out there. Sometimes a simple comment can lead you to improvement.

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Give it all up people. It grows for free once you give it what it wants.

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If your methodry to produce weed is the only thing that differentiates you from the countless others out there, then concentrate on marketing. There is no magic pill to grow better than the next guy as the information has been out there for lifetimes, so if you want to keep your market share the only thing to save you is GENETICS, and/or marketing. If you have something special, Hoard that. You have no secrets grow-wise, there are none, just marketing gimmicks. If you want to get paid for what you know and not what you produce, then try teaching. Sorry for the tone, but if you are a legal producer, then its marketing and a good business plan that will keep you ‘feeding your family’. If you are illegal or renegade grower than your marketing concerns fall on deaf ears and you should have known better cause that market has been around much longer and much more vicious than your 'family business’has. Wonder why the ‘oldtimers of Mendecino’ et al. keep their mouths shut, yet? Nothing to do with grow methods or fertilizer.