Just a quick story

As those that keep tabs on my posts, knows we moved several hundred miles away. In doing so, I split a few lights with a buddy I grew with. He gets a new growing partner (who I literally asked him if he was fucking stupid hooking up with this person to grow) and off goes half my lights. Now 2 years later, the guy he hooked up with just got busted (when you have cys called on you constantly what do you expect? To me it was common sense) and all the lights gone. And all I want to do is tell him he should have let me just keep them and drive down to get his supply :joy::rofl:
Or maybe right a letter to the judge explaining he wants his lights back :rofl::joy::rofl::joy:
But either way, do not grow with idiots. And there are lots of them out there.
I am happy my buddy is not involved, (well that they knew of), but you could see this happening a mile away.
When you can not avoid the cops for more than 5 days at a time…maybe you shouldn’t put a huge grow in your house.

This was a quick write up…lol It gets better, the judge in the case is a real good friend of mine…and I already harrased him for my lights :joy::rofl::joy::rofl: (of course I couldn’t get them, but sure was fun. :rofl::joy:)


Yeah man, my growing world could have been miles easier for me if I would partnered up
However after reading many similar type of stories, I’m glad I’ve stayed the course, and did it my way.
I only work with those that put some skin in the game. I’ve set up 8 running gardens, one going on 15 years now. The other are simple personal stash growers. But I found out very very quickly, if I would make a set up for a person, using my own money, then teach them to fly it, they would fail very quick, or lay back and let me do it for them, under the guise of, well I just did not know.
Now when approached, they pay me for my time, if we move forward after initial contact.
Partners are a sure way to lose a friend, not every single instance, but to many times for me to consider it.


I had a great partner, he just got kinda stupid when I left. Which was odd, as he was always the “spooked” one, not me. And then he went and did that. :dizzy_face:


Getting into business with friends is tricky - it’s kind of like a marriage and deserves just as much thought.

There are people who just want the end results without any of the work or learning that’s associated with it. They’re used to the instant gratification world of Amazon and Instagram and Facebook and don’t understand that you can’t just put seeds in a media, add water and expect to grow a really nice plant without knowing what’s going on with the plant.

I have a friend who I’m helping set up a grow, but knowledge is all I’m sharing. It’s up to him to get all the gear, plant the genetics and maintain it day to day.


Also to add, I’ve tried teaching various things to friends and family who claim they wanted to learn, but once we got stuck into it I’d have to push them to make any progress.

These people, despite telling you they want to learn, do not want to learn. They want to magically acquire the knowledge without work.

You don’t need to chase the ones that want to learn, they’ll do their own thing and hit you up for advice or input. I’ve learned that lesson over the years, so now if someone asks me how to learn something, I point them to knowledge and tell them a general order to learn things in.

Those that want to learn do. Those that don’t drop off and you won’t hear from them again.


Had a buddy that burned me for 6 hps 1000w lights…we were friends since kindergarten (30 years)…had police show up to my (new digs) twice…unrelated to the grow…but shitty none the less.


We was my business partner for 14 years (we owned a car dealership) and growing partner for many years also. We are still best friends. I know that’s an exception, but we obviously did something right…lol


Well like marriages, half of 'em work! My friends as business partners experience wasn’t so nice. We’re still friends, but I don’t do business things with them anymore.


Keep it small enough to manage it yourself.

Other people are too much of an unknown variable.

I’ve shown a couple people how to grow, but the consultation/time/seeds/clones are always free to friends.


I have a growing partner since 2000 and haven’t had any problems…in the beginning I was the big grower with flower & veg rooms…but nowadays I’m small time grower and I grow in my Phototrons and outside grows. He now grows big time in basements with LEDS…

I don’t know where and don’t care even though he’s always asking me to come over to check it out …He grows all the current & popular strains that we have these days & I grow my homemade strains. We trust each other and would never rat on each other…where we’re from ratting on someone is a no no and cardinal rule for us…hell, people in prison don’t even like rat bastards…

When comes to growing you can’t be telling people you’re growing especially your family members.


When I set someone up it’s always for free. Relatives mostly. I once set up a farmer which I thought was sort of funny.

I hand them some plants and a bag of fertilizer and I tell them that if they have any questions I will answer them but the plants are literally out of my hands and I won’t be touching them again.

I’ll give all the advice possible but that’s as far as it goes. I’ve got my own grow to worry about.

Edit: I should note it’s always been outdoor. I’ve never set anyone up with lights


I don’t grow with ANYONE. I’m staying low tier when I get my commercial license simply because hiring techs and trimmers is on par, to me at least, to having foot traffick in your illicit grow op. The rules have always, and will always apply: no eyes, no ears, no nose, no mouth. The best ways to get caught are smell, showing off, running your mouth, and a lack of thermal and electrical signature discipline. Even in a legal state, I’m not willing to add variables. I’d rather just work harder and get a bigger cut while not getting gunned down and stolen from.


I have a grow partner. Just simply because if he wasn’t he would take half my shit anyway. Mind a well put him to work. Lol :laughing:

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