Hardcore OG generosity

We all know those people who give endlessly on this site, be it financially, their time or their knowledge. I have personally been inspired by these people and have started doing crosses for the first time to distribute the seeds. I am interested to hear from those of you who give so endlessly (@misterbee , @anon93244739 , @DougDawson and many many more) what inspires and motivates you to give as you do? I want to hear from micro givers as well as macro givers!


We call it being Canadian where im from :sunglasses: :canada:

ā€¦ Treat others the way you would like to be treated was drilled into me at a young age and has always stuck.


For me, I have ALWAYS been inspired by my Grandmother. She always went out of her way to help others. In the South, she always had a B-I-G garden, gave items to neighbors and ā€œHobosā€. They would always stop by before ā€œhitting the tracksā€, she would have them do small chores around the place (so they wouldnā€™t feel like Beggars), pack them a decent meal they could take with them. Funny, most would always bring some trinkets from their travels. My Father also planted a large garden each year, giving away MORE than he kept. I guess it was passed down!! Most of the items produced in my own plot gets passed on. In this day 'n time, thereā€™s a need for that!!! I have (and acquire) MORE of ā€œour seedsā€ than I could EVER sow. Now that my lil s-m-a-l-l gesture may benefit OG by periodic fund-raising, Iā€™m good. I spend a few coins on each of these things, but I have no complaints. ALL, SS/BWā€¦mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


I did alot of psychedelics when I was young and came to believe the world could be a better place if we all helped each other more and shared our knowledge and resources. Iā€™ve always had a special place for cannabis in my life and itā€™s something I care passionately about, so what better way to spread it than to share seeds and how to grow it yourself?


You all are awesome! Full of knowledge and great help! I


Your grams and pops sound like amazing gardeners and better people, and youā€™re definitely keeping that alive.


I was brought up watching grampa and my pop (mom also) give away as much as they kept. Especially if it was more than they needed to can or preserve. Same with the meats and poultry.
All my life in my travels, I gave away seeds, clones, plants, and flower to any I met that expressed any interest. Did a bit of bartering too lol work and such. I always did ā€˜crop damageā€™ control for friends/family then would process a lot of the deer meat and give it to others or organizations like ā€˜Hunters For The Hungryā€™.
Itā€™s a way of life I found to be most satisfying! Wouldnā€™t change anything for the world. :smile: :sunglasses:


Thereā€™s some good people on this forum


Hey brother, not much I can say. I suppose itā€™s just how I was raised. When you have, you share :slight_smile:


In the end, what it all boils down to, for me, is love. Love for the plant, love for the people, and love for the Earth.

I feel as if I have a moral obligation to help others and I send out seeds/clones to try and make the world a better place. I also do it to honour those who are now gone, but never forgotten.


The testimonials are exciting, you are inspirationā€¦
My maternal grandmother was very generous tooā€¦ Besides, I also used a lot of mushrooms in my adolescence, which arouse this feelingā€¦
I am the guardian of Creole seeds, as they say here, they would be food landraces, without hybridization. I need to do my part to ensure freedom in the futureā€¦

Thank you so much for everything.


Thatā€™s a great story. Your grandmother sounds like an awesome human being.


Dying breed, seems like sometimes. I was raised to feed the hungry, and cloth the naked. My grandparents were lucky enough to be paid well at work, and they always lived comfortably, but Iā€™d still bet they gave away a third of their income through donations and tithing at church.

Iā€™ve always felt an obligation to help. Itā€™s not for the recognition, shit just feels good. Canā€™t wait until I can pass around the love here.


So the only assholes are the masochists?


I havenā€™t started giving out seeds yet but the reason is simpleā€¦ I wouldnā€™t have seeds if people werenā€™t generous and shared with me. I still have ends to meet and some seeds can only be bought with money only, so I have to involve money in some cases. But Iā€™d like to balance that out by giving out seeds when I do a seed run and give them to my friends and here to the people who helped me on OG and the people who would like to have them.

People shared with me so itā€™s not right to keep all that effort to myself if I want to continue to reap the benefits of that. But I think people shouldnā€™t be pressured into sharing, because then itā€™s not as genuine.


i love to give seed out when i have them, why not i mean it is a plant that should be shared.


people shit talking the LGBT community/ misogyny in the instagram cannabis marketing is motivating me to start a brand focused on Cannabis being for everyone. I hangout on OG because i feel most folks on here can appreciate that.


When I was a little girl, the one who raised me told me that if someone does you a favor, you carve in stone. If you do someone a favor, carve in on ice. Itā€™s served me well so far.


Ok now I need to one up everyoneā€¦who needs a kidney? :rofl:


lol i like your dark sense of humor. You would fit in with my family.