Me and your cannabis plants.
Some really nice looking trees you’ve got going.
Thanks guys’ it’s on baby.
Holy smoke Batman.
It’s not mine. I wish it was. Found it on Google
@ColeLennon grows the biggest plants out of anyone on OG.
I don’t think so plenty that grow much bigger than I can do or handle. Thanks for the props though. @Esrgood4u
Bro your gonna need to fit some hydrolics to your chair to reach them tops once they stop stretching.
I love seeing how big you grow stuff. I empty cans of hairspray out my window daily to encourage the global warming so I can grow plants like that here in the uk
Any day I won’t be able to foliar the top of the west row wonderdawg. Not even close to being done stretching.
Those are nice…but may I introduce you to THCeed
Yeah they are HUGE. I’ve not ventured into @THCeed thread often so I’ve missed the grows. I’ll be honest. I get jealous of these mega plants. I need to emigrate maybe.
Consider those have at least a month to go…
Yeah a ladder will be needed for harvest. I can depending on the strains and indoor environment at times pull a kg indoors. That plant will give multiple kgs.
I like it.
That’s a douglas fir
Holy multiple profanities! That is gorgeous!