Adventures in seed poppin and pollen tossin

new here but I’ve been around a couple other sites.
Thought I’d start a thread now that winter is upon us and I get to play indoors for a few months.
I’m at 52N , western Canada and I am a licensed grower for personal use. I have been known to make some beans here n there and I am good friends with the folks at Great Lakes Genetics.

anyhow, I have fired this grow up with my first LED light which replaces my 1000w metal halide in the veg room. I have new HLG 600 Bspec taking it’;s place and am still fine tuning my ventilation to compensate.
On the go from recently popped seeds
G13 Hashplant (old reeferman stock gidted to me by texasjack from the vault of the late Classic seeds.)
88G13HP gifted to me a couple years ago by a member here.
G-Unit (tonygreen)
OJSDKB (franchise)
Fruity Pebbles (franchise)
Runaway Bride (Bad Dawg )
Bubba Royale (strawberry hill)
FraserValley Blueberry HP x Atomic Blueberry NL (a friend from the BC coast)

all regulars and there;s close to 50 at the moment that just got potted up from starters to 1gallon.
I use sunshine mix 4 supplemented with granulated gypsum and dolopril. I cut the mix with 1/3 coarse perlite.
For nutes I run a modified version of lucas formula with general hydro micro and bloom
right now I am just getting the first nutes to the seedlings and I watered them in after transplant with: (per gallon)
5ml gh micro
10ml gh bloom
2ml gh calimagic
13ml Kelly’s root n leaf (formerly SM90)
PH that to 6.8 and it;s off to the races.
Everything looks terrible right now… dialing in the the LED and temps has been challenging the past few days… -27C daytime high… -35C nightime lows

Santa sure did bring Christmas this year … brought the whole damn north pole to my place, including the weather LOL

cheers and happy holidays everyone, just thought I would introduce myself and get a thread going… pics next time K ?


Welcome @SHSC-1 to OG and good luck with your grow!

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Sounds like a nice operation. I’m sure you’ll get more responses when pictures show up. You know how it is. We love pics. hehehe.

I will say that in my limited experience, it seems to be quite true what they say about leds and heat. The plants seem to like it just a lil warmer under leds. Something about leaf surface temperature.


Happy New Year!
the plants have adjusted to the LED light now and are growing fast. Being new to using an LED I am impressed so far.
Here’s a quick pic to get things rolling


I am hoping this thread is getting fired back up again.
With all the fire listed, I will keep some beer in hand to put out any fire that may start spontaneously. :hot_face:

Down for a show, come back brother! :sunglasses:



Hey , ya I have been down and out for a bit here as you know @shag but tomorrow is both my birthday and I am gonna harvest the 5 plants I have under a 1000W in my smaller flower room. My wife took some pics for me but with the HPS light in that small room it just made everything orange LOL
Here’s a couple shots that did turn out… @Tonygreen 's Tortured Beans ---- G-Unit … wish ya’all could smell these girls… just awesome!!


Ooh la la!


Ya @Tonygreen , Ooh la la ! and then some.

I guess it has been longer than I thought since I started this thread LOL
I had a motor vehicle accident a lill while back here and got banged up pretty bad so friends came and got all my plants for safe keeping. Lost all the OJSDKB… which sux but I have more seeds of those. Lost a couple others but nothing that i don’t have more beans of. All my breeding ladies and males are all safe n sound.

Since my initial list of plants at the beginning of the thread, I popped some new seeds that I am slow growing under T5 in the house till I can get back on my leg.
I popped Scoutbreath and the last 5 seeds of Pimp Juice. 3for 5 of the Scoutbreaths came up and only 1 of the Pimp Juice which is a bummer but I made F2’s in previous grows. Speaking of those F2’s I popped some of those and some SFV OG Breath F2’s and some BC Pink Kush BX…
That was a good couple weeks or so ago… so just to round out my numbers a little I popped 4 of the remaining 10 Scoutbreath beans, and a couple Humbolt Afghani Fems.
Hopefully they all turn out good :wink:


My buddy, GreenBeaver sings high praises of that FraserValley BB
And Ive heard great things about DrAtomics BB x NL

So I look forward to seeing how that cross works out for ya


What I have done is take beans of the Fraser Valley Blueberry Hashplant X Atomic Blueberry NL which are a BX done by another grower who gifted me the beans. At least 40 or more seeds have been popped and I have culled everything out that didn’t fit my plan. I am down to 2 males and 4 females all with sticky stems, berry stem rubs and somewhat similar structure. I weeded out the really tall ones and all winter I subjected the plants to rootbound, drought, overwatering, they had mites so bad they were webbing… stuck them in my garage under just floro shop lights in just above freezing temps… killing the weak plants along the way. Then they went outside after a transplant and more were weeded out. Only the ones that stayed “healthy” and exhibited the vigor to survive the hell i put them through were kept and then only the ones that were sticky stemmed and berry smelling. It is interesting to me that one pheno seems to be the keeper batch as they are all very similar in structure and leaf type/shape. I’m kinda excited to see what happens when the work is done.


well my brother is now here helping me get my greenhouse going. I like to make my seed under the sunshine whenever possible so I gotta get things going here. I have to manually light dep my plants and they go in the shed that my greenhouse attaches to for the 12 hour dark cycle.
A few of my plants have come home from my friends place who has been tending them since my accident.
I’ve been hunting out a top tier female from the remaining beans of my pet project Bubba Royale (P98 Bubba Kush x Long Valley Royal Kush). I have pared things down to 3 potential females for making a batch of S1. This girl right here has endured hell and back in my indoor room all winter and as soon as I gave her a bigger pot, favorable environment and eradicated her near death experience mite infestation… she just exploded with the vigor I want to see. Bubba Kush is a slow plant and not very branchy but the pairing with the LVRK male has produced a hybrid with excellent vigor, node production and responds well to topping/training.
This girl right here has all the hallmarks of a top tier gal… just have to flower her out and prove it. Her stem rub is sticky and smells like a tire fire with a sweet funk in the background.
I know that smell from previous knockout plants from the LVRK line up(mandelbrots LVRK)

Now those Fraser Valley Blueberry HP x Atomic’s Blueberry Northern Lights… torture tested all winter and these three ladies make the cut. Sticky stem rubs and blueberry based smells.
The males are on hand too but no pics today. They are still being revived from the winter’s torture chamber and I still need to finish IPM to rid the mites from them.
They were under 40W floro shoplights 6 feet above them for the last month on 24hr in 1 gallon pots… I sprouted them in december LOL So they have been thru hell and then some.
Anything I plan to make seeds with gets rigorous stress tested all winter and if what survives till spring “and” meets my checklist of traits… it will enter the breeding rotation.
I’m satisfied that these plants will produce some killer beans and hopefully try and get that blueberry taste/smell in the finished product.
Here’s the 3 females I will clone then bring in the indoor room to flip them with the males. Once the pollen is done flying I’ll return them to the greenhouse for the duration of flowering.


yesss! vigorous nodding and happy noises over here. i like how you’re working your plants.


finally got a couple pics of the Fraser Valley Blueberry HP X males (FVBBHPx Atomic BBNL) that have been torture tested from hell and back proving them out to be stable. Both have dominant berry stem rubs and sticky stems. Leaf expression is a bit different with one showing me classic NL leaves and the other leaning more towards the blueberry type. The latter one also has a more true ‘blueberry’ smell… like the fruit with some sugar added.
So these two are going to get a transplant to a slightly bigger pot to break dormancy and get them ready for the breeding room. I may use both males but have still not decided. Not much time left here to make decisions hehehe
Here they are… mite infested, root bound, sun bleached and trying to decide WTF is going on in thier environment LOL
Male D

and Male G


Wow that was the fastest grow journal I’ve seen here yet!:rofl::rofl::rofl: sorry to hear about your accident I hope you’re back to normal. Plants look nice!

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I don’t do fast @Dalorean hehehe
Today my brother and I are working on cloning and the newer plants that started from seed recently are starting to show sex so the females are being separated and the males culled.
Thinning the herd as they say .
Just finished doing up 4 clones each of the FVBBHP X and I notice strong blueberry aromas wafting from the clones as I am working with them at the kitchen table. Hey, at least I can do something useful from my chair :laughing:
Should have all the plants I want clones from done by end of day and then I need to get a bunch of plants into the light dep program.
The recent seed starts will get another week and I’ll start topping them for clones.
That group is Scoutbreath, Pimp Juice, Pimp Juice (killer#3 F2), SFV Breath(killer#2F2), BC Pink Kush Bx1, and a couple weeks behind those are more Scoutbreath and a couple Humbolt Afghani S1. I don’t know if I will flower those out or not… I may just clone them and keep small plants for indoor this fall… undecided.
What else is getting done out there… As more of my plants are being brought back from my friends place, my brother has been up potting and so far the OGKB 2.0 , Bubba Royale#1, 88G13HP #1 and Grandma’s Hashplant have all been transplanted to 18gallon totes. Got 4 more totes to fill but haven’t chosen the plants yet.
Then there are the 2 BubbleHead S1 plants … not sure what to do with those but need to clone them before I flower them. Absolute latest I can start light dep based on giving them 10 weeks flowering is the 18th of July so it’s coming fast.

Stay tuned… this could get good hehehe


Good to see ya getting shit done my brother!
What ever happened to ol’ chunky pigs?
Have you seen him around?

Good luck on the light dep, the 18th is just about here. :laughing:


ya @shag my brother is helping or it wouldn’t get done.
Chunky pigs is still hangin at icmag and up to his usual summer time fun.
He doesn’t do seed drops anymore though, he said it was too much work for him.
He is on instagram too.
man i feel lucky to have scored his gear when i did.

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I agree…
Our buddy 3rd coaster from the lab sent me a cut of the ogkb 2.0, a while back.
I had thrips so I passed it to Knucklehead Bob and IMIUBU.
One of em was supposed to clone it and pass me back a copy.
I was never able to get my hands on that one again.

I popped a pack of his and 1 of them popped, I think my heat mat was a bit hot.
But I somehow let that one slip by too.

Maybe you should make some seeds??? :upside_down_face:

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hmmmmm that OGKB 2.0
My friend… who was an original OG back when the first site was live goes by the handle Mr. Underhill. He is a lurker more than a poster and I don’t think he is here on the new site.
Anyhow… he made the round trip to the states to meet up with a well known icmag member who I won’t name and brought a few cuts back. I have asked him a few times how he managed it and he just laughs and tells me he brought them home in his prison wallet… LOL it’s been an “inside” joke (pun intended) among our circle ever since.

Now, breeding with the 2.0… I have made a couple small seed batches (under 100)
I also plan to S1 her but anything I do directly with the ogkb 2,0 wouldn’t be shared until I select from F2’s , make the F3 and find a set of F3 parents to breed together. It would be removed enough from Chunky Pig’s clone only that I wouldn’t feel like I would be crossing any lines sharing the seeds.
I do have F2’s of 4 different Scout Breath female/male combos, same for Pimp Juice F2s’
I probably have a few thousand seeds of F2’s and F3’s as well as crosses with Scout breath, Fire ogkb and SFVBreath. So glad I made all these seeds as they will more than likely never be dropped again unless you are a friend of chunky and he shares seeds with you… which he likes to do.
I would have to reach out to him personally before I ever released anything that is a “F1” cross using the 2.0.
The cut itself? I will try my best to share it with trusted folks in Canukistan once I am back on my feet and hands on in the garden.


K I got my helper to take some pics so ya’ll can see that we really do grow weed around this place …
Entrance to the greenhouse and you can see the darkness in the back is the light dep shed and entrance way the plants must all pass through twice everyday at 8am and 8pm as we start light dep tonight.

Flipping almost everrything. There are a few in the front rows that I’ll be letting veg untill I can clone them and they the parent will be flowered.
Plants in the pots in the front rows are a mix of f2’s I made of Chunky’s Bagseeds Pimp Juice and SFV Breath and F1 seeds of Scoutbreath. I’m holding back one scoutbreath and one pimp juice f2 as they are must clone females based on smells, leaves and the structure.
K… more on all those another time.

We have 4 x 88G13HP females , 1 and 2 are in 7 gallon pots and clones have rooted

, as well as #3 is in a 7gallon pot and #4 in an 18 gallon tote.

and unrelated but same genetics used as the dad, the cut I have held since being a tester for Bodhi’s Grandma’s Hashplant.