Do I have Mites?

My plants have been showing symptoms that look like various deficiencies for a bit. When I cut down two male plants I saw what looked like larvae in the soil of both. I sprinkled Diatomaceous Earth on top of the soil and have been periodically spraying with a mild H2O2 mixture. I decided today to grab a couple of leaves that looked affected to check under the scope and this is the best one I got. Keep in mind I did a foliar spray with Epsom just over a week ago so it could be residue, but to me it looks like it very well could be mites. Thoughts??

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doesnt look like mites to me. if the larvae you saw were in fact larvae and were big enough to see, this also makes me think not mites. did you check the underside of the leaf? pics of the whole plant and a less zoomed in pic of leaves in question would help too



I did give a quick look to the leaf underside and didn’t see anything obvious. I had been operating under the assumption that I mixed my soil a bit hot, and was also seeing Mg deficiency.


Don’t see any mite action. Deficiencies for sure.


What are you feeding them?


I’m in soil (first time coming from coco with Gen trio) trying to feed with dry amendments, Bio-live, Dr Earth veg and herbs, Azomite, and Insect frass. Pretty sure I mixed a bit hot.


Easy on the Bio-live, can be potent stuff. Good, but potent, especially with the other items you’re using. You’ll get it dialed in, just need to experiment on the “low dose side”, then increase as warranted. Much difficult the other way around. Do take care, stay EXTRA safe and, indeed, be well…mister :honeybee: