Calcium Deficiency or not?

Ok so I have two plants showing some what I believe to be Calcium def or over watering perhaps.
I have been giving all plants a little soil top spray of water trying to get my cover crop to take hold. Temps run 75-85F(I have hit some 90F days as the furnace was running all day), RH 56-67 %, Coots soil…

I took cutting off the two six days ago and the cutting are looking fine as of now. I have looked and see not pest, been supper worried because I had to cull a few cuttings I receive do to spider mites, and aphids. going through Ed Rosenthal’s Garden Saver book it does seem that it could be a calcium deficiency by the pic’s in the book.

first one is KSC2020 close up

98SD - close up


Thanks in advance for any advice or input…


The only thing I can see that I can relate to is the watering is inconsistent.

Advice given to me was with organic living soil you should water 5-10% of pot volume and keep dry back to a minimum all without drowning them out. You’re in fabric pots so drowning them out would be very hard because oxygen is abundant.

The plant in the first two pics looks perfectly fine. But I do notice very dry soil (could be a pre watering pic, or just the top is dry?) and I try my best to never let that happen.

The plant in the second pic IMO looks like inconsistent watering. (Attributed to the furnace temps maybe?)

You’re using a coots mix so calcium should be plenty. Unless it’s time for a top dressing?

Try and get the humidity up more if you’re in veg, and get a handle on the water they need and you shouldn’t see any issues.

Lastly, I don’t see any signs of bug damage but if you’re worried, this may be a good time to get an IPM going if you don’t already.

Love the grow, what else you got in there?


My plants looked almost the same due to over watering…
But i cannot say for sure without any indepth knowledge because this is not reddit (:see_no_evil:) and I run a different grow medium, mine is coco with rice husks…
You are welcome to take a look at my thread and compare…
Whatever it is i hope you overcome this and have a bountiful harvest …
PS: f*ck spider mites and aphids…

The brown spots sure look like Cal deficiency and the droopy leaves indicate some over watering. Maybe a bit of both? I like to use oyster shell in my mix to keep PH stable around 6 and it also is rich in Calcium

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Well I have been watering about every three or four days as needed, again like I was saying I have been spraying with water on top to get my cover crop to take hold. I did not drench them when spraying just enough to keep top inch or so wet. Now doing this every day for about a week or so, could be the problem, as the leaves indicate over watering.

After posting I put my moisture meter into the soil and the meter was reading right on the line of dry/moist so I gave the plants a good watering of PH 6.5. I’ll see if they have perked up when I get home from work. If they look worse I will hold off on watering for a few days or up to a week and let thing dry out and see if I see any improvement.

Ps. @Vagabond_Windy
I am running a gobbstopper, 98 sour diesel, ppp, and three unknown. I had Acapulco Gold but culled do to spider mites.


Could also simply be light burn from waterdroplets from spraying the topsoil.
The tops also look kinda like they’re getting too much light maybe, unless they are growing super fast?
Dim or move your light up a little perhaps, see what that does after a couple of days.

All the best! :smiley: :+1:

And above all, keep calm, these are very tough plants you’re growing. :muscle: :green_heart:

As for the covercrop, vetch has done wonders for me!

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Both plants need magnesium but the bottom picture is showing fairly heavy signs of a magnesium deficiency as well…

I’d feed them Epsom Salt(Magnesium Sulfate) at the rate of 1-3 tsp per gallon.



Ya I thought it could also be light burn from water droplets, but only a few leaves are showing signs of trouble. Just checked my PPFD and I was sitting around 700-800, so I backed it down to around 450-500.
The 98SD is growing pretty fast, so that’s still a good thing and ya your right these are tough plants…
I sort of also feel that they have been over watered by the looks of the leaves being a bit droopy from me trying to get my cover crop to take hold, even had a few mushrooms start to grow in my comfrey pots.

I do have some Cal-Mag sitting around, but that would sort of take away from the living soil concept a bit.
Both plants are in a fresh/aged unused Coots soil mix, does the Coots mix not provide enough magnesium or these plants just like to feed a lot and used up what was available ? I’ll stop off at the store today after work and see about getting some Epsom Salt and give that a try…

Again thanks all for your input and advice, much appreciated. One day I hope to be the teacher and the student, lol.

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Something we know you don’t do! Welcome back. How many aliases is this now?


:thinking: Looks like we need the Boron Deficiency Detection Specialist @toastyjakes :joy:

Incase I miss it, here’s the gif for when it goes down



Ya I was like about to say slow down buddy. Shit I never said I used Cal-Mag, I just had some sitting around. Trolls…….


I used to mist my topsoil too, but then I noticed it formed a hard crust, which is no good for covercrop!

And with mushrooms popping up… that’s definitely a sign of humidity / soilmoisture being on the high side, but also a sign of healthy soil!
