Do it yourself MicroOctopot Auto Fill System

Hey Grouchy,

Thanks for the suggestion, I needed it. I was ready to jump into this grow feet first. Also been reading your training topic, will def be implementing this as well. I appreciate the info and direction. It’s awesome that you churn out these impressive gardens while doling out sage advice to the masses. You’re to man!


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Really nice setup, @MNGrower :metal::sunglasses:

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@MNGrower i have been using GH Flora for years. It works really well for me in the octopups. I tried switching to Jacks last year, and could never get it right. The plants hated me for several runs. So is switched back to GH.
Others seem to have great luck with Jacks. But not me. Who knows. :roll_eyes:


@firehead thanks man.

Yeah GH is where I’m at now and probably gonna stay.

A guy I know that is a breeder told me to try Mega Crop. It’s one bag and he just adjusts throughout the grow. It’s what he’s used for years for his grows. Says it should work good in this system too. Mixes in clear and no chunks he says.

Got a small bag coming so gonna do a test mix and let it sit for like 4 days and check numbers on it then make my decision to try it in one pot.


Low needs two quarts.

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That is astute @Everytimefoo! Tacitly concluded and succinctly stated.

Next level: How high do you need to raise your Controller in order to cover the top of the net cup? :+1: :+1:


10 inches?! Haha not 100% in this one :wink:

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:-1: but thanks for playing! :rofl: and welcome.

Haha almost!

You raise (or lower) your controller level to whichever corresponding level you want your octo babies. Fluid dynamics at work folks.


BINGO! Well said, @Jpaul.

For extra points, go measure one of our micro octopuppys and give us a “Topped Off” water level that will just cover the top of the netcup poking through the fabric air pot?

Fluid dynamics indeed. Great fun. I didn’t remotely invent this autofiller system. I first saw something similar in a landscape koi pond scenario. There were a series of “Ponds” and they all needed to be held at the same water level… Priceless!



Our furnace is being replaced today and before the gang of HVAC folks show up I decided to relocate my plants to tents in another room. That provided an opportunity to show the layout of my current five pot auto filler config running off an eight port manifold.

Each pot sits on a lazy susan turntable and the extra length of tubing allows me to rotate the plants to help them receive even lighting and provide me with easy access for trimming and training. They only need to swivel 180 to do the job.

For a six plant grow I add one more tube to the middle with the tube curving up. To ramp up to eight I need to add an extra light and remove the platters because it’s too crowded to swing the pots.

Here’s a shot with six plants though the front center is not on the autofiller. This is about as many as I like to host in this room. Moms and seeded plants live elsewhere.


I like the lazy susans, where did you pick them up? Amazon?

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Yep, the Amzone has em, on sale at times, $7 each. Functional and fun. Strong too, I’ve used em under 20 gallon soil pots with no probs! Just don’t let them get wet, the ball bearings can rust.

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Thank you fine sir!

Update to my first grow in the pots :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Middle of week 3 of flower :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Looking great!

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Yee Haw Pardner! You are really cooking now!!! :rocket:

Small pots, BIG Plants. That’s what it all about. :+1: :+1:


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Heck yeah man. That Jack I think is just a monster of a plant and the WBB plants are pretty big compared to the last ones I ran so I would say it’s a win :blush::sunglasses:

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Christmas has come early!

Started assembly of my Micro Octo setup. I finally took some pictures.

10 FDM OG Mix into the shot glass for soak. Used tap water. (PH 8.1) Ambient Temp is ~75F

Used the plastic nut to judge height of bulkhead fitting hole.

As mentioned, easier to use a piece of wood backing when starting the drill hole. Highly recommend.

Used a step bit for 5/8" holes. Tape placed on bit for visual depth indicator of 5/8.

Clean up the hole so no stringers. Flat surface on both sides promotes a good seal.

Final seal is accomplished with rubber washer on front and back as well as a dab of silicone RTV. Nut is finger tight and extra quarter turn with a wench. You want the washers to seal but not crush.

Repeat for controller fittings install. Use a tray to catch the mess you’re going to make with the drill.

The controller float inlet is smaller than I expected. Hope I purchased the correct one.

Bigger is better, right? Res is 35G

Checking layout. 8 pots

New tent - 4x4 Vivosun and lights - 2 x Mars Hydro 300W are nice for the price.
Great Black Friday deals.

Huge Thanks to everyone who guided me but especially @GrouchyOldMan . He basically held my hand from the start.

Time to test and play with the MicroOcto system now.