Do it yourself MicroOctopot Auto Fill System

Great explanation @GrouchyOldMan!

I especially like the Turbo method being spelled out in detail.
I searched a bit looking for info on the method.

Thanks for always taking the time to provide accurate detail, even when busy.


There are pictures of it in one of my threads and exactly how to do it


Darn @Jetdro, calm down. :wink:

I was not trying to insinuate you do not provide excellent detailed instructions but rather since
“The Jetdro Turbo Method” is so popular on here, it took me a bit of searching all the while knowing
I had seen it but could not recall exactly where I read it. I doubt you have to search much on here but for a newb, the amount of information can be overwhelming. Appreciate all you do!


Im not upset, just trying to help you , i cant find anything, I always ask /Holy Angel to find shit for me :grinning:


Happy New Year everyone!

I have one more question.

@Jetdro Turbo method. Use same water that is in res w nutes or just ph’d water? Any specific quantity of water? 4 floz? 8 floz?

Filled 9 pots tonight and staged ready to go. Figured Jan 1 would be a fitting time to kick off MicroOcto grow.

These are going into new 4x4 tent w Viparspectra KS5000.

Pics tomorrow.



Yes same water, i use a little pour thing, use 2 of them, maybe 10 -12 oz;s

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Perfect. Thanks @Jetdro!!

Happy New Year! :firecracker:

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All 9 relocated into their new home.


Whoa BayBee! @JOHN1234 :+1: :+1:

You are gonna have a jungle in there real soon.

Very nice setup on the autofill. I hope you’ll continue to share your progress here.

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Thanks @GrouchyOldMan!

I wouldn’t have it any other way. Really appreciate all your help! :pray:

Happy New Year! :fireworks:

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Ok, Tap water or Reverse Osmosis in MicroOcto and why? How about using Dionization stage? The more threads I devour, the more unsure I become with my choices…
I just reattached my DI/RO system and even ordered a permeate pump. Am I going in the right direction?

Tap is 8.3PH and 730ppm

Thanks for your thoughts!

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I use tap since my muni water is tolerable qual and I believe the tap water provides some useful trace minerals. They use chloramine & ozone for purification here rather than chlorine.

I let it sit overnight, then test it for baseline EC and pH, before mixing nutes, Epsom & Gypsum. Retest for pH & Electro Conductivity and, we’re done.

If you use R/O to completely strip all mineral content, you are then responsible for replacing all the good stuff. But if your tap is really evil, you don’t have much choice.

Have you asked for the current mineral analysis?

That sound’s kinda evil to me! 730 ppm, is that total dissolved solids? You may want to call the water dept and ask them for more details. I was in the water business for awhile and I can testify that the Municipal Water department management can be pretty crafty in glossing over problems.


For what you’ve got going on from the tap, I’d say RO is your best bet. But for the purposes of growing when using RO, “plain water” refers to RO with calmag added to bring it up to about 150ppm.

Since you have the DI piece, I’d use it to bring your water down to 0ppm versus leaving it somewhere just above 0ppm.

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2022 Water report states (They do the report in Nov but always take forever to publish)

Hardness = 314PPM

Some other beautiful results:

The first Tap reading I took was off. It is actually 340ppm


Thanks for the info @SmackyMcSmackers!
Do you have any preference how to add the calmag back in?
This is actually why I posed the question…If I’m taking it out…

That water analysis is ghastly! :face_vomiting:

I wouldn’t even cook with that water much less drink it!

Sad to say but those “Violations,” are becoming the norm in muni water supplies these days. I bet the footnotes explain it away, or note that they are operating under a temporary waiver from the regulators.

Rev up the R/O system @JOHN1234, it will be cheaper than buying bottled water.

You were going to need to add CalMag anyways, I use powdered Epsom & Gypsum, but you can go with a liquid product like CaliMagic for simplicity.



Calimagic is a great recommendation @GrouchyOldMan as it’s got iron also
: )


Hey @ifish,

What is the best way to get some silica into my plants? I grow some with heavy buds and willowy stems. Flopsie Mopsie no bueno!



Stay away from silica in flower ( harsher buds )
As flowers come nearer to end , the internal momentum slows , they drink less , this reduces turgor and buds start to flop

I only use silica as a ph up in veg as a slight bonus for them
In flower support is the best option

: )


I have about a hundred YoYo’s dangling like spiders from my ceiling for that very purpose! LoL

So you don’t see any benefit from silica increasing the strength of the branches during veg?