Do it yourself MicroOctopot Auto Fill System

Pics or it didnt happen. Root


Thats a dog hair!!! :see_no_evil:


That dog has made a mess in this tent…and he’s not even white : :sob:


Ok. Have a problem w brown roots and goop in most res. 90% sure it is root rot but wanted opinion before tackling it. Used nothing brown in res. Only jacks. I did not previously have GFF in res.

Plan to cure:

Empty and clean main res. Has uv c lamp on 3hrs per day for gp.
Fill main res w jacks 202020 ppm 200 and add 1ml Garden Friendly Fungicide (after 20:1 dilution) per gallon. PHd 5.9 di/ro.

Empty each micro res and clean. Wipe down goop from nets, cut any bad roots. Spray net cups down w gff, nute solution.

Refill micro res w new res.

Sound reasonable @GrouchyOldMan , @Jetdro @MNGrower @SmackyMcSmackers @ifish @SaintAliasKnife @Not-Notjosh and anyone I missed?


you got brown roots in 4 days from this point?
what you’re planning on is fine. are you accounting for the lag? if plants looks bad now, what did you do last week?

H2O2 works too.


Yes, that fast.

I was worried any H2o2 would kill off gff beneficial.

Did nothing last week.

Thanks for the quick reply!

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lets see a pic shall we? I’m curious to see this.

cauterize everything if you want to be certain. myco can be re-established if you believe it necessary.

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Another res showing goop

And those pesky little spring tails

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Ok so better to be agressive and fill res w H2o2 for quicker recovery?

H2o2 dilution ratio recommendation?

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when I use it is 37% strength H2O2. I ad ~3ml/gallon and I just replace the water with just jacks/epsom and H2O2. nothing else. kill all and god with sort its own.:wink:

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Where did you buy the 37%?

H2o2 or H2o3?

Damit John, you really got whacked there!

Hmmm, Only time that happened to me was as the result of a wild pH swing when they flushed the local water mains. Octos really don’t like pH outside their comfort zone. But you’ve been monitoring your pH…

More to the point is this:

Mistress Knife is right and 3% Hydrogen Peroxide is your next best step I believe. That step is going to attack your beneficial bacteria along with the root rot and the spring tails. You can also spray your diluted H2O3 directly on the net cup in addition to adding it to your rez. I’ll post some suggested concentrations below.

Let that work until you see some new roots peeking out then refresh the pot with clean pHed water plus the proper dose of GFF to coat the new roots with bacterial love.

Ya know, the first time I saw springtails was with a test of the clay balls. I didn’t like them overall and I’ve gone back to packing the cup with soil.

Anyway, very sorry to hear this, you’ve been so meticulous with your entire grow!

Courtesy of my buddy @BU2B


Thanks for the support @GrouchyOldMan!

Its all a learning process right?

Is h2o3 available in drugstores?

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Yes it is, and I think the stronger version isn’t worth the extra cost.

Once they recover and you are swapping the rez water, it’s helpful to add some RhizoTonic, or other root stimulant.

Finally, don’t despair, your plants are most likely happily making tons of roots upstairs while you are struggling with the lowers. As long as you can get the lower roots going enough to start moving food and water up the chain they should pull through. I think @Jet pulled a plant through all the way to harvest with hardly any roots in the rez!

Please do not be tempted to Top Water in the meantime…


Excellent to hear!


I use Alchemist H2O2 @ 34% concentration. memory is shot. had to look up receipt.

Think Im going to dump each micro res, spray cups. Refill w fresh h2o2 nute solution 5.9ph in main and hope for the best. I bought the cal mag you recommended. Add that as well?


Thank you!

Ach! Most important of all, start making a note daily of pH, EC, and water level so that you can use this wonderful Hydro Diagnostic chart. Also courtesy of the Maestro @BU2B.


Once you understand the reasoning behind each line in this table, the whole octo program comes into focus.



Good call on the rhizo @GrouchyOldMan
: )