Do it yourself MicroOctopot Auto Fill System

Are they sitting on insulation ?

Maybe if they sit on cold floor it would reduce Rez temp

Always better to find the cause rather than masking it

I’m not a fan of clay balls other than for support for plant in net pot in dwc


Slime looks like it’s originating from net pot of balls ( maybe ? )

Nice chart @GrouchyOldMan

I should get that laminated along with the antagonistic wheel and a good ph lock out chart
: )


I’d skip the Cal/Mg until things get sorted.

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I thought you’d like that! It holds pride of place above my desk.

First sign of trouble I make a chart in the log and start keeping track. The reliability of that thing is uncanny.


Saves a lot of valuable stress and time thinking

: )

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On w to w carpet. Temp in tent 80f. Rh 80

Yep. Clay is out next time. Lesson learned.

Thanks for the info!


Will do. Thanks again!

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Rh 80 ?

Plants will find it hard transpiring ie uptake very low as consequence


Thanks @Dirt_Wizard,

What dosage do you suggest?
What part(s) of the grow cycle?
What results do you see from the additive?


No Shit! 80 by 80 is something like 0.4 VPD way low brother John…

Can you get the RH down to 70-ish?

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I water it into the soil in mid to late veg as well as foliar from after they get a few sets of leaves, I can’t say I follow any strict measurements or schedule, sort of:

2 TBSP in a gallon of warm water, watered into the pots every week or two in veg after normal feed is done, I try to water to runoff for the silica to make sure it gets everywhere and is diluted a bit more

1 TSP in a 16oz sprayer to foliar again every week or two sort of alternating with the soil drench

I usually add a dropperful of Mr Fulvic to either as a chelator and a couple drops of molasses too.


I think fixing the rh is the way to go for starters

The plants will not be internally functioning at moment ) so roots will be sitting wet inside and out kind off as result ( no movement in plant / roots or pot , stagnant / no exchange ) causing sick weak roots maybe

In some pics above single root out of net pot looks abit translucent ( not good ) , whiter solider is better


I can get it anywhere I want. Sorry maybe reading the chart incorrectly. Thought for veg and seedling it should be about 80. So shoot for 80f and 70 rh?

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All res cleaned and changed, roots sprayed down. Everyone is looking good. Believe crisis averted.

Now to dial in RH.

Special thanks to @SaintAliasKnife @GrouchyOldMan @ifish! You guys are the best.


Do it gradual over few days, so not as sudden a change

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2% a day then

75 , 75 , 72 , 72 , 69 or 2% a day is fine too

The sign that you doin it too quick is last quarter or one third of some fingers stay green but dry up crinkly , as plant ditches some parts ( ends of fingers ) to eliminate some of stomata in order to regulate transperation in the new humidity

More humidity , more stomata needed to transpire

Less humidity , easier to transpire , so less stomata needed

Here’s the VPD Bible, (According to Grouchy),

You want to stay in the green for now.