Do it yourself MicroOctopot Auto Fill System

I had root rot from using nutrients that I was told would work in hydro that did not.

I ended up cutting everything around the net pot. I had way more roots than that.
I sprayed with clean water then soaked in water/peroxide bath for about 10 minutes then sprayed with fresh water again.

Then cleaned and filled the Rex with a light feeding something like 150-200 ppm and adjusted ph to 5.8. Also added about a half dose of fungicide also.

It took about 4 days before I noticed new roots finding their way back into the Rez. I did fill the Rez up to almost full so the roots that were in the pot would be in water and grow back.

Thanks to @GrouchyOldMan for some help with mine. :sunglasses:

It will bounce back @JOHN1234 :+1:


Ok. That makes sense. I was shooting for the early veg/prop stage values. Thank you!

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Thats been a problem for a while then. I was actually getting worried when the humidifier dropped off one day. Wick had dried at top. Thank you!

Thanks @MNgrower.

I was worried at first, then took a breath. I have access to all the experts here. Sure enough I had responses in less than 5 min.

Best online community. Hands down.

Appreciate the experience.


And that isn’t wrong, but your plant is severely stressed and we want it to breathe easy. If you can vary both temp & RH, adjust as you see best/easiest. Shoot for VPD 1.2 zone, slowly as suggested. They need to send out new roots seeking water, so keep the Rez at least touching the net cup.

Check EC, pH & water levels after you get things sorted out then they’ll tell us what’s going on.

PS, Spirit Prayer those SpringTails aren’t living in your clay balls! :pray:

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Ding ding ding. Now I understand. Thanks for the explanation @GrouchyOldMan!

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Got it. Thanks for the knowledge @ifish !

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Quick update on the roots. Did not trim anything, just changed res and sprayed roots with nute and h2o2.

Thanks everyone for the help!
Temp 79F RH 74


So someone asked in another post what my setup was so I posted my video before I moved the plants into it.
@GrouchyOldMan asked me to post the vid over here so here ya go guys, not sure how I forgot to post it here before :man_facepalming::man_shrugging::sunglasses:


You can amend your coco with wollastonite as well.


Greetings @SilicanPelican and Welcome to Overgrow!

Wollastonite, hmmm, that’s an interesting suggestion. I’m trying to control Ca, Mg and Si separately and Wollastonite (calcium inosilicate) might not fit into that goal.

Do you see specific silica specific results using Wollastonite?



I believe Wollastonite is what Bruce Bugby uses in their soil recipe at his University.


Calcium Silicate is used often to supplement silica as a dry amendment.
It fits in with coco and I have used as high as 100grams/3 gallon pot and seen no difficulties.
My branches and stems are definitely thicker and sturdier.
Since I use the rez for like 3 weeks at a time, it fits in perfectly for my needs to supplement silica.


Thanks so much for the advice!

You and @GrouchyOldMan saved my plants: :+1:

I had been pushing both my tents at 80+% Rh since the beginning.

Down to 70% RH now and holding. 79F.

All the plants are finally breathing!


Looks like you cleared up the root rot/brown goop with the UV light?

I was gonna say, calcium hypochlorite is what I use and would keep the res clean. Usually comes as a dry powder. Pool shock in pinch. 2grams in a gallon jug makes the concentrate solution. Dose 2ml of that per gallon of res water, every 3 days or so and you should be good :+1:


Changed res and sprayed w 125 ppm jacks202020 and one cup per gal of 3% h2o2.

All the slime disintegrated as soon as sprayed. Some brown goop fell off too, not roots.

Sorry no pics, was a little freaked out :wink:

Pretty sure it was due to high humidity 80+.
Plants were not drinking and res was stagnant.

Do have a small UVc lamp in main res. Runs 3hr/day


Tacitly Concluded and Succinctly Stated @JOHN1234!

Nothin succeeds like success, I’m enjoying your grow log too.

Ramping up after 20+ years - #97 by JOHN1234

Good Work and thanks for sharing.

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Hey OctoPoddlers
Check this gizmo out: (I have no stake, just think it has potential)

This plus a Home Cheapo 3.5 gallon bucket would make a pretty credible OctoBucket. Drop in a few bulkheads, string some tubing to your “pots,” plug into your “ammo box” and a tall reservoir and you’ve got a small cannabis farm!..

Just a thought on a chilly New England evening.

Jus Sayin,


I really like the 3.5 Gal.
I feel like you could easily fill with roots after a 5-6 week veg. Has anyone experienced root intrusion out of res w Micro? I recall that was an issue w dwc 5 gal buckets auto feed long ago. Had screens over the bulkhead to combat.

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Hi Grouchy!

I think the octopot works well because of the mixture of air and water in the rootzone beneath the plant.
The media pot size does not really matter to me as the media is inert and useful only if you are adding a dry amendment like gypsum/wollastonite.
Other than this, the media container should ideally be tall and thin, so it encourages the root to hit the rez azap.
Something like

Regarding the water level in the plant tub, I think having a low level of water encourages more fibrous root growth once the roots reach the tub and more frequent changes of water in the tub.

Having a dry period between rez refills also works well.