Do particular strains prefer synthetic or organic feeding?

Everything is chemicals.


Derived from different places.

By that logic, everything that is found in nature is safe.

It doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s made in a lab or found in nature. Plants donā€™t care about our opinions of how they work, they just want the elements they need to grow and flower.

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Well didnt take long to turn into a nutes vs organics threadā€¦


It was itā€™s destiny


I agree with @PlantShepherd on this one the MENDO dope boys would disagree also when they can pull off 20lbs trees in all organic 400-600 gallon smart pots Kaligrownbudz can kill it massive yields with organic methods also , outa take a look @vernal with some of those grows videos !


Anyone can grow a 20lb tree in 500 gallons of soil.

I grew 0.5 lb plants in 5 gallon buckets before whereā€™s my trophy?

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I have some Lebanese right now that have been clawing like crazy. Iā€™m not saying nobody could find a way to make them happy on salts, but I canā€™t. First time Iā€™ve found some that refuse to tolerate whatever I give them.

Mmm well maybe. We used to say ā€œa calorie is a calorieā€ in the 90s.

Eat all of your calories in the form of refined sugar, and youā€™ll get diabetes. Plants consume molecules, not elements. The process of extracting the nutrition a plant needs from a molecule is defined by a rate. In humans, refinement of sugars plays a role in the rate at which sugar enters your blood. In plants, these conversions are done outside the plant and rate limited in part by the rhizobiome and the plant itself.

Fundamentally what living things need is the same. But to ignore the rates at which they which they get them is to me, overlooking a fundamental part of it.


Sorry Vernal, here is your trophy.

Capture _2020-06-05-15-56-42


The salt molecule is a faster and more efficient way to get that element, rather than relying on rhizosphere, enzymatic, bacterial, exudates, etc. as intermediaries. Donā€™t need a middleman.

Interesting on the Lebanese. I assume you already tried simply using a lower feed? I will admit that some plants need more or less nutrients than others, but the ratios remain more or less consistent.

I think people are under the impression that hydroponic salts the plant isnā€™t using from solution are somehow ā€œstoredā€ in the plant tissue.

Granted, but thatā€™s like saying Iā€™m over here feeding my plants exclusively N. Sure, most plants in nature the limiting factor is N, but I give them a constant ā€œbalanced dietā€ of about 15 different elements.


As Lowenfels has stated numerous times ā€œ No one has ever gone out and fertilized the Giant Red woods of California ā€œ


ā€œNo one needs fertilizer because trees lolā€

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Itā€™s not even engraved.

Send it back.

And thatā€™s why I think itā€™s easier to grow sensitive plants in organics. The faster uptake rate is good for most strains, but bad for some.

Another analogy to human nutrition is vitamin A in the form of retinol vs beta carotene. Retinol is vitamin A in exactly the form our body wants to use it, while beta carotene requires a rate limited conversion. Itā€™s nearly impossible to get vitamin A toxicity from beta carotene, because your body can inhibit or stop the conversion to retinol. But consuming too much vitamin A in the form of retinol can very easily lead to toxicity.

Iā€™m not sure where that does or doesnā€™t apply in botanyā€¦ but assuming there are parallels, it makes scientific sense that while one could tailor the perfect diet of salts, an organically grown plant may have certain advantages in terms of how the plant provides feedback to soil microbes in increasing or limiting certain nutrients.


Iā€™m sorry man. It was the best I could do on short notice. Maybe this is why my soccer team left after only 2 seasons. :joy:


So donā€™t use too much Retinol A then.

If I need water, donā€™t give me ice and wait for it to melt.

IDK, I feel that Vitalism and organics are inextricably entwined. Itā€™s about more than results and data for most people. It makes them feel good, they like it. I donā€™t understand it but if youā€™re happy with the results, donā€™t let me rain on your parade.

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When I die of pesticide poisoning and nutrient cancer I better not get a blank tombstone.

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It will be engraved, that you would still be alive if they had ever perfected that cancer vaccine.


You know me too well lol my sides are splitting


You and I are too much alike, although on opposite ends of the belief system.