Do particular strains prefer synthetic or organic feeding?

Ugh I know I just have so much time on my hands with the funemployment and I’m so unbelievably bored and sober because no one wants to party during 'rona. I’m gonna kill my plants if I keep touching them.

Bro I mow my yard every 3 days for something to do. I pulled my oven out and cleaned underneath it. Do you know how many crumbs are really inside a toaster? You could deliver newborn babies in my house it’s so clean.


Hardly my point. How many ppm of nitrate does my Lebanese plant want? How many ppms lead to toxicity? If I’m running 2 strains on the same reservoir, is what ppms will keep them both happy? Perhaps there isn’t easy answers to any of those things.

I see valid scientific arguments for growing either way, in spite of the fact that organic growers often don’t know them. But that’s in part, because the plant is providing feedback about what it needs, instead of relying on the grower to do it. Fact is, growing organically in some cases is just much easier, because you just let the plant do the work. If i was running clones exclusively from a single plant for years, then yeah, I’m fairly certain I could tweak my synth nutrients and achieve near perfect results. But that’s what dispensaries do, not me.

I use salts and play devil’s advocate.


You give those dispo warehouses too much credit haha. More cut corners than an octagon. They have quarterly profit projections and stockholders to please lol. Granted, their labor per hour per gram rate is definitely much much better than mine.

I get that water only pile of dirt seems easier, but when I see all this KNF, cover crop, worm farm, compost tea, amendments, ferments, sprays, inoculants, rove beetles, ladybugs, predator mites it all seems like a big Rube Goldberg machine compared to my coco/perlite and Dyna Gro.


My main problem with it is practicality. Soil volume is large and you need somewhere to dispose of it. Plus salts are cheap as hell. I’m going to try ebb and flow for a while. At least until I get sick of cleaning hydroton.


I recommend fabric pots and rockwool croutons for ebb and flow. Clean, don’t roll around, disposable. Hydroton is the devil.

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I get that man. It’s been a minute since I’ve worked as well. Projects galore completed. We now have chickens and a homemade chicken coop. I’ve mixed like a million batches of soil.

If you do no till I don’t know why you would have to dispose of it. Re use it.


:face_with_raised_eyebrow: dizamn.

Apparently so! :sweat_smile: wtf…

@lefthandseeds get’s the :trophy: for reading m’fing comprehension & shit :+1: :joy:

@vernal I’m happy to see the variety of responses but… uhh… like, uh-huhuhuh…. ‘certain strains’

:wink: you 'jes too salty! :salt: :salt::salt::salt::salt::salt::salt::salt:



:trophy: :1st_place_medal: :alembic: :fire: :clap: :crazy_face:



100% accurate and complete! :slight_smile:


Yup always gotta be that one guy that turns it into a vs fight. As a noob who’s only be at it for awhile I thought it was just general knowledge that both had pros / cons and was up to the grower to decide what would be best for them.

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As long as the npk is accessable , the plant does not care where is comes from , all its interested in is survival and doing its thing
The ratio and ppm/ec given for that particular time is what matters most regarding feeding
I use salts as they are more effective , simple and gives me more controll ( no organic voodoo to keep me guessing )
: )


I throw stuff in the soil once may add a tea once in awhile and top dress occasionally can’t get any easier than that no guess work or measuring for me … I don’t have time for that ph’ing everting measuring ec , TS, TDS, or whatever other acronyms there are , water only here!


fair enough, but the smoker/eater/etc. may! :wink:

