Do you have a seed will?

My son has been instructed to secure the stash and complete the mission: Overgrow the world…


On news apon my Passing my seed vault will be divided amongst family one portion will be mailed to all 50 states and common wealth with instructions to germinate and plant outdoors immediately with good weather conditions and grown and shared amongst friends and neighbors.One of My bucket list wish was always to go to every state plant a bean and walk off never knowing if it popped or it grows into a giant tree and someone just happens on it never knowing the story but a potential to begin someone else’s finding a gnarly ass cannabis plant with the dream that it was as legal as tomatos.The notification letters will be printed on giant RAW rolling papers similar to the giant paper in the Big Bambi album with organic ink and consumed with cannabis to safeguard such documents of this highly classified mission.


I gave my lil brother my seed vault code… and gave him my log info for Overgrow… just in case… May the GODS forbid! Long life to live. BUT…

Chance favors the prepared mind.

All you OGs will have a BIG say in what and where my vault goes.

Love & Light ☆ DJSF


It’s been so long since I’ve logged in I’m not even 100% sure of my own credentials at this point.

As for my next of kin they probably think I’m checking the weather right now.


Same here! :rofl:

:green_heart: :seedling:


My plan, and my son knows it, unless he wants them for himself, is to go find a nice field and spread them. Let them all go feral again. I don’t have very many recognized/ professional strains in my collection(presently 167 strains) so I don’t think I have anything not already floating around in the world. Should I get some of the more legendary strains I might have to get specific, but right now it’s “FREEDOM!!!”


Have just been discussing this amongst a few good friends. I have been making an extremely detailed description of my collection in two different books and on computer, also signifying heirloom, landrace and just extremely valuable or rare. I have a couple ideas of what to do with them…. 1- donate somewhere willing to pass them out properly and ensure the real gems are preserved. 2- let my sons try and sell them or carry on tradition as they see fit. If neither fully has the bug in the next decade or so I guess the 1st it will be. Will is a great idea though


Thanks for reminding me.

I used to have a letter Id keep that had instructions to divvy up my vault and send them to Bodhi, Mustafunk, and someone from my personal life.

I need to do that again for where i live now


Thought of this for the first time a couple months ago. On the way back from surfing, just sort of feeling that good feeling that comes with smoking after catching some fun waves. I thought to myself that if something were to ever happen to me, what would happen to the seeds? I love them so much and would want them to go to others who would steward them with a similar energy and mindset.

While it’s one of my favorite things, my seed collection and the hobby of collecting isn’t something many if any know about me. So who, and how? I would want them to go to the community somehow, free or as a fundraiser if there were a noble cause. Just get them to whoever will love them and want to share the stoke. Much love


Dr Bugbee?

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I’ve kind of been an advocate for this for the past few years.
I know a handful of growers both online and off who I know had amazing seed collections and I often wonder if someone inheritted it all or did it get lost to the trash.
I received a stash of kinda poorly stored seed when my mentor passed a few years ago. I tried a few here and there with mixed results but need to get more serious about it before I try any of those again.
I have a very detailed will which outlines with very clear instructions on handling of the seed stash and who it goes to. My nephew who is 19 now and has taken to growing and does it well inherits my entire seed stash but my grow equipment and books and personal grow logs go to my youngest son (31). If he chooses to, he is to have full access to the seed collection but he will inherit any live plants so he can continue my breeding programs with original stock.


Just out doing some random reading before bed.
So sad…


I sure hope his lil bro does make an account and carry on his work, I’m sure he would have been proud to see his bro carry on his legacy


I also thought about this…

I just saw this myself


Perhaps they would have value to someone. I have made some plans to disperse things like my tent. Been thinking about this quite a bit. I do think they would have more value if labeled and packaged i smaller quantities. I have changed my mind twice in the last 2 years though about who would get them or the growing clones I have. Actually need to make provisions for the clones to survive a few days beyond me first :wink: I suppose if labled and sorted could pass them to multiple people more easily in the case of seeds and ensure that the mission of overgrow’ing continues in posterum

Enjoy it while you got it.


Same instructions to my daughter


I’ve been bitten by the seed bug again recently and was thinking about this too. My wife would carry on the grow as long as she could. But ultimately my youngest daughter would get the seed stash. It wouldn’t mean anything to her now, but would when she’s older.
Wish I had a stash of seeds from my mom, dad or any grandparents, it would be a big hug from them everytime grow or smoke…lol.

Actually…wouldn’t it be fun to make some seeds, store them until death and have them handed out at your funeral!? People buy plots before death…why not be fully prepared with seeds for your friends and loved ones too?


seeds are willed to next of kin


Love this idea!