Do you keep a log of your seeds in Excel?

@OlManHenry @Scorpion82 would an app like the one we are talking about help you to manager everything, from seeds to cuts and grows? Would it be something you would be willing to use?

Pz :v:t2:

Yeah definitely. At the moment I don’t have much for inventory, but as time progresses absolutely.

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Thank you very much, it feeling like we are on to something :+1:t2:

Pz :v:t2:

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That def. sounds like the way to go nowadays esp. with the amount of selective breeding and hybrids being created. I’m not in any position yet to utilize an app like that and don’t have any seed inventory…but the time will come. Cheers!

This is what I have. I have 3 numbered vial trays with different color tops so its color coded for which one.

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Ive done some simple testing of making an electron app(making it possible to make a PC/MAC/Linux app). It was just out of curiousity of how an offline to online sync would work. It was way better then i anticipated and this would make it possible for an offline install for those who dont want to sync everything online(opsec).

@Scorpion82 Yeah, thats what i thought aswell.

@FiveGar Oohh, i love the idea of color coding. A very clever idea! It would also help with a more inuitive UI.

Thanks alot guys :heart:

Edit: Sry i forgot the most important thing… Omfg… The dear @Greenup let me test his website and it gave me ton of ideas! Thank you very much for that.

Pz :v:t2:


I’d hope so! I’ve keep having to add new ‘tabs’ to my Excel whenever I come up with a ‘new’ topic heading idea. :rofl: That’s what I get for just starting something without thinking it through first! Thanks for the efforts you’re putting into this! :+1:


Usin’ it again! lol


I used too…then my seed hoarding addiction reached new levels and I stopped. I probably have 700-800 individual packs. I need to inventory one of these day, lol


I remember when I only had that many packs. :sweat_smile:


Inspired by this thread, I finally got around to taking and compiling an inventory of my seed collection in a Google sheet, thanks everybody!


Great thread! After reviewing the posts, here are the column names in my seed spreadsheet(xls)

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Just a couple comments that are likely just semantics/preference.

Your P1F & P1M columns in most cases aren’t going to actually have P1s. Most strains these days have F1 or maybe F2 generation as the parents. Even many of the clone only strains used are themselves cuts from F1 strains. So calling them P1s might be kinda inaccurate, but again it’s merely semantics.

Also, if you have any fem seeds in your spreadsheet, your P1M for that cross will actually be a pollen donor from some other reversed female–so not really a male.

My seed collection is easily one of my most treasured relationships. They aren’t mine, we exist together. I love them. Truly. I feel obligated to them in some degree. I am their feet. They are my wings.

This topic, and a couple more, have had me thinking about what would happen to them if something were to happen to me. Most in my life, none really, share the same interest in the plant and the seeds. I would feel so bad if they just went to waste, so to speak. On the way home from surfing the other day I mentioned to some close to me about if anything were to ever happen to me, please get the seeds into the community and share them far and wide for free. Overgrow and Icmag! I should probably write that down for them just to be sure. This thread is so cool! Does anyone remember MTV cribs and how they would show what’s inside their fridge? That’s so entertaining to me! Seeing other people’s seed collections and lists is like that but on a whole nother level! It’s so rad. Appreciate everyone’s passion for their seeds. Much love


Good point on the lineage notation. What would be the most useful names for the columns indicating what is known of the parental stock? Have been wondering if I need to create a new instance of my human genealogy program, but for our favorite plant that I have seeds of.

At the moment I just use Notes on my iPhone.

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I keep it simple on my spreadsheet: Mother & Father/Donor. Could also use Female & Male/Donor, I guess. Not sure how well the slash character plays into your software. For that matter, just using Female & Donor would suffice for almost all. Then if you have a Y/N column for Feminized, you automatically know if it was a male or a reversed female that provided the pollen.

I also add Excel comments detailing what I know about the lineage of each parent in at least one cell containing that strain name, unless it’s something I also have a pack of in F1 form.

i don’t really keep a log of seeds, however i do keep a log of what i’m growing or failed at growing.

if i get to the point of pollination this time i will probably create a second sheet.

Never learned Excel… Seed collection is so tiny I think I dont need to for a while. Great idea tho.

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