Do you keep a log of your seeds in Excel?

Switching from tracking to watching!

Can’t wait to see your work @LonelyOC and @Ris :call_me_hand:

After I reached 28 spreadsheet tabs across 3 files I made a web app that catalogs my seeds, environments, plants, and daily log entries. It wouldn’t take much to share it. But at the very least I am watching this for ideas to add to my own.

I haven’t taken the time to make it look pretty because it was just for me and a couple friends. I spent most of the time working on the log entries functionality as thats what I needed most. There is more I want to do with the seeds/strains part of it.

What I want to add to mine is the ability to take a photo of a paper grow log sheet and upload it to the site/app. Then it will create the digital version of the log entry by using OCR to extract the handwritten text and saving it to the database just like you filled out all the log entry fields by typing.

This is very nice! My spreadsheet just calculates “days since” and “weeks since” based on the “events” start date. Your sheet has given me some more ideas.


Love the idea of snapping a pic in order to fill out entries. I think this has become a collab of sorts already

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Awesome that more people are interested :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2: It would be uber awesome If we are more people that could work on it. It would translate to more features and a better product.

Thb i wont personally use anything with a bad ui, so for me the ease of use is most important!

@Greenup what do use for frontend/backend for your webapp?

Pz my growmies :v:t2:

My current technologies probably aren’t going to be great for collabing because most people don’t work with them. I am using Drupal, php, twig, js, mysql

I have created functionality to import strains via CSV and could easily extend to log entries that are in a csv/xml etc. I will probably never abandon my system since I can change it on a whim but I am happy to help with a new system we collab on. Curious to what technologies you want to use.

If desired I could spin up a version of my site that only has has the strain/seed database functionality to share.

Yeah i think php are a Great choice for something thats easy to manage by one person.

As I said before ive done a backend in Java using Spark as a api micro service. The frontend is a Node Js server serving a typescript react webapp and I use Mui as the base for the UI. I got nginx reverse proxy splitting the services so that i can handle both on the same domain. The database is postgres and the session/PubSub is redis.

Why i use react is because of react-native that will make it a breeze making Android and iOS apps from the same codebase.

If you want to help i would be more then happy :heart:

Pz :v:t2:

Im all about reusing code for simplicity. I do agree that the site will need to be modernized a bit. I like the idea of using react and building it out modularly. Release sets of Features at a time.

Sofar what i have is just a template for us to start with(pulled from my project) :

Key Features

  1. Inventory
  • Seeds list
  • Grow list
  • Lists (Wish List)
  1. History
  • past grow
  • Next Grow
  1. Users
  • Profile
  1. Logging (Grow, Seed, Trade)
  • Grow Log
  • Seed Inventory
  • Transactions/Trades

This is what i was looking like as far as basic layout. Again this is only my input I would like to see what everyone thinks. Get an idea of a first phase end goal. How do we want to manage this whole thing?


Pretty much what the api i got atm have. Plus public/private seeds so that you can share your profile for others to see which seeds you are willing to trade.

Pz :v:t2:

For me frontend is always what takes the majority of time to develop.

IMO it would be best If we could have a private git where everyone who wants to help out could work of. What do you think about that? Maybe use gitlab CE? Or a public github? I dont really like the public github idea but if you think its a good idea im on board :+1:t2:

Pz out my man :v:t2:

I like the idea of using react and building it in modules. I am so freaking busy I don’t want to commit to much right away but I can definitely help with the front end and ideas/planning. A code repo is the way to go if you ask me.

Besides using Drupal for like 15 years I was able to get users, permissions and a content framework that I could easily change spun up in minutes. Bonus I can spin up duplicate sites using same codebase for my friends. Currently one codebase running 4 sites at different domains. Could also have multiple users and tailor all the views to show current logged in users content. Basically got all this for free and built most of the site using my mobile phone while laying in bed when I couldn’t sleep.

I will lay out what I have built as it could help in planning for the new app.

Content Types - Nodes of content that can be added/edited/deleted by users with permission.

  • Environment - Tents, or what not. Users can create new ones that will be available to assign plants to.
  • Strain - Seeds and clones. This is the start of a seed collection database. I have lots of fields but most not filled out. This allows for the creation of filterable views to explore/search the strain DB. Plants reference these. These reference breeders for feature views that show items by breeder.
  • Plant - Plants are assigned to environments and reference strains. Plant nodes show a view of all logs related to that plant as well as a view showing all photos attached to the plant or attached to a log that is attached to the plant.
  • Basic Pages - Add anything you want. Use it for notes, guides, etc.

Non-node content - Things that don’t really need their own node like Breeders, Grow log actions, etc. But they are still editable and fieldable. These are referenced by nodes.

Views - Think of it as a DB query on crack. I can quickly make a new page or block showing any content in any way I want. Can have filters and more.

  • Plant View - Has two displays, a grid view and a list view. Filterable by environment, strain, and format. Can click through to the environments or plants.
  • Environments view - lists all the user created environments. Click through to view nodes and see details and assigned plants.
  • Strains View - Currently I use strains to mostly hold name, breeder, photo/auto, reg/fem and quantity. But I mostly have just populated with names and ID for now since I need to reference these in plant nodes. I have built an importer that accepts a CSV for people that already have their seeds in a spreadsheet. Can add filters for any data we store in the strain nodes.
  • Grow log - this shows all log entries by date and is fiterable.

Users - Out of the box Drupal has a robust user system with roles and permissions. For free we get logins, password recovery, profiles (any fields we want), even personal contact form if wanted (i dont).

Drupal can also be run headless if desired. However, I usually make custom drupal themes once I am ready to make it pretty. Currently I am just using one of the themes supplied with drupal. It leaves a lot to be desired but generally works on desktop and mobile. I have building the site and adding the content using my android phone for most of it. You can make the front end look and function in any way you want.

Once I get this to a 1.0 version that looks better I will gladly give out the source code for anyone wanting to spin up their own version.

Here is a little screen capture I made of this beta version of the site that I have just started using to log my grows. I have populated it with old info from my spreadsheets just so there was some data. So there isn’t all my daily logs in there yet. I don’t go through everything but it will give you an idea of what’s going on.

Youtube age restricted my video cause it has photos of cannabis I guess. So you have to watch it while logged in to youtube.


Yeah i totally understand If you dont want to commit too much at the beguinning. As I said, all help is much appreciated and I didnt think anyone would want to help with this project in the first place.

It was a long time ago i last used php for anything, but i have experience in drupal, wordpress, laravel and codeigniter. Hopefully php have come a long way since. Atm im working at a company that uses a fullstack node project and the backend is horrible to work with. Single threaded and lots of magic blackboxes without any logic tied to it. So thats why i use Java, its freaking awesome at building micro services and you got full control of the procedures. You should take a look at how easy spark Java is and using spring hibernate as orm makes the life alot easier for everything database related.

Couldnt view the video, says its private.

Pz :v:t2:

@LonelyOC Ill be setting you up on a vm what timezone is best for you? This will be a test server. So if you can list what needs to be installed i can get that started.

Whoops, i changed it to unlisted. You will still need to be logged in cause of the age restriction but you should be able to view it now.

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Dude, that looks Nice! Good work :heart:

Pz :v:t2:

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Timezone doesnt matter, as of today ive been testing If redis is a necessity and it seems like I wont be a problem to use a in memory session storage until we have around 1000 active users at the same time. So atm i think ill keep the in memory version i made.

So the VM needs the latest Java, node, postgres and nginx :pray:t2:

I am gona assume and hope you got the video to play and you are saying nice to that :slight_smile:

If you want to check it out with an account to play around like add, edit delete stuff I can get you access to sandbox where you can go crazy. Let me know.

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Yeah i got it to play :heart: I would be honored to test your sandbox, but if it got good ideas that i like. Would it be ok for me to borrow your solutions on things? I dont want to step on anyone toes or IP.

Pz :v:t2:

Not at the moment but as I purchase more packs I will. I love all the ideas for organizing your seeds and especially grows. I have been writing down notes and all your ideas got the creative juices flowing. Thanks ya!!

I’ve been trying to get better about spreadsheets b/c my brain is dogshit at trying to remember anything nowadays. I’ve found setting up basic spreadsheets for anything can alleviate so much unnecessary hassle. Cheers!