Do you leave your grow running when away?

I have major paranoia and have set my grows up so that they spend as little time as possible with the lights on while I’m away. I have a fear my LEDs that have never had an issue will suddenly fail and catch fire. Anyone one else have this issue? I know I should trust my equipment, but short of a fire suppression system I’m my grow, I don’t think I can leave it running. I have a trip planned that will have me away from the grow for 7 days. No way to leave the lights off, so they will run 7 shifts unmanned. Has my nerves shot. Am I alone in my fears?


This is part of the reason I’ve started moving away from COBs. I feel totally safe with QBs and constant current drivers, but QBs are <1W/SqIn, while COBs are like >20W/SqIn.

I still run my COBs on constant current, but part of me still wants to try biting the bullet and detaching a COB from the heatsink to see what happens. I know for a fact that with constant voltage it’s not good… my hope is that although it will get really hot, it would likely not be hot enough to start a fire.


Your not alone in this feeling of thought maybe try experimenting with an outside plant or two this season and see how it goes nothing to worry about with good ol :sun_with_face:Behind ya ! With my scrogged out plant with some other plants growing around it last year it wasn’t even noticeable unless your almost right on top of it !

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I’m playing around with some of my plants right know and putting some of them on a bench seat in front of a south facing window in a upstairs bedroom I know the sun right now would probably fuck up photos now but maybe try running autos this way!

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For the first year every day on my way home I just knew my house had burned down.

I’ve been growing for 3 yrs now and I have total confidence in my gear. Outlets are properly wired gfci’s and power strips have independent breakers.

I run 600w hps.

@lefthandseeds, maybe look into installing a thermal switch on ur board, if shit gets too hot thermal will trip and turn off urs lights - things cool down and switch turns back on. I use these in battery devices I repair


I’v had lights in timers where the timer didn’t click on so depending on your situation plants in total darkness wouldn’t be a great thing either!


I did a fire Marshall course once. The cause of most house fires is either tumble dryer or cooking fires.

So as long as you use good gear, contactor relays and surge protectors the chance of a well maintained grow catching fire is minimal.

Of course smoke detectors and fire extinguishers are a absolute necessity.

Just my ramblings somewhat organised.


I have never had an issue with my lights, they for the most part have done their job to earn my trust. I had a neighbor that lost his house to a “grow”. That planted the seed for my current trust issues. Only recently did I learn he had been making bho in the house when it caught fire… Dumbass.

Thanks for all of your kind words, I will be getting some thermal relays, and a few more inline gfis in the near future


Haha yup, that’s how it always happens. A select few things are likely to happen if you empty a canister of compressed, highly flammable gas in an enclosed area… and only one of them is lucky.

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you gotta use the “safe for 5 minutes, safe for 5 months” rule…always set up everything to be 100% safe, or as safe as possible - if it’s not safe to leave it for a month it should not be turned on at all IMO.

I have dogs I don’t want to burn up in a house fire so I’ve always bought commercial-grade equipment as soon as I can afford it - pro lighting fixtures have the CE and UL listings you want. People ask “why pay extra for Fluence” or PL Light or Illumitex, etc…that is why - the UL and waterproof ratings.


I also suffer from paranoia and the only thing I’d be upset about if house caught fire is my poor dog.

Fortunately whenever we leave we bring her to family or take her with us.

I’ve been growing for 7 years now. If a fire was gonna get me it would have by now.

I make sure I keep all my circuits at 80% and use UL listed wiring and fixtures.

For peace of mind I installed security cameras recently. Makes me feel safe. If a light didn’t come on I could call on friends or family to help me out. Does fuckall if a fire was breaking out.

I also have my lights on when I’m home. It’s more expensive this way, but makes me feel safer


I have Lush Lighting leds, for the $1350 I paid… They better be safe lol. I think my current batch of herbs has me extra paranoid. My dogs are a major fear of mine too. I need to quit work and garden 100%


The enclosure looks like sheet metal which is a good. I see a CE mark on the enclosure (in the product photos) which is good. I do not “see” any fuses on the product photo which would normally be another safety measure. But, can’t really tell and CE compliance would normally evaluate this.

Their units do not appear to be protected against ingress, so I’d look for any possible way water could contact the fixture (within reason). And, perhaps, make sure that any potentially flammable materials cannot easily contact the fixture.

Other than that, it seems like it would be a fairly safe unit to run unattended.

Would be nice…


Me too, buddy! In my fantasy world I putt around my garden endlessly with a fine cup of coffee in hand and all my flowers are blooming and smelling up the place.


I dream of a day in shorts barefoot in the garden, no work boots or long pants to be found. :slight_smile:


Come to Southern California we have that 9 to 10 months out of the year! :sunflower:


I have tried to move to California 4 times, never can find a job that pays what I make hereor a house I can afford on jobs found… One day I will find my way out there.


It is admittedly ridiculously expensive. If I hadn’t inherited my house I wouldn’t live here anymore. Housing is ridiculous right now too. I’m very blessed.


My brother lives in Daily City in South San Francisco, pays $2500 for a 2 bedroom apartment. Nope nope nope lol. It’s cheap here on the gulf coast, just this state will be a hold out on reform. So being a gardener is a risky hobby. :confused:. Can’t have my cake and eat it too I guess lol


A DIY light isn’t going to just all of a sudden start a fire if it’s been running fine for a while, just doesn’t make sense. I’d think a big cause of grow room fires is flammable product near lights. Or overloaded circuits. Not enough to trip it, but too much constant current draw.

They do make these fire protection canisters that sit over your grow and have a fusible link that melts under heat and disperses the contents. IIRC they have to be replaced yearly or bi yearly to ensure it functions.