Full blast or half power?

So I just got a 2nd 1200w led and I also have four led bulbs in my setup. Shouldn’t I turn both 1200w’s and the other four bulbs on when my seedling shows leaves? As long as it’s not too close I should blast it with as much light as possible right? (Btw this is in a 4x4x7’ tent that I’ll have four plants in) And what do ppl think of 24/7 light vs 18 hours on/6 hours off type of schedule?


Are they photo or auto? I’m no expert, but I keep seeing @ReikoX mention that autos don’t need as much intensity as photos. Correct me if I’m wrong of course. I just remember being told too much light can stress them too much.

24/7 I will say isn’t recommended for photos. They need their dark cycle to grow properly. Photos grow during the dark cycle mainly.

From the growfaqs I’ve seen that even a 24/7 isn’t the best on a auto either. They benefit more from a 20 on and 4 off cycle.
I’ve heard of some people getting a benefit from a 20-24 on and 6-8 hours off cycle, but that’s not a natural cycle and I can’t say anything about stuff I don’t know about. I’ll let those more knowledgeable and experienced than myself to correct or collaborate what I said.


You can either back the light off or keep it close but with less power. It’s the same either way, just go about increasing the light intensity slowly. I prefer to veg at 18/6 for photos. I run autos 20/4 all the way through.


I have absolutely no idea what those seeds are. I haven’t tried autos or photos and I’m not totally clear on what they are, I’m about to hit the books on that. Surprised I haven’t yet lol. Only one I know for sure is a Neville’s haze fem. I’ll start out with one of the big lights for now. Last grow I did 20on/4off for veg stage so maybe I’ll stick with that

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I’ll save the second light for a few weeks down the road (assuming I get the other seeds popped and they survive seedling stage… for someone who’s gardening on this scale I have a bit of a killer black thumb :sob:)


I did the same for my photos I’m growing now. 20/4 cycle until they reached a foot tall and then I went and flipped to 18/6 after the roots had established themselves well in my large container. Next time I’ll be using nursery bags(fabric pot like & biodegradable) for seedling stage and fabric pots for veg and flower to not be dealing with the same issues and hopefully not see an explosion of gnats from soil being kept too moist from not enough roots drinking like this grow. Learning experience, but I’d definitely make it again if I hadn’t learned the hard way I don’t want to use the container method I chose this grow.

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I just wasn’t sure, trying to start this second grow out right lol. Since I got the second lamp last week I’ve been debating whether or not I should start out strong or half power. Looks like I’m gonna introduce the 2nd light slowly… I decided to go the hydro route when I bought everything I needed earlier this year. Seemed a little harder during my research but I knew I could do it and I’m glad I did. Kinda wish I had some soil experience tho. Seems like u can enjoy the grow a little more and suffer less on mistakes. :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

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Yeah, hydro definitely has more of a learning curve, just make sure you have your ph dialed in, that will be your most common problem.


Yup, checked it often last grow. This time I’m trying Advanced nutrients pH perfect with ro water so hopefully that will eliminate some of my worries… still gonna check it tho lol

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I went organic on my first grow, but I screwed it up by using miracle gro all purpose fertilizer during veg. Next time I’ll be using megacrop and maybe some Cal-Mag. I’ll keep myself stocked on bti and nematodes just in case too.

The 1 thing I’ve learned is organic soil definitely does most of the work for you.

Personally I can’t stand the taste of hydro weed, but that’s most likely as I’ve probably only gotten low quality hydro bud so far. I’m certain of it as I barely got any taste or smell off the bud. When I smoked it I never got the texts that they smell weed either. Overall my hydro experience has been disappointing at best and turned me away from it tbh. Organic bud in the other hand always has that smell I love in it.

I’m cursed with a ultra sensitive sense of taste and smell. I always taste things no one else seems to be able to notice. That and I can taste a mystery stew and tell you the ingredients used to make it with a 90% accuracy. If I know what something tastes like I can tell you if it’s in a dish. Including what pepper variety used depending on the heat profile I taste or even if a splash of vinegar went into a lobster pot sized stew batch.

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Actually, I have a very sensitive palette too! Probably why I like to cook so much LOL. I really want to stick with the Hydro because I think it’s gonna to grow a plant faster, right? My first grow actually had a really nice smell and taste to most of the bud and everybody actually commented on it so I was fairly happy, actually super happy since it was my first grow. I think maybe it just comes down to the nutrients you use. I am going to try advanced nutrients, and looking into supplements now. After this girl I might seriously look into soil though, it might be worth it to sacrifice speed for an easier way to grow. The second grow will lead me into what direction I want to go in the future

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hydro is just as fast as soil… that’s based off light cycles for photoperiods or pre-programmed time for autoflowers… people do hydro because you get approx 20% more yield with full control over nutrients.


Good to know. I still prefer quality over quantity though if I’m growing it for my selfish ass. Anything I can do even if I get less yeild to improve quality I’ll do. A few oz of dank imo beats a pound of mids any day. I even take longer to go through just a oz of top shelf bud that just needs a jar or you’re using 4-5 bags to seal in the smell if you want to keep the smell off you and it takes me usually 3-4 weeks to finish smoking an oz of bud that takes me 1 toke to get where I want to be vs a QP of mids that I go through in a couple of weeks smoking bowl after bowl after bowl trying to get where I want and not getting anywhere near until I run out and need to grab more.

Sorry for the wall. I’m sleepy and can’t slow down the thoughts rn.

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I won’t tell anyone to grow using a method they don’t want. Instead I’ll tell you the same I did my buddy. Find your niche and perfect your craft. For myself and my lifestyle organic works best. I’m not home more often than I am home. I can’t control when I fall asleep either, so that makes hydro way less appealing when I can’t assure myself I’ll be there in a timely manner to monitor the system properly as well as the budget element. I’m looking to save money in my grows without compromising quality. Once I can afford to get them I’ll be using cob or Sol strips for my lights. Maybe even a cmh too who knows


I really thought growing hydroponically was faster! I won’t complain about bigger yields tho lol

I think it’s smart to direct more time effort and money into your lighting. I want to do the same thing. I really need to research LEDs even more. I found some very good cheap LEDs and they actually work quite well. If I ever scratch up the money to get something better I’ll probably donate one of the big lights I have on OG and use the other big light for a propagation area. Wish I knew how to build my own light!

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Totally agree! I medicate a lot of issues so it’s gotta be dank. Mids are for making edibles lol.

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Diy I’ve seen can show the best results with lighting alone, but make sure to hit up the members on here who know their shit to get the best possible outcome.

I lucked out with the corncob LEDs I got off Amazon. The intensity they give off is as strong as my 150w HPS they said they were the equivalent of.

I risked stressing out my girls to test out the LEDs light penetration. The color of the underside of the leaves didn’t change until the same point that the HPS dropped in efficiency.

Not super scientific I know, but the results I got off my gut instinct seems to be showing I was at least not completely incorrect. They definitely seem to be showing the same results as if I had added 1000w in individual 150w hps. Still not the same as a 1000w HPS, but impressive imo nonetheless. With the CFL once I add it back in and the 2 UV lights I have in the mix it’s supposed to be around 1200w equivalent.

When I can afford it my next hid will be CMH.
Then I could use the lights in creative ways or as a separate grow entirely.

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Hey you’re on a much more scientific path than I am. I won’t lie, about half of what u said went over my head lol. I just know I love how cool led’s are, makes regulating temp easy. I’ve heard they have a long service life too. Just learned last night I need to keep my led’s further away from plants than u would other types of lights, despite the cool temp, or the plant will get bleached. It seems no matter how much I read about these lights there’s always a ton more to learn! I’ll def pick the brains of some of the ppl here when I decide to upgrade. I would love to build my own light, I am just worried about safety and fire hazards. I know literally nothing about electrical stuff :grimacing:

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Ohm’s law is super important to learn, but the short version you need to keep in mind is never use more amps than your breaker or fuses can handle.

I couldn’t simplify wiring and circuits if I tried, but essentially keep from crossing polarities and using more than 60% of a load bearing circuit capacity and you will at least keep from a fire if it’s wired and soldered correctly insulating areas prone to shorts if any. I skipped over a lot, but those were the basics I had drilled in my head in HS.

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