The first person to gift me and Lady Z beans was @JohnnyPotseed with his Frankenstein x Unicorn Poop. It’s being grown for the Solo cup contest, and I guess one is in veg. I’ll have to get the old Lady to post a photo. Watched Johnny work his Frankenstein since early 2000’s and was thrilled to get some after following his grows for so long.
I’ve still got mine you sent as well, I actually still have all the seeds I’ve been gifted by all you generous mofos. Gonna see if the Auld LRUV’s I got from Reikox are still viable in a few days. They had a lovely smell. I’ll try them all (eventually)
@highminwin introduced me to the site and sent me seeds! Forever thankful to him but I believe I received my first beans in the mail from @AzSeaindooin420
Very good to see you back.
first person to give me seeds was before the seedbank was around. I posted on a netherlands usenet gardening group and asked if someone could send me seeds from a shop and i would pay them. the person refused payment and sent me some pot seeds and even put them in a dutch chrysanteum flower package for discreet shipping. They said they did it because it was a fun thing to do. Wish I could find that usenet post i did