Do you remember when you started Smoking and growing?

What’s up???

I was feeling nostalgic and so why not share and learn a bit about how we started?

I’ll start…

As a young man, at 18 I started smoking an occasional packet cigar, usually after lunch but soon I was smoking more and more tabacco.

At the same age someone got a small rock of hashish but not our hash, it was hard, brittle and didn’t taste too well, it was was we could get by then and I tried my first splifs back then.

By 21 and University freshman obviously I tried to get in the 420 culture but not easy until I had a house mate that introduced me to a real dealer and to many hard drugs later on.

Once I started getting real hashish I loved it right away, my house mate that is older and into trance festivals scene introduced me to his friends, DJs, Producers, potheads and all.
I was learning and every night out was a never ending learning about hard drugs, I ended up trying some and I had really good times.
On the last year of university I managed to make my first two grow tents out of 20€ fabric wardrobes, one for me and one for a friend this because my friends had a guerrilla grow and were very happy with it.
Because I was well connected and I got mostly hashish, some charas and ocasionally some weed and some of that weed had seeds we decided to try so I built the tents and on we were, I had one run but was learning and harvested like 3 weeks before is ready! And the second run were males.

University is over, lost most connections living a father live, kept the old dealer all the way until 2020, COVID, closed borders and bad quality high prices weed derivates, weed? not really no one had.

It finally happened, we got us a house and could leave the appartment, this house ended up having a wine cellar with direct input and output of air from my garden and it was it.

Because I had to build a real closet for my son bedroom I used the drywall sheets to make a grow room inside the cellar, wooden frame and that has been my garden ever since, haven’t stopped for 3 years now, no vacation nothing.

I have saved a lot by not buying hash and I have a far better product I use to get.
It become a enjoyable hobbie, still illegal here so I have to keep it a secret and have been working well.

Since I restarted growing I found OG and I have to say I have been very happy with this place, found amazing growers with amazing skills and It’s a pleasure to be learning everyday with you.


I started smoking at 7, older influences. Weed that’s is. Always joints. Pinners as you would say. Peer pressure was it, but then I was all over it. Bought it from 50 different people back in the day, even had a lows mid highs section in my notebook of numbers. Also those assholes that charge 45 for an eighth cause it was hydro or some shit. Almost always worth it but fucking dumb. By age 15 my group was the group to call for the hook up. Atleast withing the area. Then I went medical and started working farmers markets, boy was that great. Being a vendor. You didn’t have to buy anything, and that was right about when e rigs were coming out. That’s all I would’ve bought but dude didn’t make enough lmao. But back to smoking starts.
…after all the nonsense and ditching high-school in 10th grade. We sat around a wooden bowl filled with a freshly cured pound, until it was onto the next. I start growing around young teens. Was dumb enough to have a full backyard with 50 plants. Dumbest me lived on the main drag and cops chased a dude through my backyard. This Hella chill cop, said I ran through what’s back there, chop it.! Or were knocking. Done deal chopped. I then hooked up with a Cali old head that had unlimited supplies of hashish bud. Trim. Bho. Thai sticks. Everything, it was great. Truly great people. I miss them, lost touch. But bow still smoke and intake never have quit,. I’ll intake Mari j uana till the day I die!!!

Stay kind



BTW OVERGROW THE WORLD :earth_americas:, I can’t believe it asked me if this was a complete sentence. On the other hand a statement, or a mantra but damn.


Smoked my first joint in 1973. I was 14 years old, a school night, I smoked it in the basement while my parents watched tv upstairs. I was solo, which is different than most first times.

Grew first in the 90’s.

Good luck on your setup!


8th. Grade I was smoking and by 16 I was growing weed


Age 13 , caught my older brother smoking weed when we were hunting.
He insisted I smoke some, bastard knew if I did I couldn’t rat him out to mom and dad.
I wouldn’t have but here I am.


1979, put bag seed Cindy’s dads corn field.
Nothing came of it, we were clueless


I was 15 the first time I smoked. Put a bag seed in dry af dirt in a blazing hot attic and watched them not do anything that summer. Then I quit at 18 so I could get a job and support a family. I’d smoked a couple of times in between but I didn’t start smoking for real until VA went legal. That’s when I started growing too.

The plan was always to retire and start smoking again. I told my wife when I was 17 and we were dating that one day I’d sit on a park bench and smoke weed. I figured I’d be older and retired and wouldn’t care about legality. So now I get to do that and I didn’t even have to retire. Win win in my book.


Wow, some of you started smoking so early… Other times as I realise I’m much younger than most of you.
My father only smokes cigarettes and he started when he was 7, I was born mid 80s and drugs was demonized so I only smoke my first cigarrete after having the 18.
But from then on…until today wake and bake.

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First time I smoked was when I was 8, in 1966. A bit older buddy, who was 11, stole some weed, from his uncle, and we smoked it. And my sisters boyfriend, who was 14, also used to get me a buzz, and taught me my first guitar chords, so we would get a buzz, and he would show me stuff, on guitar. And jam on simple Blues. I started stealing my grannies Camel nons, when I was 4, and by the time I was 9, I smoked almost a pack a day, and would also smoke those Parody cigars. Hard as a rock, and super strong. I quit cigs, in 1976. I was up to 3 packs of KOOLs, per day. I OD shooting 95 units of 1:1000 Epinephrine. Quit all but weed. Still to this day.

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66! that’s the oldest so far!